Grapes Anniversary of Novocherkassk: features of variety and subtleties of cultivation


For a long time, grapes were considered exclusively southern culture. But today there are many varieties and hybrid forms that can bear fruit in the zone of risky farming, which occupies most of the territory of our country. Their bright representative is the grape Anniversary of Novocherkassk, which is very popular among gardeners in the northern regions.

Variety History

The cultivation of new grape varieties is carried out not only by professional breeders, but also amateur gardeners who are passionate about their work. Among them is Viktor Nikolayevich Krainov, who created a large number of hybrid forms of this culture on his site. All of them are resistant to adverse conditions and good taste. But the most popular were the forms included in the so-called Kraynov Troika:

  • Anniversary of Novocherkassk;
  • Transformation;
  • Victor.

Photo gallery: hybrid forms and varieties included in the Kraynov Troika

The hybrid forms and varieties of Troika Krajnova differ little from each other. Some growers are sure that they are representatives of the same hybrid.

The anniversary of Novocherkassk was received by V. N. Krainov as a result of complex hybridization. The exact names of the varieties of the parent pair of this hybrid are unknown. Most wine growers believe that they became the Talisman and Kishmish Luchisty. Today, the anniversary of Novocherkassk is often found in the vineyards of many regions of Russia and the CIS countries. Gardeners highly appreciate it for winter hardiness, early ripeness and high productivity.

In 2016, the Anniversary of Novocherkassk was included in the State Register of Varieties as approved for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation. Its official authors were I. A. Kostrikin, L. P. Troshin, L. A. Maistrenko and V.N. Kraynov.

Description of grapes Anniversary Novocherkaska

Grapes Anniversary Novocherkassk is a powerful medium-sized bush, quickly gaining green mass and easily recovering from damage. With proper formation, the vine ripens along its entire length. Leaves of medium size, five-lobed (sometimes three-lobed), without pubescence. The flowers are bisexual, easily pollinated.

The clusters are loose, very large. Their average weight is about 800 grams. Under favorable conditions, the mass of individual clusters can reach 1.7 kg. The berries are large, prone to pea, oval-elongated.

The weight of ripe bunches of Jubilee Novocherkassk often exceeds 1 kg

The color of the grapes ranges from greenish pink to dark pink. The color intensity of the berries depends on the difference in night and day temperatures. The higher it is, the brighter the color of the grapes.

Grade characteristics

Anniversary of Novocherkassk belongs to table grapes of early ripening grapes. 110-120 days elapse from budding to harvest. In southern Russia and Ukraine, the ripening period of berries usually falls on the first half of August. In the more northern regions, grapes of this variety reach consumer ripeness in late August and early September. When overripe, the berries practically do not crumble. They are not prone to cracking due to high humidity.

Bunches of Jubilee Novocherkassk persist for a long time on the vine

The pulp of ripe berries of the Anniversary of Novocherkassk is fleshy, juicy, with a pleasant sweet taste. It contains 18% sugars and 6.5% titratable acids. The peel of the berries is thin, almost not felt when eaten. Tasting evaluation of fruits - 8.5 points out of 10 possible. Berries can be used to make juice, stewed fruit and wine, but most wine growers grow this variety for fresh consumption and for sale in markets.

The first harvest Anniversary of Novocherkassk brings already in the second year of cultivation. In full force, the bush begins to bear fruit three years after planting. From one adult plant, you can collect up to 20 kg of berries, which easily transfer storage and transportation.

Variety Anniversary Novocherkassk easily tolerates frosts up to -23 ° C. Resistance to such common fungal diseases as mildew and oidium is estimated by experts at 3.5 points on a five-point scale.

Video: review of the variety Anniversary Novocherkassk

Landing Features

Like most grape varieties, the Anniversary of Novocherkassk prefers well-lit and sheltered from the wind places. In the northern regions, it is often planted along the southern walls of houses or other structures. This variety grows well on all soils, with the exception of salt marshes and lands with a high level of occurrence of groundwater.

