Azalea and rhododendron - the same or different plants


Among ornamental plants, compact, beautifully flowering shrubs have gained immense popularity among gardeners. Especially magnificent blossoms are famous for azalea and rhododendron. Plants belong to the same Heather family and are similar in appearance, but have differences in agricultural technology. How to learn to recognize them and grow them correctly is described in the article.

Azalea and rhododendron - is there any difference

From a biological point of view, plants have much in common.

  • Both members of the family form shrubs covered with shiny succulent foliage.
  • During flowering, huge inflorescences consisting of many bright buds open on the branches of azalea and rhododendron. Often a strong honey aroma comes from the flowers.
  • The color of the petals is diverse: white, yellow, purple, raspberry, pink.
  • Plants are equally demanding on air humidity, like loose soil with high acidity. Their superficial root system does not allow deep loosening of the soil, so the ground under the bushes is mulched.

Blooming rhododendron is beautiful and bright.

Such a number of common signs makes many gardeners believe that it is not so important to plant azalea or rhododendron in the garden. This is an erroneous opinion, which can have a detrimental effect on the growth of a seedling.

All representatives of the genus of azaleas do not tolerate low temperatures (they die already at +4 degrees), and are able to grow in open ground only in the southern regions of Russia (Crimea, Stavropol Territory). In the rest of the territory, these plants are grown as home or greenhouse flowers.

Historical confusion

The first mention of the beautiful flowering shrub "azalea" dates back to the 5th century BC. Even then, the wonderful flowering delighted the ancient Greeks. Later, plants with a similar trunk and flower structure began to be found in the foothills of the Himalayas, the Caucasus, Southeast Asia and North America.

On a note! The name "azalea" in Greek means "dry." Given to the plant for the fact that during the dormant period it is completely freed from foliage and looks lifeless. The name "rhododendron" means "rose bush (tree)", and indicates the splendor and brightness of flowering.

Botanists have long believed that azalea and rhododendron are two genera that are part of the same family, which are distinguished by their size and resistance to cold. Azalea forms a compact bush, not more than half a meter high and does not tolerate frosts. Rhododendrons are able to grow up to 3 m in height, and are not so demanding on weather conditions (can withstand frosts down to -20 degrees). Currently, a different classification has been adopted in botanical circles.

Modern classification

Today, scientists, after conducting a series of genetic tests, included all varieties of azaleas in the genus Rhododendron. In other words, it is correct to consider azalea as a rhododendron, but not vice versa.

In the garden classification, azaleas continue to be allocated into a separate group, indicating the difference in the structure of the flower. She has 5 stamens in the bud, 10 and more in the rhododendron. In addition, Russian gardeners clearly know that miniature bushes can be grown only at home.

How to distinguish azalea from rhododendron in appearance

Rhododendron yellow: deciduous, Pontic azalea

The main difference between representatives of the same genus from each other can be described in two words - dwarfs and giants. A bush of azalea never exceeds 50 cm, most often its height is 30 cm. At the same time, the diameter of the inflorescences reaches 7-12 cm. Such compact plants grow perfectly in standard flower pots. They can be placed on the windowsill along with the usual house plants.

Indoor flower does not take up much space

The height of wild rhododendron and its garden varieties can reach 3 m, in rare cases - 4 m. Powerful shrubs or small trees are planted in the form of hedges or as large trees - tapeworms on the lawn.

Important! Among frost-resistant rhododendrons, compact-sized species are also found. It is wrong to consider all small shrubs as azaleas.

Other differences in appearance:

  • different number of stamens in the bud;
  • the shape of the azalea flower resembles an open funnel; in rhododendron the bell-shaped bud;
  • the foliage of miniature specimens is covered with a barely noticeable fluff; the leaves of large plants are scaly;
  • almost all azaleas (except Japanese) lose their foliage during the dormant period; evergreens are found among rhododendrons.

Difference in Azalea and Rhododendron Care

Indoor Rhododendron Shrub - Reproduction and Care

In the Russian climate, azalea is cultivated exclusively as a room or greenhouse flower. Unpretentious representatives of the Vereskovye family can be grown up to the latitude of the Moscow Region, in the Urals, southern Siberia and the Far East.

