Interesting Articles 2024

Cherry plum - both tasty and beautiful

Cherry plum is a fruit tree familiar to everyone. Its amber-yellow fruits are inferior in taste to home plums. But plum is an ancestor, the original form for larger and sweeter varieties of plums. By autumn, a beautifully flowering tree is hung with round fruits translucent in the sun. Golden berries have long been used in folk medicine, because cherry plum is rich in B vitamins, as well as C and PP.

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Description - violet flame on soft foliage

Description - a perennial herb with delicate, velvety leaves. It belongs to the Gesneriaceae family and lives in Mexico, Brazil and the Antilles. In our country, the description is grown as a house flower. It forms compact bushes or long cascades in a cache-pot. For an unusual pattern on the leaves and their color, the plant is sometimes called the "violet flame" or "peacock flower."

TOP 5 indoor plants that bloom

We all want to observe the flowering of indoor plants, if not all year round, then at least most of it. Unfortunately, the bulk of the flowers need careful care, and in gratitude they release the long-awaited bud. But not all flowers are so whimsical. I picked up the TOP 5 flowering plants that do not need special growing conditions and are ready to bloom regularly.

Indoor Plant Description

Description - a chameleon plant from the Gesneriaceae family. In the wild, prefers shady, moist forests, located up to 2 thousand meters above the sea. Description Description is appreciated for its foliage. It comes in a variety of colors: emerald, jade, bronze, copper, silver. Greens are poured by nacre.

How to make a summer vaccination of fruit

I want to share the experience of summer grafting of fruit trees. Conducted an experiment forcibly, when the trunk of an old apple tree with tasty, large fruits broke. It became clear that the tree would have to be cut. I put a backup under a broken branch, wrapped up a place for breaking, took up the study of literature on budding.

How to grow ampelous cataractus from seeds

Kataranthus (Catharanthus) - an evergreen perennial plant, belongs to the family circle kutrovyh, looks like a shrub. It has about eight varieties. Tropical countries are considered to be the homeland: Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar Cuba, Java, Africa, Indochina, Indonesia. The exact place of origin cannot be determined.

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How to plant a walnut: tips and tricks

Walnut is a fairly unpretentious tree whose fruits strengthen immunity, brain activity, and the nervous system. The plant lives for about 300 years, was first imported from Greece, which is why it got this name. To obtain a fruitful plant, you need to know some rules for planting and caring for this treat.

Juniper rocky: planting and care

Rocky juniper is one of the representatives of the cypress family. Distributed on the continent of North America, mainly grows on mountainous rocky soil. This species does not belong to the most cultivated of the juniper genus. Description of the rocky juniper Shrub under natural conditions is able to grow up to 18 m in height, while the trunk in girth reaches 2 m.

Bilbergia - growing and care at home, photo species

Billbergia is a flowering, evergreen plant from the bromeliad family. It forms a rosette from wide, belt-shaped leaves in the center of which moisture accumulates. During flowering, throws direct peduncles with drooping inflorescences. Plant height does not exceed 60-70 cm. Homeland of Bilbergia Brazil.


Moliny is a large perennial cereal that grows from a single root in a lush bush. Thin and thick leaves resemble a lion’s mane, which from juicy green turns to golden in autumn. Such a lawn decoration effectively diversifies the usual design. Description Molinia is widespread in wild wastelands and mounds of the entire Northern Hemisphere.

Aloe acanthus or aristata - what kind of flower

Indoor plants delight the eye with their growth and flowering. Caring for green pets helps to escape from problems and brightens up gray everyday life. Each grower should pay attention to the spinous aloe: the plant is unpretentious, and it is interesting to grow it. Aloe spinous - what kind of flower is Aloe spinous (aloe aristata) - a single herbaceous plant that has the shape of a bush.

Hydrangea Pink Annabelle

A tree-like variety of hydrangeas is best established in the territory of central Russia. Pink Annabelle is characterized by lush flowering and low growth rate. Origin and appearance of hydrangeas Pink Annabel Hydrangea Pink Annabel is an artificially bred plant variety. The birthplace of selection is America, the time of appearance is the 18th century.

Orchid Pots: Criteria and Choices

The real queen of indoor flowers is the orchid. Today it is at the peak of popularity. Pots with these diverse and exotic colors can be found in every third house. They are loved for their long flowering, delicate smell and luxurious clusters of buds. But in the content they are whimsical. Description of flower The most common type of home orchid is phalaenopsis.

Spathiphyllum - leaves blacken around the edges, what to do

Spathiphyllum is a beautiful houseplant, which is often called "female happiness." This culture has excellent decorative properties of leaves and flowers. It is easy to care for. Moreover, sometimes when growing plants there are various problems. If spathiphyllum is grown, leaves on the edges blacken, what to do in this situation?