Plumeria: home care and methods of reproduction


Plumeria - a flower is very beautiful, tropical, with unique inflorescences. The plant belongs to the genus of tropical trees of the Kutrov family. The flowers exude a pleasant aroma reminiscent of a mixture of citrus notes with jasmine, spices, gardenia and lilies of the valley. The most intense smell in their morning hours. Depending on the species, the flowers are pink, white, yellow, red or covered with combinations of these flowers. Several flowers, up to 10 cm in size, appear on the stalk at once. Each of them has 5 petals, usually oval in shape, but they also exist in the shape of a spatula, both narrowed and wide, can be flat or with curved edges. Insects flock to the smell, but, unfortunately, they do not have nectar.

Appearance story

A very beautiful and incredibly fragrant flower - plumeria grows in the tropics. Flowers grow on trees, characterized by a variety of colors. Depending on the species, plumeria can be white, yellow or colored red. Some inexperienced growers may confuse rhododendron with plumeria.


Flowers were popular several millennia ago on the South American continent, from where they spread throughout the globe. Ancient tribes attached great importance to them: they decorated temples. Today, in the homeland of plumeria, flowers adorn the hair of women. Moreover, the location of the living decoration indicates the family status of the Tropicans. If the flower is located on the right side, then the girl is in search of her soulmate. Married women wear plumeria on the left.

In Europe, this plant appeared in the 17th century; it got its name in honor of the botanist from France, Charles Plumer.

Common varieties

The family has eight species of semi-evergreen trees. Some of them can reach eight meters in height. Trees grow very quickly, the reason for their activity is unpretentiousness to soil and climate. Rigid straight branches are covered with shiny leathery leaves and clusters of charming inflorescences. In one inflorescence, the number of flowers can reach hundreds.

Abelia large-flowered: home care and methods of reproduction

A very large number of varieties bred on the basis of red plumeria, popular among them:

  1. Mardi Gras. A tree with a large leaf blade. It has a slender trunk. The buds bloom bright yellow, smoothly turning into a pink and purple color. They emit a rich aroma.
  2. Pink Pearl A wonderful plant that can bloom with dark pink or raspberry flowers. Petals are round, ovoid. They have an interesting color from orange to reddish-orange.
  3. Tricolor. A low tree with very fragrant flowers that are quite large compared to other varieties. The petals of the buds have a flowing color from the pinkish edges to the white center and the yellowish base.
  4. Lutea. This tree has beautiful lemon-yellow flowers, sometimes you can find plants with golden yellow flowers at the base and a white edging at the end.
  5. Chupa Chups. Spreading plant. May have 2 forms: shrub or sapling. The petals of the flowers are round in shape, have a white-pink color, in the center of them you can observe the manifestation of a bright strip of raspberry color.

Useful! Also among the popular varieties include Plumeria Angel Gold, Plumeria Maldives, Lucky Moon, Super Glow. Popular among flower growers are Kstovo Plumeria and Pattaya Plumeria, as well as a variety of this plumeria - Pattaya Resort. In honor of many varieties called neighborhoods, hotels and restaurants.

The first plumeria flowers appear in March, they continue to bloom until September, sometimes until October. In addition to its amazing beauty, plumeria is famous for its delicious aroma. It is noteworthy that the smell can change due to environmental conditions. The sweet fragrance is so strong that it attracts many different insects.

Plumeria red

All existing species were bred based on the Frangipani plumeria:

  • White plumeria - a species with large flowers and a bright aroma;
  • Dumb plumeria is a rare species in Russia; it is more common in China and America. After flowering, it forms fruits that are unsuitable for food.
  • Plumeria is red - on the basis of this species a very large number of varieties was bred, flowers have a very wide variety of colors.

Home Care

Catharanthus flower: home care and methods of reproduction

The leaves are dark green elliptical in shape, but there are also lanceolate (very similar to ficus leaves). The stem has a grayish-brown color, usually bare, foliage only on top. Flowering falls in the summer. After flowering, pods with brown seeds are formed.

Plumeria Care

The tropical beauty is very fond of flower growers and now adorns window sills in many homes. Plumeria grows not only in the tropics - thanks to its unpretentiousness, it pleases the whole world with its exotic beauty.

Useful! What care does plumeria need at home? Plumeria needs a microclimate similar to the climate of its homeland - the tropics. Creating the conditions for good indoor growth is not so difficult.