In the south, Jubilee Novocherkassk can be planted in open ground in spring or autumn. In the northern regions, spring planting should be preferred, as immature grapes do not tolerate harsh winters. It is carried out only after the threat of repeated frost passes and the soil warms up to at least + 10 ° C.

Special attention should be paid to the choice of seedlings. Healthy plants are easily distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • light, almost white roots;
  • brown shoots with a light core;
  • smooth, without bumps and bulges, green leaves.

The roots of the seedlings should not have dark spots and visible damage.

Anniversary of Novocherkassk does not require a large pit. For the successful development of the plant, a hole with a depth and width of about 60 cm is enough. Drainage from expanded clay or broken brick is laid on its bottom. A layer of fertile land mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of complex fertilizer and a liter of ash is poured on top of it. If the earth is very heavy, then sand must be added to the hole.

When planting, the seedling is placed at an angle to the surface of the earth and is covered with pre-prepared soil. In this case, it is very important not to deepen the root neck. After planting in the open ground, the young plant is well watered. To preserve moisture, the earth is mulched with straw, sawdust or other organic matter.

Video: how to properly conduct spring planting of grapes

The subtleties of caring for the anniversary of Novocherkassk

Anniversary of Novocherkassk is not a moody grape variety. Nevertheless, for abundant fruiting, he needs quality care throughout the season.

Watering and fertilizing

During the growing season, the Anniversary of Novocherkassk needs timely watering. Especially demanding on the moisture content in the soil are newly planted plants. In the first year of life, the Anniversary of Novocherkassk is watered once a week.

Adult plants need only two waterings per season:

  • before flowering;
  • during the appearance of the ovaries.

In particularly dry years, grapes require additional watering. When they are carried out, waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed, since it often leads to cracking of berries.

Fertile chernozems are best suited for growing the Anniversary of Novocherkassk. When planting in areas with poor soils, it needs regular feeding. The grapes are especially sensitive to a lack of potassium and phosphorus, which often causes vine diseases and a significant decrease in yield. Mineral fertilizers containing these substances are usually applied under the bush before flowering begins.

Before applying fertilizer, grapes are abundantly watered.

The mulching of the vine bushes with humus also gives a good effect. This mulch not only protects the roots of the plant from drying out, but also enriches the soil with the nutrients necessary for the development of the vine and abundant fruiting.

Bush formation and crop rationing

Anniversary of Novocherkassk needs to be formed. Most winegrowers apply fan trimming of the bush, which greatly facilitates the care of grapes and provides abundant fruiting. Usually it goes through four stages:

  1. In the autumn of the first year of cultivation, the vine is cut off, leaving 4 eyes.
  2. In the spring of the second year, the two weakest shoots are removed. The remaining shoots are cut in autumn at the level of ripened wood.
  3. After awakening, plants in the third year of life on the shoots remove most of the eyes, leaving the 2 strongest. In autumn, the upper shoots of each of the four formed vines are cut into 6-8 eyes, and the lower ones into two eyes.
  4. In the fourth year of cultivation on the vines leave all strong shoots located on one side. As a result, by the end of this season, the grower receives a fully formed bush consisting of 4 sleeves.

The fan-shaped method of forming grapes is very popular in regions with a cold climate.

During autumn pruning of an adult plant, each of the 4 arms is shortened at the level of 8-10 buds. In spring, weak shoots are removed, leaving no more than 25 shoots on one bush.

Video: rationing of shoots on the vine of the Jubilee of Novocherkassk

The anniversary of Novocherkassk is prone to overloading with crops. This leads to a deterioration in the taste of berries, an increase in the ripening period and a general weakening of the bush. In order to avoid this, only one bunch is kept on the shoot.

On the adult vines of the Jubilee of Novocherkassk, stepsons are often formed on which additional clusters are tied. In the south, they are left to receive a second crop, taken in early autumn. In the middle lane and other regions with cool summers, they do not have time to ripen and only weaken the plants, so the lateral shoots must be broken.

