Large-leaved or broad-leaved hydrangea - care in the open ground


Amazing hydrangea flowers significantly outperform other decorative garden plants. The graceful balls of its inflorescences have a rich palette and attractive lightness. Broad-leaved hydrangea bushes are often included in landscaping, since the plant does not require complex molding and scrupulous care. To grow a magnificent specimen in your area, it is enough to know the basic rules of planting, care and combination with other plants.

Description of large-leaved hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla (Hydrangea macrophylla) is one of the common garden shrubs of the genus Hydrangia. By the beginning of the twentieth century, excellent results were achieved in breeding for cultivation and increasing the resistance of lush bushes. Modern scientists have significantly increased the frost resistance of the plant, the duration of its flowering and developed unique varieties with a fabulous color and shape of buds.

The hydrangea color palette is mesmerizing


Japan gave the magnificent flowering shrub to the world; it began to spread throughout Asia and America. In Europe, a hydrangea fashion was introduced in France, starting to decorate gardens and courtyards with airy flowers.

Since the plant is heat-loving, at first it was difficult to grow it in Russia, but over the past century, stable and unpretentious varieties have been developed that have delighted northern gardeners.

For reference! Large-leaf hydrangea has about 80 varieties of shrubs with different shapes, shades, density of buds and inflorescences.

Features of a garden flower

General characteristics for the type of hydrangea macrophiles describe a shrub of medium height from 25 to 150 cm, growing in a ball and having a well-branched root system.

The bush blooms annually, throwing out lush inflorescences-caps for 2-4 months. Each season, the density of the buds is compacted, some varieties acquire a semi-double and double terry. Stems add 25 cm each year, so macrophile hydrangea is a fast-growing shrub as described.

The leaves of the plant are smooth, juicy, dark green in color, sometimes serrated. They remind in shape an egg, a crown of lilac or blackberry - depending on the variety. Some varieties acquire a red or bluish tint in the summer during flowering and in autumn, before dropping foliage.

Pros and cons

To understand whether it is worthwhile to start hydrangea in your own area, just weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of a decorative bush:

  • One of the main advantages of hydrangea over other garden flowers is the richness of the palette. Hydrangea is so diverse and attractive that it easily crowds out other shrubs that are common in temperate latitudes.
  • Another plus is the duration of flowering. Up to 4 months of inflorescence remain fresh and lush.
  • The flower is universal, there are varieties grown in tubs, in greenhouses and conservatories, as well as homemade varieties.
  • The plant does not emit a smell, therefore, does not cause allergic reactions.

Among the relative disadvantages are the sensitivity of the flower to growing conditions and the need for proper care.

Attention! Many western varieties freeze in the Russian winter, but as a way out they are grown in barrels and flowerpots, removing them from the street in frost.

Winter hardiness

Large-flowered hydrangea can not be called a frost-resistant plant. Usually, for the winter, the bushes are wrapped in a greenhouse, but in warm regions such a flower may well survive frosts of -10, or even -18 ° C. There are special varieties bred specifically for the harsh northern climate.

A feature of the species is the laying of flower buds in the fall, before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, even hardy varieties should not be subjected to serious tests with low temperatures and to ensure proper care of the plant.

Hydrangea Romance Pink belongs to easily wintering varieties and delights in its subtle beauty.

The effect of soil acidity on the shade of flowers

The acidity of the soil surprisingly transforms hydrangea. The flower loves acidified soils and under such conditions reveals all the saturation and beauty of the shade. This is especially true for red and bright pink flowers. In neutral mixtures, a macrophile can divert the gamut of its inflorescences to the lilac and blue sides, making them less catchy.

In an alkaline environment, hydrangea withers, may stop blooming or begin to throw out faded and unsightly inflorescences. One bush sometimes gives a varied range in its bouquet, depending on the characteristics of feeding the flower. If you carefully care for hydrangea and conduct small experiments, it can bloom differently every year.

Varieties and varieties of hydrangea for the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia

Large-leaved hydrangea or broadleaf - planting and care in the open ground

Given the trends of global warming, gardeners of the middle lane (Moscow region) can safely plant hydrangea varieties with medium frost resistance in their areas.

Residents of the Urals and Siberia need to pay attention to 2 factors:

  • high frost resistance of bushes - from -18 ° С to -40 ° С;
  • remontant varieties - those in which flowers are formed not only on last year's, but also on fresh summer shoots.

It is the repair factor that allows hydrangeas to calmly survive the winter in Russia and other northern corners of the world. The bush blooms regularly, even if it was subjected to freezing and snowfall - and last year's twigs did not bloom.

