Tomato Miracle of the Earth: a variety with giant fruits


Among salad varieties of tomatoes, those that amateurs call "fleshy" stand out especially, and if they are large and beautiful, they are certainly popular. One of these varieties is a relatively new tomato, Miracle of the Earth, bearing fruit in huge raspberry-colored tomatoes. And since the variety easily tolerates adverse weather conditions, it can increasingly be found in amateur gardens in all corners of our country.

Description of tomato varieties Miracle land

In addition to the tomato Miracle of the Earth, the Miracle of the World variety is known, but these are completely different tomatoes, although in some articles you can find the opinion that these are two names of the same variety. The miracle of the earth bears fruit with truly wonderful tomatoes, which, by their size and beautiful coloring, inspire optimism and cause the desire to try this miracle fruit soon. Of course, it cannot be called ideal (nothing is perfect), but many gardeners have been chasing the real seeds of this tomato for the second decade.

Origin and region of cultivation

The Tomato Miracle of Land was bred in Novosibirsk at the beginning of the current millennium, and in 2004 an application was submitted for its registration in the State Register of Breeding Achievements. Since Vladimir Nikolaevich Dederko, the author of the variety, is listed as an individual entrepreneur, the Miracle of the Earth is considered a variety of amateur selection.

V. N. Dederko is the creator of several varieties of tomatoes, and all of them share very important common characteristics: as a rule, these varieties are salad, large-fruited and resistant to cold and other weather whims.

Soon the application was registered, and in 2006 the variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. It is recommended for all climatic regions where, in principle, tomato cultivation is possible. It is officially recommended to plant this tomato in unprotected soil, it is believed that it is intended for personal subsidiary plots. Since the bushes are not very small, Miracle of the land is often planted in greenhouses, especially in regions with a harsh climate.

The acquisition of real seeds of this tomato remains a big problem. Due to the fact that there are fakes, in reviews you can often read unflattering opinions about a tomato, which, as it turns out, is simply not a true miracle of the earth. Fortunately, this tomato is not a hybrid, so you can get the “right” seeds from your harvest, which is what amateur gardeners use, passing the baton to neighbors and just good friends.

Video: variety seeds of tomato

General characteristics of the variety

Tomato Miracle of the Earth belongs to salad varieties, but it can be used in different forms, except, of course, whole-fruit preservation: in a standard glass jar, not a single tomato of this variety, except for those clearly grown to the proper size, simply will not enter. The variety is mid-season and very productive: from 1 m2 even in problematic climatic regions, up to 14 kg of fruits are harvested.

The plant, according to the State Register, is determinant, that is, its growth is limited. However, the bush is rather big; sometimes it grows up to one and a half meters, or even more. Apparently, therefore, it is often written on the package with seeds that the variety is indeterminate. Leaves of normal size, dark green. The variety is very hardy, easily tolerating both cold and drought, it also resists diseases. In wet summers, fruit cracking is minimal. They are able to be stored well and withstand transportation very well.

According to the description given in the State Register, the fruits of the Miracle of the Earth have a rounded shape with medium ribbing. However, this is not always the case, the shape of the fruit is not correct, and on one bush there may be tomatoes of a slightly different shape, among which truly spherical are rare. They can be flattened, and almost heart-shaped, like a Bull’s heart or Nobility, but invariably large: from 400 g and above, sometimes up to a kilogram. As a rule, fruits grow in clusters, up to 8 in each.

Even two adjacent miracles of Earth miracle can vary in shape

The number of seed nests in fruits is from four, the skin is dense. Ripe tomatoes are pink and raspberry colored. The taste is considered good, but many lovers say great. The pulp is pink in color, sweet, juicy. In addition to fresh consumption, this variety is well dispersed in various sauces, tomato juice and other preparations.

The appearance of the plant

The fruits of the tomato Miracle of the Earth look beautiful both on the bushes and on the plate, prepared for consumption. It seems that to create such a miracle, one had to work very well.

Tomatoes, prepared for dinner, do not give rest to eaters, look very appetizing

Tomatoes on the bushes, especially when there are many, raise a natural question about how the bush can withstand such a burden. Actually, without the help of the owner and does not stand up, the garter of these plants is required.

Harvest of tomatoes of this variety can be kept on branches only with the help of strong supports

Advantages and disadvantages, differences from other varieties

Despite the relative youth of the variety, its most important advantages and disadvantages have long been manifested, and in many discussions, experts and amateurs agree that the Miracle of the Earth is a very worthy tomato, and even a not very experienced vegetable grower can grow it in almost any climate. The main advantages of the variety are:

  • spectacular appearance of the fruit;
  • large-fruited;
  • very high and stable yield;
  • good or even great taste; versatility of use;
  • drought and cold tolerance;
  • transportability of the harvested crop and relatively long shelf life;
  • increased disease resistance.

