Monstera variegate or variegated in the interior


Monstera is a plant genus distributed in the warm and humid climate of Central and South America, as well as in East India. The name of the species comes from the Latin word "monstrum", which translates as "monster, monster", because of which the flower does not appeal to superstitious people. Due to the unpretentiousness of most monsters, many plant lovers keep a variety of types of houses, and they, in turn, fit perfectly into the interior.

What is monstera variegate

Monstera variegata is the type most suitable for keeping in an apartment, because these plants, when properly maintained, are even placed in a small room. It has variegated white-green leaves, and with age, the white area increases. Some specimens brought from Holland, over time, become common, that is, they lose their white color.

What does a flower look like

All species are considered large plants, but if you wish, you can provide proper conditions for this monster in a small room, but without basic knowledge about leaving this can not be done.

For your information! The flower was artificially bred, because of this it is more moody, but with proper care, the variegated monstera will please more than one year.

Monstera variegated in the interior

Plant netcreasia purpurea or purple, variegated

All types of monster look harmoniously in the interior of the apartment, and the variegated monstera will become a real decoration of any room, whether it be a kitchen or a living room. With it, you can create the feeling of being in the rainforest. Monstera in the interior of any apartment looks spectacular.

Note! If you want to refresh the design and decorate the room, then you can combine monstera leaves in the interior with dim objects in the house, gray walls, soft colors. They will fit into the design of the living room, bedroom due to their diversity.

Monstera in design

Home Monster Care and Trimming

Peperomia - species tinny, shriveled, clubby, watermelon, variegated

Compared to other types of monstera, Alba is more demanding on lighting and conditions. It grows slowly, you need to put it near the western or eastern windows to avoid burning or a long stay in the shade.

The basic rules for caring for a variegate monster:

  • in order to properly plant a monstera, it is necessary to lay out the drainage layer on the bottom of the pot. It is important to transplant the plant into a more spacious container in a timely manner (preferably in spring-summer) as its roots grow.
  • Monstera feels comfortable at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, that is, room temperature. It is advisable to humidify the air, especially at a higher air temperature in the house, in order to bring the conditions of the apartment closer to natural conditions. If the temperature drops, watering is less necessary;
  • dressing a monster is necessary, but the plant is also quite demanding on it. Some experts believe that it is undesirable to use organic fertilizers so that the flower does not lose its color, therefore they feed the variegate with mineral fertilizers for ornamental plants, but reduce the concentration by 50%;
  • if the monstera will grow, then she will need support. You can design it yourself or buy a finished coconut stick. It is worth wrapping the support with wet moss, to which aerial roots are attached;
  • Monstera should be watered with settled water. In terms of irrigation, this species is very capricious: it is impossible both to overmoisten the soil and to allow it to dry out. Water should be at room temperature. If the watering is too intense, dark spots form on the white areas of the leaves of the plant;
  • once every two weeks it is worth washing the plant under a warm shower or at least wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to wipe off the dust from them. When using the first method, tap water should be avoided in the pot. This can lead to fading of the vine.

Young tropical creeper shoot

How to shape a monstera at home

Monstera flower - what a plant and leaf look like

Any owner of this "monstrous" flower sooner or later wonders how to trim the variegate monstera. This procedure is needed when the plant has grown greatly or vice versa in order to accelerate its growth or provoke a lush branching.

Important! It is necessary to cut off sick or dead leaves.

The formation process is extremely simple: excess branches are cut with clean scissors. To activate the growth of shoots, you need to pinch off a small part and sprinkle the cut with ash.

For your information! Monstera is a poisonous plant, so you need to use gloves or, at a minimum, wash your hands thoroughly after the procedure.

Monstera Aerial Root Care

The aerial roots of the monstera are an inseparable and important part of the variegate, they can not be cut off if they do not interfere. If you still decide to remove them, then you need to reduce the length of the aerial roots by about half, they will temporarily stop growing.

Roots located lowest on the trunk should be directed into the soil if they reach it. This can be done by carefully tying them to the stem of the plant. Some roots located above can even attach themselves to the wall.

Note! You can pour the settled water into several containers and place the roots there.

In general, by its nature, aerial roots are not so much for nutrition as for support. They, like the whole monster, need to be sprayed (this should be done about once a week), otherwise they will suffer first of all with a lack of moisture.

Propagation of creepers

There are several ways to propagate vines. Perhaps the best and most common method is propagation by stem cuttings. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the shoots so that at least one bud and one leaf remain on each of them.
  2. Dry the cut points and sprinkle with coal powder. After that, plant 2-3 cuttings in one pot, while perlite should be contained in the soil.
  3. The soil should not dry out, and the temperature in the house should be above 20 ° C. To cuttings rooted faster, you need to cover them with a jar or bag. Sometimes this is a very long process, which can take up to six months.

Propagation by air layering is not the easiest way to use at home, but it is more effective than the rest. One of its advantages is that nothing needs to be cut off from the monstera. You should find an escape with the strongest and healthiest air roots on the plant and create moist conditions. To do this, you can wrap it with moss (attached using polyethylene), which must be constantly sprayed and watered.

Flower propagation

Propagation by apical cuttings consists in cutting off the top of an adult monstera and lowering the resulting stalk into a container of water. It is already possible to transplant when three root processes are formed on it.

Note! Variegate monstera has poisonous juices that are harmful to human skin. When working with them for a long time, there is a risk of burns. Therefore, always wear gloves.

In addition to the above methods, the flower can also be propagated by leaves and lateral processes, but these methods are not so convenient and effective.

Thus, the variegate monstera is an excellent option for an apartment: it complements the interior and does not require special expenses, as well as maintenance. To keep her at home, you only need to observe the optimal conditions that were described in this article. The flower will thank the unusual and pleasing to the eye appearance and clean air in the house.
