Barberry Red Pillar - description and cultivation


Ornamental plant barberry Red Pillar is one of the most compact bushes. An additional highlight is given to it by the presence of a huge number of berries that remain on the seedling all winter. The Thunberg barberry Red pillar was brought to Russia only in the last century. He grew up in the mountains, and after the breeders adapted it to almost any climate.

Description of Barberry Red Pillar

This species has the full name Barberry Tunberg Red Pillar. The bush in adulthood reaches 1.5 meters in height. Crohn is not more than 50 cm.

The branches of the plant are straight and very strong, equipped with small spines. The name Red Pillar is due to the color of the leaves. The dark red color may vary depending on weather conditions and light levels.

Barberry Red Pillar

When planting in the shady area, the leaves begin to gradually fade, and then acquire a grayish tint. This is what determines the recommendation to plant this barberry in lighted, open places.

For reference! The full name of the variety in Latin is Berberis Thunbergii Red pillar.

Planting a plant

This sapling is best suited for development by light, drained soil. The place should be as sunny as possible and protected from wind loads.

Barberry Harlequin Tunberg - description, planting and care

Planting a plant in the ground is allowed only after complete warming up of the soil. For this bush, it is important to observe the distance between the planting material. Minimum it should be at least one and a half meters. This requirement is due to the huge love of plants for sunlight.

To form a decorative hedge, 3 young bushes in each hole are planted simultaneously in a common trench. Another landing option - the holes are staggered.

Seed planting

For seed propagation, berries are harvested from barberry in the fall. Seeds inside are washed and disinfected in potassium permanganate for at least 1 hour. Sanitized material is stored in the dark until next year.

In October, before the cold snap, the seeds should be planted in the prepared soil.

Important! It is not recommended to use surface seeding; the planting should be deepened by 1.5-2 cm.

Barberry seeds Red Pillar

Planting seedlings in open ground

Already formed seedlings are planted in the spring. This type requires compliance with the landing scheme.

The distance between plants should be at least 3 centimeters. For two years, young bushes should not be touched, they should grow in this place.

In the third year, they need to be transplanted to a permanent, pre-planned place.

How to Care for Red Pillar Barberry

This type of ornamental shrub does not require special care. The main thing is to carry out timely pruning and monitor the external state of the plant. With external changes uncharacteristic for this species, you need to adjust the irrigation regime in time and feed the barberry.


Barberry Orange Rocket - description and cultivation

Red Pilar is a barberry that does not require frequent watering. When the topsoil dries, irrigation is carried out with warm water directly under the root.

olive should be accompanied by loosening of the substrate around the planting. In dry weather, it is advisable to lay out the earth around the bush with mulch.

Remember! Categorically it is impossible to allow overmoistening of the soil.

Top dressing

Organic fertilizers are considered the most useful for this seedling. It can be a mullein infusion or compost.

Before flowering, the bushes need to be fed with a composition of potassium and phosphate fertilizers.

Preparations containing nitrogen are often undesirable for feeding. It is recommended that they be used no more than 3 times a year. It can be urea infusion, so beloved by all summer residents.


Red pillar perfectly tolerates even strong pruning trimming. For sanitary purposes, before the formation of buds, it is required to remove all frozen parts of the bush.

Haircut for decorative purposes is carried out in spring or late autumn.

Breeding methods

Barberry Maria - description and cultivation

Red pilar - barberry, which can be propagated in different ways:

  • The seeds. The longest way. Seed preparation takes almost a year. In the fall, they gather from the fruit and only the next year, in the fall they land in the prepared soil.
  • Cuttings. In an adult, 15-centimeter shoots are cut with a sharp knife. All leaflets are removed from the bottom of the handle. Prepared branches are soaked in a Kornevin solution. Germination of cuttings should take place in greenhouse conditions.
  • Layering. The young shoot of an adult bush is deflected and attached to the ground by any means at hand. The following year, the process is separated from the parent bush and transplanted to a new place.
  • Division. An adult bush is dug up and gently cut with a knife. The roots before this need to be untangled as much as possible so as not to damage the roots much. The received cuts before planting must be processed with any growth stimulator.

Any procedures must be performed with a well-sanitized tool.

Diseases and Pests

This species is very resistant to garden insects and diseases.

With improper care and selection of a planting site, a seedling can become infected with powdery mildew or rust. For treatment, it is recommended to use colloidal sulfur.

Advice! Severely affected parts of the bush must be removed and destroyed in order to prevent the spread of infection to the entire bush.

Pests due to which the plant may be affected - aphids, moths. As a rule, they appear from neighboring untidy areas or due to the presence of weed grass.

To protect the plant from aphid invasion, the bush is sprayed with tobacco solution. In the autumn period, it is important to cultivate the land with chemicals, such as Decis.

Advice! To combat insects, it is necessary to timely clean all weeds and infected plants from the site.

Flowering period

Barberis of Thunberg Red Pillar blooms in late spring, early summer. Flowers have two shades: the inside is yellow and the outside is red. Inflorescences are most often collected in brushes of several pieces or are located singly.

Process of flowering barberry

Winter preparations

For the winter period in the first three years after planting, mandatory shelter is required with special materials. For these purposes, spunbond, lutrasil or ordinary burlap are ideal.

Barberry tolerates winter well, but in severe frosts the tops of the stems can freeze. Most often, this trouble occurs on annual shoots. If the plant is already an adult, then you need to install a frame of boards. This will help protect the shrub from gusts of wind and snow loads.

Proper wintering of the plant

Use in landscape design

Very often, decorative barberry is used in landscape design to create low hedges.

Decorators also use Red Pillar for single landings. The appearance of the columnar plant creates a bright accent in any area. When creating mixed compositions with other perennials, the decorative properties become even more pronounced.

Landscaping hedge

Healing properties

Description of the main useful qualities of barberry can be found in traditional and traditional medicine.

The berry has a lot of useful properties. It is used as a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic agent.

In folk medicine, it is recommended to use barberry to relieve pain in gastric colic.

Healing Berries of Barberry

The juice of this culture causes appetite and has a laxative effect.

For information! In pharmacology, berries are used for the preparation of tinctures, teas, ointments.

Barberry Red Pillar is the brightest representative of ornamental plants. In his work, it is with great pleasure that professional landscape designers use it. The beneficial properties of this plant are widely used in the medical field. Ease of care and beauty are the main features thanks to which ordinary gardeners are happy to acquire this plant.


Watch the video: All About Japanese Barberries (October 2024).