Such a blooming wall of rhododendrons can be grown in your garden

Both plants need a loose, breathable substrate with an acidic reaction at 4-5 pH. For planting indoor varieties, a mixture is prepared:

  • coniferous humus (take soil in a pine forest or compost needles for 3 years);
  • peat;
  • sand (vermiculite).

Components will be needed in a 2: 1: 1 ratio. You can buy ready-made soil in a garden store. At the bottom of the pot, gravel or broken brick must be poured to protect the roots from moisture stagnation.

Outdoor plants add these ingredients to the soil, at the rate of 5-6 kg of peat and coniferous humus, 5-7 kg of sand per 1 square. m

The first difference. Some species of rhododendron grow well on slightly acidic and neutral soils, while azalea needs only acidic soil.

Both plants are placed in a well-lit place, but not in the sun. The eastern slope or plot in the openwork shade of large trees is ideal. In a dense shadow, flowering becomes sparse, the color of the petals pales. Indoor instances must be placed away from heat sources, as the azalea does not tolerate dry and hot air.

Care for the street shrub consists of watering, feeding, pruning and shelter for the winter (in those regions where the winter temperature drops below -20 degrees).

  • Rhododendron is watered at least 2 times a week, pouring 1.5 buckets of liquid under an adult bush. The water is acidified with lemon juice, succinic or oxalic acid.
  • The bush is fed in the spring, summer and autumn. In order not to disturb the acidity of the soil, it is recommended to introduce complex mineral fertilizers specially designed for this group of plants. Watering with a nutrient solution under the root alternate with spraying foliage. In spring, it is allowed to mulch the surface of the soil around the bush with a mixture of compost (vermicompost) and acid (peat) peat.
  • With the onset of cold weather, rhododendrons are insulated. The stem base is mulched with sawdust to a height of 20-30 cm, the crown is wrapped with layers of white lutrasil, a bush is covered with a film on top of it. For heat-loving (evergreen) varieties, plywood houses are built, the inner space of which is filled with sawdust, polystyrene crumb, fallen leaves.

In such a box, the plant is not afraid of frost and snow

As needed, the rhododendron is sheared, removing old and damaged shoots. He does not need a strict formation of the crown; they only monitor that it does not become thickened.

Caring for a room plant variety during the active growing season is almost no different from caring for a garden flower. Only it should be watered, avoiding overmoistening of the soil and stagnation of water in the pan.

In winter, when the radiators are operating at full capacity, it is important to protect the azalea from heat and dry air. Florists came up with various tricks to protect pets:

  • pieces of ice are put on the ground in a pot without touching the trunk;
  • place a flower on a glazed balcony, where the temperature is kept at + 8 ... +15 degrees;
  • water and spray the azalea with water, at a temperature not exceeding +16 degrees.

Attention! The main concerns await the grower when the azalea plunges into a dormant period. At this time, the flower is vulnerable, and may die from improper care.

After flowering with azalea, the following manipulations are performed:

  • cut off faded buds and extra young shoots, thickening the crown;
  • the flower pot is rearranged in a shaded and cool (temperature not above +15 degrees) room;
  • provide air humidity at the level of 70% (put plates with water near the plants, irrigate the azalea with cool water).

The period after flowering is favorable for transplanting indoor plants, if necessary. A wide and low pot is selected for the bush, where it is transferred without filling the root neck with soil.

The second difference. Indoor plants need special care in the winter and after flowering. Bushes wintering on the street are sufficiently reliable to insulate.

During the flowering period and in the phase of growing green mass, azalea needs weekly top dressing with specialized fertilizers (Fasco, Kemira).

The third difference. Rhododendron has less stringent frequency requirements than home plants.

When choosing a shrub for your garden, it is important not to mix up and not get a gentle azalea instead of the unpretentious rhododendron. At a young age, when there are no flowers on the branches, it is almost impossible to distinguish seedlings from each other. Therefore, planting material should be purchased in nurseries where re-grading is not allowed.
