Primrose when blooming: ripening period and changes in flower care


When choosing indoor plants, most people prefer flowering, it is they who best decorate the house. Connoisseurs of ornamental plants know how indoor primrose blooms, and that's why they love it.

Plant dormancy

In certain periods, the growth of flowers stops, this time is called the dormant period. In primrose, it occurs after flowering; for different varieties, it can occur in summer or autumn. A plant at rest does not need to be fertilized and actively watered. It is enough to ensure that the earth remains moist.

Flowers in a pot


When and how it blooms

It is believed that primroses bloom only in early spring. Primrose is a plant whose flowering time depends on the variety. Some species bloom from April to June, while the flowering period of others falls at the beginning of summer.

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With a relatively small size of the plant, large and bright flowers grow on it. Often, the inflorescences are in the shape of an umbrella, grow on a flower-bearing stem with a height of 25 to 50 cm. Depending on the variety, 1 flower or a group of several buds grows on the stem.

The color scheme is extensive, includes shades of purple, red, flowers can be white, yellow or pink. Petals are plain or variegated in 2 or 3 colors at once.

Perennial varieties that bloom every year are very popular. Lovers of home plants know how long primrose blooms, and appreciate it for it. When properly maintained, the flowering period can last during winter and spring.

Flowering period

One of the best indoor flowers that quickly takes root at home is primrose. How much does this plant bloom? On average, the flowering period lasts 1-3 months, during the year, different types of primrose bloom several times.

If indoor primrose has faded, what to do next:

  • Remove dry and yellow leaves, inflorescences;
  • Reduce watering to 1-2 times a week in small portions of water. It is not necessary to spray with water from a spray gun;
  • Leave the plant in a cool lighted room.

Why does not bloom

Primroses look great during flowering, it is for this that they are bought. Sometimes primrose owners are faced with the problem of the lack of flowers on the plant, the reasons for this may be different:

  • Increased room temperature. Primroses poorly tolerate temperatures above 19-20 ° C, they will grow, but without flowers;
  • Low humidity in the room, in this case the flower begins to dry, it does not have enough strength for flowering. Also, the primrose should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • Strong drafts. Indoor plants are less resistant to temperature changes;
  • Lack of sunlight. This usually happens if the pot is near the north window;
  • In the heating season, a flower pot stands on the windowsill above the battery;
  • Lack of pot space. Over time, the flower grows, it needs to be replanted - it may not have enough of the previous volumes of land. A new pot should be 2-3 times larger than the top of the plant;
  • Lack of fertilizer. If the soil does not have time to feed, the primrose may not have enough nutrients to form inflorescences;
  • Too frequent watering, the use of untreated tap water;
  • Improper land composition and soil salting;
  • Lack of a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, stagnation of water;
  • The plant is affected by diseases or pests. You can recognize the problem by the color of the leaves, they change their color or become stained;
  • Too early for flowering. Perhaps primrose is growing at home, the flowering season of which begins later.

The presence of at least 1 problem can slow down the flowering period. If all the causes are eliminated, already in the next season the plant will bloom again.

Note! Often annual plants are sold in flower shops; this must be specified when buying. If the primrose is annual, there will be no re-flowering.


When lavender blooms

There are about 400 species of plants that are divided into separate sections. Different primroses require different conditions for growth and development, bloom at different times and externally differ from each other. This flower can be garden and indoor, annual and perennial.

Flowers of different colors

Among indoor flowers, the most popular are:

  • Obkonika is a perennial flower of small size. If you properly care for the primrose Obkonik, it can bloom all year round;
  • Stemless primrose - a small flower whose height does not exceed 20 cm. The flowering season begins in April, ends in July;
  • Soft. The flowering period of a perennial plant begins in early spring and lasts until the beginning of summer.

Among garden primroses, the following varieties are popular:

  • Japanese The form of inflorescences is candelabrum, grows up to 30-50 cm in height. Flowering begins in June, lasts 1 month;
  • Orchidacea, or primrose of Viale. It differs in its appearance, an inflorescence with bell flowers is formed on the peduncle;
  • High. Grows up to 40-50 cm in height, an inflorescence in the shape of an umbrella consists of flowers 2 cm in diameter. The flowering season lasts from early April to late May;
  • Pillow-shaped. The flowers of this primrose are solitary, not collected in inflorescences. Flowering continues from early April to late May.

Note! Primrose, when it blooms, becomes like a violet.

Home Care

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How long indoor primrose blooms depends on how it was looked after. The photophilous plant loves coolness and does not tolerate direct sunlight. Active care for the primrose begins after a dormant period, during flowering it is enough to monitor the air temperature and water on time.

Multi-colored in pots


Primroses are unpretentious to air humidity. In the wild, primrose grows one of the first, grows during the thaw and is constantly in a humid environment. In dry weather, the leaves of the flower may dry, it needs to be sprayed every day.

In summer, next to the flower, you can put a jar or any container with water. Vapors will maintain the necessary humidity. Another option is to place a pot of primrose on top of wet pebbles or expanded clay. Drainage should be poured into a tray and moistened, put a pot on top. Also, the flower can be put on a damp cloth.

Drainage layer

Note! If moist drainage is poured into the pan, it must be ensured that the pot does not touch the water.


Primrose requires regular watering. The soil in which the flower grows should always be moderately moist. Liquid stagnation must not be allowed, otherwise the root system will begin to rot. Before use, tap water should stand for 2-3 days in open bottles. Bad or contaminated water can ruin a plant.

