How to plant a money tree at home


Money tree (Crassula) can be found in almost every home. It is believed that the plant attracts finances and good fortune, so many people wish to grow a flower in their home. The question of how to plant a money tree is asked by many beginner growers.

How to plant a money tree at home

From the correct planting of the fat woman (the second name of the flower is "Crassula"), its further development and growth depends. The process itself is simple and takes a little time.

Money tree - a talisman that brings financial prosperity

Selection of planting material and soil

Initially, it is recommended to select planting material and prepare the soil. There are several ways to grow a money tree:

  • leaflets;
  • by seeds;
  • cuttings.
Money tree - how to plant a shoot at home

Seeds for planting are used quite rarely, in most cases, two other methods are chosen. There are several methods for planting a shoot of a money tree:

  • Put the stalk in the water and wait for the roots to appear, then transplant the plant into a selected pot. It takes a little time, the root system is formed quickly.
  • The cut stalk is left in a dry and dark place for about a week to dry. Then place it in a cup of wet sand. It is important to constantly monitor soil moisture. After rooting occurs, the culture is transplanted to a permanent place.
  • It is allowed to plant the cuttings immediately in a selected pot, and then cover it with a jar or film. After some time, new leaves begin to appear on the plant, then the shelter can be removed.
  • A leaf of the fatty is placed in the ground, fix it in a standing position. Water carefully, using a spray bottle. Gradually, the roots of the plant will appear, and it will begin to grow.

Additional Information! It is important not to pull the flower constantly, but to wait for the qualitative growth of the root system. It is recommended that you select a suitable container before boarding. It is better to immediately choose a pot of ceramic or clay with a good volume.

When choosing soil pay attention to its nutritional value and friability. In poor-quality soil, the plant does not adapt well and develops. Soil for a fat woman consists of the components:

  • 1/3 sand;
  • 1/2 peat;
  • 1/2 sheet earth;
  • a small amount of perlite or vermiculite.

For a fat woman, it’s important to choose a suitable pot

It’s easy to plant a money tree, just follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the selected container. For this purpose, use gravel, expanded clay or pebbles. Layer make 2 cm.
  2. Pour prepared soil.
  3. Gently place the sprout in the pot, straighten the roots.
  4. The required amount of earth is added to the sides, slightly compacted.
  5. After planting, gently watered.

Further development depends on care and environmental conditions. Crassula can grow tall and large, so it is important to transplant on time.

Sprouts quickly give roots in water

Money tree as a talisman for attracting money

How to form a money tree at home

According to the recommendations of Feng Shui experts, planting a money tree provides people with financial success and prosperity. A lot of signs and superstitions are connected with the plant. It is advisable to pay attention to the following:

  • For profit recommend to communicate with a fat girl. The best day of the week is Wednesday. They tell the money tree about problems in finances, ask him for help and success. Do it with a soul.
  • When wiping the leaves, it is recommended to count them. Each leaf symbolizes a coin, and money, as you know, loves an account.
  • For planting, choose a red pot. If this is not the case, then the problem is solved in another way - they tie it with a red ribbon or apply patterns of red paint on it.
  • After the profit has appeared, a few coins are placed near the pot. This enhances the effect of the money tree as a talisman.

Note! Often the appearance of a money tree in a house helps to solve many problems. It is recommended to follow the rules for the care of the plant.

Special well-being in the house is expected when the money tree has bloomed. At home, this rarely happens, so the appearance of flowers on the plant is a favorable sign.

Money tree can be grown even from a leaf

If the pot suddenly fell and crashed - this is not a negative sign. The phenomenon suggests that material well-being, on the contrary, will improve. In this case, the appearance of envious people.

It is important to provide a good place in the interior for the flower. The room should not be bright and contrasting shades.

Signs related to planting a money tree

Money Tree - how to plant it correctly so that money is kept

Planting a money tree is performed in various ways. Consider the signs to attract well-being:

  • The dust on the leaves absorbs positive energy, so it is important to wipe them periodically.
  • By placing other money mascots near the tree, you can speed up the process of attracting prosperity.
  • From each profit made, a coin is left next to the pot.
  • It is recommended to write notes to the tree in which they point out the desired benefits.
  • Do not place the pot next to electrical appliances - this suppresses positive energy.

Small plants are planted in cups.

