How to propagate Decembrist at home


The Decembrist is a forest cactus that blooms all winter. With long-term flower cultivation, there is a need for its cultivation. The best time for breeding a Decembrist at home is considered the end of February.

Popular seating methods

The Decembrist is not the most common plant that grows at home. When the rest period begins in most indoor flowers, the Decembrist, on the contrary, begins a period of activity. This should be considered when breeding a plant.


It is better for beginners to start with simple ways of propagating Decembrists - cuttings or seeds. For other methods, knowledge and experience will be required.

Decembrist propagation by cuttings

The easiest way to propagate the Decembrist flower at home is with apical cuttings. The plant is very unpretentious, cuttings quickly give roots and take root in a new place.

Propagation by apical cuttings

With this dilution, cuttings can be rooted in two ways - in water and in the ground. In both cases, the roots appear equally quickly.

How to propagate Decembrist cuttings:

  1. Prepare long branches with a lot of leaves.
  2. Do not cut the stem, but break it off with your hands at the base of the stem.
  3. Put it in a glass of water.
  4. Change the fluid regularly so that it does not deteriorate.
  5. When the roots appear after 2 weeks, the stalk can be transplanted into the ground.

If the cuttings are planned to be rooted in the soil, they are first left for 2 days on the windowsill. Then transplanted into the ground and cover with a cropped bottle (it is regularly removed to ventilate the soil).

Decembrist Cuttings

Seed propagation

How to propagate Decembrist at home: examples without roots and leaves

When choosing this method, planting material can be collected from a home plant.

Additional Information! Seeds will only be in pollinated flowers. You need to wait until they wither and the berry ripens. This is a very long process that lasts from 6 to 8 months. Sowing seeds is carried out in the spring.

How to plant a Decembrist seed way:

  • Before planting, rinse the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, then warm them up.
  • Plant the seeds in the ground, cover the container with a bag.
  • Remove the bag several times a week to water and ventilate the soil.
  • When sprouts appear, remove the package.

Transplanting seedlings is carried out after the seedlings have grown and strengthened.

Decembrist seeds

Propagation by air layering

This method is similar to propagation by cuttings.

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How to take the appendix from the Decembrist:

  1. Pour abundantly a flower.
  2. The next day, break off a few leaves of the plant.
  3. Then proceed to landing.

How do Decembrist flowers propagate by layering:

  1. Break off a leaf with thin white roots.
  2. Plant it in a soil mixture for indoor plants.
  3. Water abundantly and cover with a cut off bottle.
  4. Several times a week the bottle is removed to ventilate the soil. If this is not done, mold will appear.

Attention! To understand that the layering can be transplanted into a new soil, it is possible by the new leaves that have appeared.

Decembrist propagation by leaf

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The step-by-step process of propagating a plant from a leaflet is similar to planting cuttings and air layers.

How to plant a Decembrist from a leaf:

  1. Tear off a large and healthy leaf.
  2. Put it in a Kornevin solution.
  3. Plant half the entire length in the soil with expanded clay.
  4. When the roots appear, transplant the sheet into the ground at a permanent place.

This method of reproduction is the least popular, and few flower growers use it. It is not known whether the roots will appear from the leaflet and whether it will rot.

Planting with leaf segments

Propagation of a plant by a part of the root

This method can be used if the Decembrist is sick and wilted, but the root remains intact.

How the Decembrist propagates part of the root:

  1. Mix peat with turfy ground and coarse sand.
  2. Water the soil.
  3. If there are damaged areas on the roots, trim them.
  4. Place the root for 20-30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Dry it, sprinkle the places of cuts with charcoal.
  6. Plant the spine shallow in the ground and water.
  7. Put a cut-off bottle on top of the container to make a greenhouse.

Attention! After a while, sprouts should appear. After that, the bottle can be removed. As soon as the Decembrist from the root grows, it will need to be transplanted into new soil in a large pot.

Rooting process and planting

When the seedlings get stronger and grow, you can begin to transplant them to a permanent place. First you need to prepare the soil and choose a pot. Capacity should be wide and low. The root system is located in the upper soil layer, so deep pots are not suitable for the plant.

How to prepare the soil:

  1. Combine peat and turf in equal parts.
  2. Add two pieces of leaf soil.
  3. Pour some crushed charcoal.
  4. Add expanded clay so that the soil is breathable.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly to get a homogeneous substrate.

Decembrist prefers slightly acidic soil, so before planting you need to test the soil for acidity. This can be done using special strips that are sold in gardening stores.

How to root a Decembrist without roots:

  1. If the roots are poorly developed, the seedlings can be put on a day in the growth activator (Kornevin, Epin).
  2. Dry the seedling and plant it in the ground.
  3. Cover with a bag. Thanks to heat, the root system will develop more actively.
  4. Remove the bag periodically to ventilate the ground.
  5. When the seedling is strong enough, transplant it.


Subsequent care of seedlings

Without properly organized care, seedlings will take longer. After transplanting, they are regularly watered with warm, settled water. The main thing is not to overmoisten the soil. Once a month, fertilizer can be applied to the soil for flowering indoor plants and Decembrists.

Another important point is lighting and room temperature. A flower prefers partial shade or shadow. Putting pots on sunny windows is undesirable. Burns may appear on the foliage. The flower does not need additional illumination in winter, for laying the buds it is only necessary to reduce sunlight. The optimum temperature is from +17 to +25 degrees.

Diseases and pests during the propagation of Decembrist

A Decembrist flower, breeding at home which has gone wrong, will not grow normally. If an unpleasant odor starts to come from the handle, it means there is a fungal infection on it. If it is not there, the root system may have wilted. Sometimes this happens due to irrigation of the flower with cool water or the presence of a pot with a plant in a draft.

Important! If the stalk began to rot, then the soil is waterlogged. It must be removed from the soil and dried for 2-3 days. Then again to land, but already in new soil, and less often to water.

If the plant begins to fade, there may be two reasons. The first - the flower fell ill with late blight. The second - the plant was irrigated with ice water or overheated in the sun. The root system can burn highly concentrated solutions of fertilizing.

Fading flower


Fortunately, there are many ways to propagate Decembrists. Almost all of them are very simple. Young bushes of the plant quickly take root in a new place, regardless of the selected breeding method.


Watch the video: Campaign Wrap-up. Talks Machina (October 2024).