In addition, the positive feature is that the seeds collected from their harvest fully retain varietal characteristics and can be used for planting tomatoes in subsequent seasons.

The relative disadvantages of the variety are:

  • mandatory procedure for the formation of bushes, as well as tying stems;
  • susceptibility of bushes to strong winds, from which they can break even if there are good supports.

It is understood that these shortcomings are not critical. Moreover, among the varieties that give such high yields of large-fruited fruits, perhaps there are none that would do without tying. And the formation requires the vast majority of varieties and hybrids. The peculiarity of the variety is rather that in order to obtain such crops it does not require any supernatural knowledge and efforts from the gardener.

The fruits of this variety are very reminiscent of the fruits of the nobleman tomato, but the latter they are somewhat smaller and more even, lower and the total yield. However, both of these varieties were born in Siberia, both are resistant to the vagaries of the weather. The breeder V.N.Dederko also owns the excellent Koenigsberg tomato variety, which produces tasty large tomatoes of various colors, but smaller and elongated. The well-known tomato Bull’s heart, which outwardly differs from the Miracle of the Earth, perhaps only in color, ripens somewhat later. In fact, diversity gives rise to a choice ...

The miracle of the earth is often compared to a Bull’s heart, but their fruits have different colors

Features of growing and planting tomato Miracle of the earth

Tomato Miracle of the earth is very unpretentious and requires the most ordinary care, not too complicated. Like all varieties of tomatoes, in the vast majority of climatic regions it is necessarily grown through seedlings, and this process begins in March: in the central region at the beginning of the second half of the month, in Siberia and the Urals - in its last days. Of course, for greenhouse cultivation, seedlings can be prepared several weeks earlier, specific dates depend on the quality of the greenhouse and the climate of the region.


Growing tomato seedlings Miracle of the earth is carried out in the same way as in the case of almost any other variety. The technology for preparing seedlings consists of a number of mandatory measures.

  1. Seed preparation. The seeds of this tomato can be taken from independently grown fruits, however, in this case, you definitely need to work on them a little. After calibration, in order to select the largest seeds, they are disinfected (20-30 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate), and after swelling in a wet tissue, they are quenched (they are kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days).

    Sometimes the seeds even sprout, but it does not make much sense

  2. Preparation of the soil (it can also be purchased at the store, but if you do it yourself, you also need to disinfect it, a few days before use by watering with a pink solution of permanganate). The soil mixture must be air and moisture permeable, usually it is made up of peat, humus and good garden soil.

    With independent preparation of the soil, all components must be thoroughly mixed

  3. Planting seeds in a suitable container: box or small box. The height of this container should be at least 5 cm, and the seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, maintaining a distance of about 3 cm from one another.

    Any box will work for a small amount of seeds

  4. Careful temperature tracking. Until the first seedlings appear, it can be normal, roomy, but as soon as the first “loops” appear, the temperature is lowered to 16-18 for 4-5 days aboutC. Then again raise to room, constantly providing maximum illumination.

    If there is no south window sill, seedling illumination is required

  5. A pick (seedlings are planted in a large box or in separate pots), carried out 10-12 days after the appearance of full seedlings.

    When picking, seedlings are buried to cotyledon leaves

  6. Moderate watering (the soil in containers with seedlings should not dry out, but water stagnation should not be allowed). If the soil is well fertilized, top dressing may not be necessary, otherwise you will have to carry out 1 or 2 top dressings with full mineral fertilizer.

    If top dressing was required, it is most convenient to use specially selected preparations

  7. Hardening, which must be carried out about a week before planting seedlings in the garden.

Good seedlings in two months (namely, how much they keep in the apartment) grow to a height of about 20-25 cm, while its stem must be strong, short, but thick. Plant transplantation into open ground is carried out when a temperature of at least 14 is established at a depth of 10-15 cm from the surface of the earth aboutC. This is in the middle lane around the end of May, and in Siberia this situation comes a little later. If the seedlings outgrow and needs to be planted earlier, care must be taken to arrange a film shelter.

Despite the high resistance of the variety to low temperatures, for the beds choose a site that is closed from cold winds. It has been prepared since the fall, introducing the usual doses of fertilizer. Tomatoes are especially fond of phosphorus, so they bring at least a bucket of humus or good compost and about 50 g of superphosphate per square meter. Do not forget about ash, pouring it in reasonable quantities, you can even a liter.

In the spring, the bed is shallow dug, and before planting seedlings make small holes, where plants are planted, deepening on the most cotyledonous leaves. Despite the determinism of the variety, the miracle of the land is planted loosely, trying to place no more than three bushes per square meter. At the same time as planting, strong stakes are driven in next to plants for the subsequent garter of plants, which is carried out as the bushes grow. Usually they try to plant seedlings in the evening, even better - in cloudy weather.