Preparing for the winter

The anniversary of Novocherkassk must be protected from severe frosts. For this, immediately after the leaves fall, the vine is removed from the trellises and, carefully turning, bend to the ground. To avoid contact of the shoots with cold soil, wooden blocks, boards are laid under them. Grapes are covered with burlap, agrofibre or other material that allows air to pass through. The edges of the resulting structure are fixed with bricks or sprinkled with earth.

With proper shelter, the anniversary of Novocherkassk tolerates even very cold and low snow winters

Pest and Disease Control

Variety Anniversary Novocherkassk is not highly resistant to fungal diseases. The greatest danger to him is:

  • mildew (downy mildew);
  • oidium (powdery mildew).

In order to prevent infection with these diseases, grapes are sprayed with antifungal drugs such as Topaz, Thanos, Horus and Strobi. Processing is carried out three to four times per season:

  • in early spring, immediately after tying the vines to the trellis;
  • during the appearance of 4-6 leaves on the shoot;
  • before flowering;
  • after the berries have reached the size of a pea.

Timely burning of fallen leaves and cut shoots helps prevent wintering of spores of dangerous fungi in the ground. Also, a good result is obtained by treating the soil under grapes with a solution of salt (1 to 10) or urea (0.2 to 10).

Due to the large amount of sugar, the berries of the Jubilee of Novocherkassk are often attacked by wasps. They love to feast on juicy pulp and cause great damage to the crop. One of the most effective and safe ways for humans to protect fruits from wasps are mesh bags, which are worn on ripening clusters.

Mesh bags protect grapes from wasps and birds well

Many winegrowers also use wasp traps. If desired, they can be made with your own hands. To do this, just take an empty plastic bottle and fill it with fragrant syrup. Attracted by its smell, wasps must penetrate the bottle and drown. From the winegrower it will only be necessary to replace the bait with a fresh one in a timely manner.

Reviews of winegrowers about the anniversary of Novocherkassk

I would also like to note one form for this year is the Anniversary of Novocherkassk. There are no complaints to her; she gave out a stunned crop “to the mountain”. She "kills" visitors of my vineyard on the spot. Before it, any other variety fades in my greenhouses. a real hit of the season of 2015, individual clusters cross the 2kg line. And the color of the berries is simply mesmerizing.

Vadim Tochilin


This year I have my first harvest on the anniversary of Novocherkassk. Delivered a lot of trouble. Firstly, the vine grows "where nothing," as one friend of mine said. Secondly, in spite of repeated processing, signs appeared first of Mildue, and then of Oidium. In the third, the bush threw out flower brushes until the month of August. I was tortured to pick them off. In the fourth, he did not start very smoothly. But what I started really liked.



A few words about my Anniversary Novocherkassk!
On my site gf since 2007, I personally bought from Kraynov V.N.
For all the time of testing, the form showed excellent dimensional characteristics of bunches, berries, bewitching color, and the buyer does not pass by!
But, over time, I realized that it has (in my opinion) a number of significant drawbacks: poor frost resistance, increased education-bearing fruit of stepchildren, negative reaction to the slightest overload.
Some winegrowers are very enthusiastic about the "second" harvest of the UN in September, but ... I think that in this situation, the UN vine does not ripen normally and, as a rule, the next year, the grower is left without a proper harvest!



The variety is fruitful, with a beautiful large berry and large bunches. You can say a market variety, it is always sold in the first place.



Good gf (grade). Harvest, beautiful, large-fruited, with a reasonable load, a very decent taste. True, in stepchildren of the second, third order, it drives fools of inflorescence, you have to break off all the time, but on the other hand, if you shoot shoots from the main buds with frost (spring), then substitutes are more likely to get the crop later.



The anniversary of Novocherkassk grows well and bears fruit in many regions of our country. Subject to the rather simple rules of its cultivation, even an inexperienced grower will receive an abundant crop of large and sweet berries, not inferior in appearance to the best southern varieties.


Watch the video: Отзыв-видео о винограде Юбилей Новочеркасска (October 2024).