Watering in spring, summer and in the autumn-winter period differ:

  • In spring, there is no exact schedule for watering primroses, it is better to focus on the moisture of the earth. If the top layer is completely dry, the flower requires watering. You do not need to moisten the earth daily, it is enough to water a flower every day after a little water;
  • In summer, in dry weather, the plant requires more water, it is watered every other day or every day. Once a month, a flower can have a light shower. The procedure will not only moisten the soil, but also wash away excess dust;
  • In the autumn-winter period, the primrose is prepared for the rest period and the next flowering. Watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week.


Not everyone knows when to fertilize and the better to feed the primrose in spring for lush flowering. In the dormant period, when the plant does not bloom, it is not necessary to fertilize the earth.

Primrose during flowering requires a small amount of fertilizer. Feeding rules:

  • The flower is fed with a complex fertilizer for flowering plants;
  • The fertilizer should contain phosphorus, zinc and potassium;
  • It is better to refuse fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen;
  • The amount of fertilizer indicated on the package is reduced by 2 times;
  • During the flowering period, top dressing is carried out every 2 weeks until the end of the season.

Note! You do not need to feed the primrose before the formation of buds, otherwise only the leaves will begin to grow.


Primroses are not afraid of cold weather and low temperatures, in such conditions they grow well. Indoor primrose does not take root in hot and dry rooms. The ideal air temperature should be between 14-18 ° C, the plant also feels good at 11-13 ° C.

In summer, the flower normally tolerates temperatures up to 20 ° C, but it must be regularly moistened. At the end of summer, the primrose must be moved to a cool room, the temperature in which is not more than 16-18 ° C, otherwise it may not bloom.

Note! In winter, primroses can not be placed on the windowsill if the radiator under it is too hot. From excess heat, the flower will begin to fade and may die.

Breeding methods

Primrose is propagated using seeds, cuttings or dividing into parts. Seeds are planted in winter, vegetative propagation is carried out from June to July.


Primrose is propagated with seeds in winter, immediately after harvest. If the seeds have been stored for more than a month, their germination is partially reduced, and the germination time is increased. Storage throughout the season reduces the likelihood of seedlings by 70-80%.

Primrose sprouts

How to sow correctly:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the substrate for planting in advance, it consists of sheet soil, cleaned and decontaminated sand and peat soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 1;
  2. The land mixture is poured into a low-capacity container of a sufficient area;
  3. Seeds are evenly distributed on the surface of the earth, sprinkled on top. They do not need to be buried, it will be more difficult for them to germinate;
  4. The container with the ground must be covered with glass or plastic, you can tighten it with cling film. The container is placed in a cool room, the air temperature should not exceed 15-19 ° C;
  5. You can transplant the sprouts into separate containers at the moment when several leaves have grown.

Usually, when sown in the autumn, sprouts appear for 3-5 months, during spring planting, seeds germinate already on the 25-30th day.


You can get the right amount of cuttings after pruning the flower. Cutting primrose is carried out if the flower is small or a weak leaf rosette, and there is no way to divide the bush in half. How to cut properly:

  1. From the base of the flower near the roots, you need to cut off a leaf with a stalk with a sharp knife;
  2. A layer of peat soil is poured into the container for planting, 2 times less coarse sand is poured on top;
  3. In the prepared mixture it is necessary to place the stalk, it should be at an angle and buried in the ground by 2-3 cm. The soil must be abundantly irrigated with water;
  4. The container with cuttings is covered with a film or glass. The air temperature in the room should be between 15-18 ° C.

Every day, the film is opened to ventilate and water the earth. It takes 80-120 days to root, during which time roots and small leaves will grow. The plant is transplanted into a separate pot with soil for primrose. Flowering will begin no sooner than after 5-6 months.

Dividing the bush

A more common way of propagating primrose is to divide the bush. You can share plants aged 3-4 years. The procedure is carried out only 7-14 days after the end of the flowering season. How to divide a bush into parts:

  1. The primrose must be carefully removed from the pot, the roots shaken off the ground;
  2. The roots must be clean, for this they are washed with cold water;
  3. A well-sharpened knife primrose is divided into several parts, each of them should have a growth point - a piece of the main shoot;
  4. All side sections must be sprinkled with coal powder or ash;
  5. A cut bush needs to be planted immediately, otherwise it may dry out. A substrate is placed in a low box for planting a primrose, into which the cut parts are placed. Earth needs to be watered;
  6. On top of the box is covered with glass or tightened with a film, it should stand in a bright room at a temperature of no higher than 19 ° C. Every day the earth is ventilated, watered with a small amount of water.

After 15-20 days, the plants are transplanted into separate pots.

Note! Earth should be moist, but not moist. If the container is closed with a stack, excessive moisture will provoke the development of the fungus or rotting of the roots.

Flower pruning

Caring for primrose is not only watering and fertilizing, you need to trim the plant on time. Not everyone knows which leaves should be removed and whether primrose should be pruned at all after flowering.

Dry leaf pruning


For room primrose, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning during flowering and when it fades. In the summer, primrose need to cut dry leaves so that they do not interfere. It is impossible to prune foliage of garden varieties before winter, since it protects the flower from hypothermia. Indoor plants spend the winter indoors, regardless of the season, yellowing leaves need to be cut off from the indoor flower.

Primrose during flowering requires sanitary pruning, at this time, wilted flowers are necessarily removed along with the stalk-peduncle. If this is not done, they will draw part of the nutrients from the soil. After removal, all the forces of the plant will be directed to the formation of new inflorescences.

The real decoration of any garden or apartment is a blooming primrose, the timing of its flowering depends on how it was looked after, and in what conditions it grows. If the plant is provided with the necessary conditions, it will delight with lush flowering for several months in a row.


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