How to plant a money tree in Feng Shui so that it attracts wealth

Feng Shui is a science that studies the flow of energy. Allows you to comfortably organize the space so that it is beneficial. It is worth knowing the rules for growing a plant according to Feng Shui:

  • It is important that the sprout is from a flower from a rich house. In this case, he will already carry the necessary energy.
  • When buying plants in a store, they pay attention to a young culture. In this case, the plant will be charged with the energy of the new owner.
  • The culture is transplanted into a container of red or green. The first is for attracting finance, the second is for good luck.
  • At the bottom of a new pot, put a coin that attracts cash.
  • When a flower grows large and strong, Chinese coins are hung on leaflets as a symbol of financial prosperity.

Note! Experts recommend talking with the plant, thank him for his help and success.

Plants with roots can immediately be planted in a permanent place.

How to plant a money tree in a pot to attract money

In order for the money tree to bring financial luck, they recommend:

  1. In the pot on the drainage layer, put an even number of coins, and then plant the flower. It is better that they be of the same denomination.
  2. The mascot is planted on the growing moon.
  3. After planting, put several paper notes under the pot.

Flowering plant - a sign of good luck

In which pot you need to plant a money tree so that it brings money

In order for the plant to contribute to the emergence of finance, it is important to choose the right pot. When choosing pay attention to:

  • Material. The pot should be made of natural materials - ceramics or clay.
  • Capacity choose black, green or red. They attract good luck, success and prosperity.
  • The pot may contain Feng Shui symbols or images of Chinese coins.

Additional Information! You should not choose a large pot, medium-sized containers are enough.

Plots for planting and watering a fat woman

When planting a money tree, they carry out special rituals and read conspiracies that enhance the effect of the plant.

Before planting, they start talking water. To do this, pour 1 liter of water into an enameled pan. After that, a silver cross is lowered into the water and left for 3 days. The decoration is taken out, the water is poured into a bottle in the moonlight. At this time, read the following plot:

Voditsa sister, let Crassula get drunk,

The energy of money will charge you.

If destined to come true,

May good luck rush to my house.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Coins are stacked before planting

As a result, water is used to water the flower. During planting, conspiracies are also spoken that stimulate the development of culture. For example, putting a coin in a pot, they say:

Let the tree grow in the house.

It will bring me a lot of money.

I’ll hide a coin in a damp earth.

I’ll bring a big salary to the house.

Rich people will give bounties.

I don’t feel any more concern in money.

Let it be so commanded! Yes, three times done! Locked with a key!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

There is another conspiracy, which is uttered during the laying out of coins in a pot: "Coin to coin, leaf to leaf." When all the money has been deposited, they say the following: "You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Such is my will. So be it!"

How to properly care for the money tree so that money can be found

Plant care is important. Feng Shui experts recommend following the rules:

  • Water for irrigation is insisted on coins, and the irrigation process itself is carried out on Wednesday - financial and energy day.
  • They place the pot on the south or southeast window - the side of the attraction of finance.
  • After landing, a red thread or a ribbon is tied. Coins or paper notes are hung on them.

Note! It is important to monitor neighboring plants. Do not leave a flower next to cacti in order to avoid a violation of energy.

To attract wealth, the money tree should be loved. The house should have a favorable atmosphere. With constant scandals, the plant will not be able to receive positive energy, and its effect will be minimal.

What to do if the money tree died

Despite the fact that the fat woman is an unpretentious plant, cases of its death are not excluded. Unfortunately, this phenomenon often occurs due to improper care. If signs of flower disease appear, then rescue measures are taken:

  • Carefully inspect the plant, trunk, leaves and twigs. Perhaps the flower is affected by a disease or harmful insects, which are disposed of using special means.
  • The culture is removed from the pot and carefully inspect the root system. If necessary, rotten roots are cut.
  • The recovered plant is transplanted into a new pot.
  • The use of antiseptics for flower processing is allowed.
  • The leaves are washed with soapy water.

On a note! After the procedures, it is recommended to provide the culture with normal care and carefully monitor the soil moisture.

Coins are hung on a tree to attract luck


Money tree with proper planting and care is easy to grow. It can become a wonderful talisman and bring good luck, prosperity. The positive atmosphere in the house is important. Planting and cultivation is accompanied by special conspiracies and rituals that will help strengthen the circulation of energy. If you follow the rules, then there will always be money in the house.


Watch the video: Money Tree Pachira Aquatica Care (September 2024).