Interesting Articles 2024

Gloriosa - amazing torches

Gloriosa is a surprisingly beautiful climbing plant with unusual flowers that resemble bright torches or Chinese lanterns. Perhaps that is why the plant got its name, which translates as "flower of glory." A few genus belongs to the colchicum family. In just a year, the flower manages to grow long lashes and become covered with flowers, and by autumn completely wither.

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How to grow an oak from an acorn at home

How to grow an oak from an acorn at home? Surely this question was asked by more than one summer resident, because a powerful and perennial tree is very hardy, requires a minimum of attention and is able to please more than one generation. Preparation of material for planting Success in such a difficult matter depends on the planting material, so it is important to choose the right acorn.

When to plant phlox in the spring in the open ground

Colorful elongated umbrellas in bright colors are phlox. They delight with their flowers throughout the summer, enveloping past people passing with a tart aroma. The key to success in the long life of phlox in gardens is a proper fit. When to plant phlox Planting phlox in the spring in the open ground should be early.

Tomato varieties Japanese crab: he asks for a salad

Bred a little over a decade ago in Altai, the tomato variety Japanese crab has become popular among lovers of large-fruited pink-fruited tomatoes. Having once tasted its fruits, you immediately become a constant fan of it. For the variety, the characteristic of one of the best salad tomatoes was fixed. The history of the appearance of the Japanese crab This tomato was bred in 2005 by the breeders of the company "Demeter-Siberia" from the city of Barnaul.

Viburnum red is a shrub or tree, - description

The plant, known as viburnum red, or common, belongs to a separate species of Viburnum, class Dicotyledonous. Valued for its fruits and bark, widely used in traditional medicine. In the wild, it is found in most temperate regions, and many prolific and beautifully flowering varieties are bred in the culture.

Cycas revoluta - care and reproduction

Tsikas revolution or Cycas revolving - one of the oldest plants on the planet. Florists have long adapted it to grow indoors. What kind of plant is it In nature, the cicada revolution reaches a height of 3 meters. The cycad grows slowly, dropping: only 1 row of foliage is formed per year. In indoor conditions, the flower usually does not grow above 1 meter.

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Bobovnik - lovely golden rain

Bobovnik is a deciduous tree from the Legume family. Its homeland is Central Europe and the Mediterranean. Thanks to botanists and landscape designers, today the area of ​​the plant has expanded significantly. Cultivated forms are sometimes called the "garden bean", but this is a common name, not a specific variety.

Fancy Indoor Plants and Tropical Flowers

It is difficult to find an apartment in which there were no indoor plants. And if most of the green inhabitants of window sills are easy to recognize, then there are among them those whose name you can’t guess right away. It is worth considering unusual exotic plants from the tropics and other rare indoor flowers. Unusual houseplants The list of unusual crops is quite large.

Papaya care at home, stone cultivation + varieties

Papaya is a palm plant, belongs to the Karikov family. Homeland - Mexico, Central and Northern South America. The distribution area at the moment is all tropical countries, as well as the south of Russia and the Caucasus. This exotic fruit is also called melon tree because of the similarity of the fruits. Description of the papaya The trunk of this tree-like culture is slim, thin, devoid of branches 3-10 m.

Primrose: description, planting and care

Primrose (spring primrose) is a decorative perennial. Distribution area - Northern America, Central Europe, China. Description of perennial primrose A perennial variety of a plant with low rhizome. Foliage lanceolate, round or oval, glossy, slightly pubescent. Color - from deep green to bronze.

Elsant strawberries - the standard of productivity and taste

Each summer resident or gardener tries to allocate the best place on his plot for planting strawberries (strawberry), because both children and adults are eagerly awaiting the appearance of this berry. After all, fragrant and delicious homemade strawberries is incomparable with what you can buy in the market or in the store. When picking garden strawberries for planting, gardeners prefer unpretentious, productive varieties with good taste and early ripening.

Felling: amazing muscat with a pear flavor

Among the variety of grape varieties, it is not easy to choose one that really lives up to expectations and settles in the garden for many years. This sort of grape can be Valyok - super early, productive, disease-resistant, frost-resistant, with excellent original taste - it is a worthy contender for the title of the ideal variety.

Growing pomegranates on the windowsill - an overview of popular indoor varieties

In the East, pomegranates have long been called the king of fruits. And indeed, no other fruit can be compared with this beauty in taste and valuable qualities. A variety of pomegranate varieties gives us fruits with tart, sweet or sweet and sour flesh and each taste has its own connoisseurs. Pomegranate - a brief description of the plant Pomegranate - fruit deciduous shrub or tree, reaching a height of 5 m or more.

Spathiphyllum Sweet Chico - characteristics and similar varieties

This is one of the most popular plants that can be found on the windowsill. With the help of Spathiphyllum Sweet Chico indoors, you can create coziness. Also, this plant cleans the air well, not too demanding in care. The features of the variety will be described below. Description of the variety of spathiphyllum Sweet Chico and its characteristics A perennial houseplant is grown on the windowsill.

What do snowdrops look like - what color are

Delicate fragile snowdrops appear in spring forests and in gardens with snow melting, on thawed patches. This is a real symbol of the approach of heat, the first signal of awakening of nature. There are many varieties of unpretentious snowdrop with delicate shades of petals. Gardeners can choose the appropriate option for breeding on the site and for decorating the flowerbed, front garden.

Types of greenhouses: a comparative overview of various types of structures

Many gardeners and gardeners equip greenhouses on their plots. This expands their ability to grow healthy, environmentally friendly products. Vegetables and fruits can be obtained all year round. The main thing is to develop a project correctly, choose good materials, build, order or buy a high-quality finished construction.

Coleus - planting and care at home, photo species and varieties

Photo of the plant Coleus (Coleus) - an evergreen herbaceous plant from the family Labretaceous. Under natural conditions, grows on the island of Java, found in the humid tropical forests of Africa and Asia. A shrub 30 to 55 cm high is easy to grow at home. The plant develops intensively. Coleus is a perennial shrub, but periodically it needs rejuvenation.

DIY flower pot decoration: the best workshops

Flowers are able to decorate any interior, complementing it with bright touches of fresh juicy colors. Fresh flowers in original decorated pots can become a bright accent of the interior, emphasizing the design of the room or site. Do-it-yourself decorating flower pots is an activity that allows you to transform ordinary containers for plants into original decor elements.