Seedlings are watered several hours before transplanting so that it is possible to get bushes from the containers together with an earthen lump, minimally injuring the roots. After planting in the wells, the seedlings are well watered with warm water (no colder than 25 aboutC) and mulch the earth with any suitable bulk material.

If seedlings are transferred to a bed with a lump of earth, it is almost not sick

Tomato care in the garden

Caring for a tomato of the Miracle of the Earth variety is very simple. It consists of watering, loosening the soil, weed control and several top dressings. In addition, the timely formation of a bush and tying to stakes is required. Usually watered in the evening, so as not to care about the temperature of the water: the sun heats it up for a day. Watered sparingly, but we must try to prevent strong drying of the soil. The variety normally tolerates drought, but plants do not need to create excess stress.

It is better to water under the root, trying not to wet the leaves without need. Depending on the current weather, watering may be required twice a week, but usually it is enough to water only on weekends. Excess water lowers the sugar content of the fruit, which should also be taken into account when growing this tomato.

2-3 weeks after planting in the garden, the plants are fed for the first time. Then, every two weeks, the root dressing is repeated, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. If at first, for the growth of the bush and flowering, nitrogen fertilizers are required to a greater extent, then, as the fruits are poured, nitrogen is removed, leaving potassium and phosphorus.

The composition of the solutions for top dressing should be made based on the instructions for fertilizers, and in the case of using organic recipes are universal (mullein with water 1:10, and bird droppings - another 10 times more diluted). Boron fertilizers are often used to increase the number of flowers, spraying bushes in the evenings with a solution of a rather simple composition: 1 g of boric acid per bucket of water.

Fortunately, the Miracle of the Earth is highly resistant to disease. This variety rarely suffers even from late blight, so ordinary summer residents, as a rule, do not even perform preventive treatments.

Tomato bushes The miracle of the earth must be formed. This variety is grown in two stems. The first thing that is done after the bush has grown well is to remove all the vegetation at a height of up to 30 cm from the ground. Then they select the most powerful stepson (and usually the lowest one) and save it as the second stem. The remaining stepchildren systematically break out.

Timely breaking out of stepsons significantly saves the strength of the bush

They are engaged in stepsoning on a weekly basis, trying to remove the stepsons as they reach a length of 5-8 cm. At the same time, a stump of about 1 cm is left, which prevents the resumption of stepson formation in this place. Stepsoning is stopped closer to August. Be sure to tie the stems several times a season with a soft rope to the stakes, using the "eight" method. The place for tying is chosen depending on the crowding of the fruit.

They try to collect fruits in dry weather, as they ripen. It is worth knowing that the slightly browned tomatoes of the Miracle of the Earth variety ripen perfectly in the room, after which they are stored for a rather long time. This property is widely used at the end of summer, when the number of fruits on the bushes is still large, and the sun and heat for keeping up with them are becoming less and less.

Video: ripe tomatoes on the bushes


Tomatoes are large, pink, flat-rounded, slightly ribbed. The taste is super! In the 2012 season, the Miracle of the Earth and the Dimensionless - 1 place among the pinks for the taste. Yes, and also, perhaps, the most juicy of large-fruited! Led in 1 trunk, productivity was average, in terms closer to mid-late it turned out.



Planted a miracle of land last year. Tomatoes are very large, although they did not weigh, but in the palm of his hand there is not enough space. Delicious.But this year I will plant 3-4 roots, because there are not many eaters, and I don’t want to tear myself. Last season, distributed to everyone who came across on the way ...

Valentina Zaitseva


Miracles of the Earth Miracle variety fully justify their name. One of the most beloved varieties in our family. Usually salad varieties - heavyweights ripen late, and this variety is early. We plant in the garden, although they say that it is better in the greenhouse. But this variety has never failed us, no matter what the weather conditions are. The harvest is always good, just the fruits are huge, and if the weather is unfavorable, then a little less. The tomatoes themselves are very tasty, pink, fleshy, sweet, fragrant. We really love tomato juice, it is from this variety. Delicious is obtained from them and tomato sauce. When children resort to the garden, the first thing they pay attention to is big pink hearts, this is what the fruits of the tomato Miracle of the Earth look like.



Plant, you will not regret, this is a real MIRACLE !!!



Miracle of the Earth - a wonderful variety of tomatoes with large beautiful fruits that can withstand adverse weather conditions. Not possessing a delicious taste, the variety takes its simplicity of cultivation, productivity and versatility of the use of fruits. This is a variety grown throughout our country and receives mostly positive reviews.


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