Recently, new sophisticated varieties suitable for cultivation in the Moscow and central regions of Russia have begun to gain enormous popularity.

Popular varieties of winter-hardy hydrangea

Schnibol variety is a delicate white flower with beautiful fringe at the edges of the petals. It is stable, can withstand without shelter up to -23 ° C, but it requires enough light, proper soil composition and constant care with fungicidal agents.

Hydrangea Shnibol in all its splendor

Among the soft pink samples, one can distinguish Romance pink - an amazing variety that resembles the shape of its semi-double lotus buds. This hardy look can bloom through fresh summer shoots.

Airlie pink is a unique soft pink flower with greenish stripes, a novelty in the world of floristry with average winter hardiness.

Another pink large-leaved hydrangea, a raspberry representative of the species, Masya, is a true long-liver: it blooms for more than 50 years in a row under any conditions, is resistant to frost up to -23 ° C, is spectacular and beautiful.

Hydrangea Early Pink

In the red lineup, the Red Baron is popular - a saturated flower with medium winter hardiness and a flowering period of up to 30 years, Royal Red - an interesting specimen that blooms on current shoots, as well as Maman Rouge - medium-resistant, beautifully changing the color of its inflorescences from purple-red to purple-purple , depending on the composition of the soil.

Unique in its kind can be called a rainbow variety called Schloss Wackerbarth, which has purple petals with lemon inclusions and a magical blue core. A fabulous specimen tolerates frosts up to -18 ° C, which is acceptable for Moscow, and does not degenerate for about 50 years.

In addition to the useful repairing varieties of the You & Me, Forever & Ever and Howaria series, there are Grand Flora, Invincibell Spring, So Long Rosie and Hot Red valuable for the northern regions, withstanding frosts of -30 ... -40 ° С.

Planting large-flowered hydrangea in open ground

Hydrangea garden - planting and care in the open field in the Urals

Large-leaved hydrangeas provide planting and care in the open ground. Choose a sufficiently lit place on the eastern side of the site no less than one and a half meters from buildings and other plants. The soil is drained and acidified. The transplant is carried out in spring or autumn at the moment of steady heat.

Important!Do not plant hydrangea near large trees and plants that need an alkaline environment.

Home hydrangea flowers love light and hydration no less than garden patterns

Broadleaf Hydrangea Care

Pink hydrangea - description of varieties, planting and care in the open ground in the garden

Hydrangea loves plentiful watering and moderately nutritious soil. It is enough to periodically treat the soil with iron, peat and humus, as well as provide mulching from sawdust. The earth must always be loose to provide respiration to the root system.

Important! Medium-resistant varieties for the winter should be wrapped with a film.


Propagation of hydrangea is often done by dividing overgrown bushes and germinating cuttings. Professionals usually work with seeds, it takes much longer to form an independent bush than with ordinary cultivation methods for amateur gardeners.

Dividing is best done in the fall, sprouting shoots in the heat, and in the spring transplant the bushes in the open ground. This increases the likelihood of their successful adoption.

Diseases and Pests

Hydrangea is susceptible to the invasion of parasites habitual for the garden - ticks, beetles, aphids, caterpillars. Sometimes sick with powdery mildew. Periodic prophylactic and therapeutic treatments with standard insecticides and fungicides will protect the bushes.

To avoid infection, you need to clean the ground at the base of dry debris and weeds, keep the mulch in a neat condition. It is important to check the roots from time to time and adjust the intensity of watering depending on their health.

Is it possible to grow hydrangea macrophile at home

Some types of hydrangea grow well in large pots and flowerpots at room temperature, without needing any fertilizers for a long time. In a small lump of earth, a compact bush will not gain high growth rate and will take a more squat comfortable shape.

For home care, choose southern and neutral varieties. Already at the first stages of life, the bush will need a large flowerpot and enough space for upper growth.

The use of broadleaf hydrangeas in landscape design

Macrophile hydrangea is widely used in landscape design to create coziness and airy ease on the site. The plant favorably fills the space, making it more comfortable and chamber. At the same time, subtlety, splendor and a certain solemnity of inflorescences breathe the holiday atmosphere into garden compositions.

Hydrangea gives the site a cozy atmosphere


The bushes do not need professional molding and even without extra care look delicate and elegant. Hydrangea is used in park compositions with other colors, included in table and wedding bouquets.

Today, even Russian florists and gardeners can plant hydrangea in their area today. It is worth trying at least one of the sustainable varieties - the beautiful hydrangea will fill the garden with aesthetics.


Watch the video: Oakleaf Hydrangea (October 2024).