The homeland of Frangipani is Rainforest (a place with a very humid climate due to heavy rains). This should not be forgotten when growing a house culture. Irrigation is necessary frequent and plentiful, it is possible to use settled warm water for this purpose. From chlorinated water (directly from the tap) Frangipani can die. There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, and drainage is installed. Under the tank is a pallet. It will collect excess water, which will need to be drained. This will prevent acidification of the earth and the development of putrefactive microorganisms. Watering is done as soon as the topsoil dries, from the drought of the flower you can observe falling leaves.


It is necessary to spray the room where the flower is located a couple of times a week.


The tree feels "at home" at room temperature, you can increase the temperature bar to 28 ° C, not higher. When the summer heat comes, it requires additional shading, you can completely remove it from the window.


Frangipani needs a lot of diffused light, so you need to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves. If the sun is not enough, the plumeria will begin to stretch and lose its brightness. You should place the plant on the eastern or western windowsills and provide sufficient lighting without direct sunlight.

Top dressing

In spring, before flowering, they are fed with complex mineral fertilizers for ornamental deciduous plants. When inflorescences appear, they switch to fertilizers for flowering. Do not forget that you need to fertilize only 2 times a month and strictly observe the proportions indicated on the package.


Pruning for a plant is required in several cases: when it is necessary to form a crown, and also when an adult tree needs rejuvenation. The best period for the procedure is early spring. Immediately after the snow melts with a sharp garden knife or secateurs, pruning of branches is carried out. Previously, the tool must be treated with an alcohol solution so as not to subsequently infect the culture with fungal diseases.

The laying of the kidneys after trimming

Important! Flower buds are laid only on young shoots, so regular trimming of old branches is required. The number of cuts depends on the age and condition of the plant.

Plant transplant

Young plantings require an annual change of substrate, so they need to be replanted every year. Adult plants can be transplanted once every couple of years. The transplant should be carried out in the spring, it was at this time that the trees adapt best and recover faster. For transplantation, it is necessary to take a new container, which will be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

Lithops: home care and methods of reproduction

The substrate for plumeria can be purchased at the store, can be made independently, it is very important to observe the proportions.

Description of soil composition:

  • sand (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • humus (1 part);
  • turf land (2 parts).

Useful! Many flower growers recommend adding egg shells, crushed almost to a powder state, to this soil.

Pebble is necessarily laid out on the bottom of the pot, soil is already poured on top of it. A plant is planted, and the roots are covered with the remnants of the earth.

Breeding methods

Basically, plumeria is propagated at home in two tricks: seeds and cuttings. They are quite simple and always give a good result.


Sowing seeds of indoor flower is carried out in spring. In early March, a container and soil are prepared for sowing seeds. Be sure to disinfect with drugs. To propagate plumeria from seeds at home, it is necessary to take pots, which in diameter will be at least 6 cm. The soil is poured into them, then the seeds are sown.

The composition of the soil mixture:

  • peat;
  • perlite;
  • sand.

All components are taken in uniform parts.

After sowing the seeds, the soil is shed by sprinkling, then a film is stretched over the pots. The container is placed in a warm room, until the first shoots appear (they will appear in 10-15 days). In the phase of 3-4 leaflets, planting is dived, all plants are planted in separate pots.


Cuttings for propagation can be harvested at any time of the year. This is usually done when trimming is done. Cut branches are an excellent material for propagation. Each stalk should be from 20 to 25 cm. Before planting, cuttings are removed from the cuttings, they are placed in a warm, dry place. Already then planting material is planted in the ground at an acute angle. After 2-3 weeks, buds will begin to be laid on future plants - this is a signal that plantings have begun to take root. For planting plumeria, home care should be carried out as follows:

  • soil check and watering;
  • spraying and maintaining moisture;
  • tracking the condition of seedlings.

Propagation of plumeria by cuttings


Plumeria flowers differ in color and shape. Petals can be widely spaced or tightly pressed. The five-petal plumeria flower home care is quite simple - if you take into account all the recommendations and take proper care, you can easily grow a beautiful plant. Step-by-step instructions on breeding will allow you to breed this culture on your own in the house.


Watch the video: How to Root a Plumeria Cutting with Steve Goto (October 2024).