How to make a hammock with your own hands: general rules + two step-by-step master classes


A hammock is a convenient place to relax, able to decorate any suburban area. The product, invented by the South American Indians, allowed not only to provide a comfortable sleep, but also to effectively protect it from flying midges and night dampness inherent in this area. Modern people use a hammock mainly for short-day rest in order to relax in the shade of trees, enjoying the rustle of foliage and the singing of birds. There is nothing complicated in making a hammock with your own hands. It is enough to stock up with the necessary materials, tools and the desire to create an original and functional interior element.

General hammock manufacturing guidelines

A hammock can be not only a wonderful decoration of the site, but a rather useful piece of furniture.

According to psychologists and scientists, a couple of hours of rest in a hammock can replace a full night's sleep

When deciding to create a product, swaying in which it is pleasant to restore strength after a hard day, each of us will need to know several basic rules:

  • The material of manufacture. Before you make a hammock, you need to consider the variation of its performance and choose the right cloth. To create a durable product, it is advisable to choose a camouflage, canvas, canvas, calico or mattress teak. Synthetic materials, although they are lighter and no less durable, it is not advisable to use for sewing products, since they do not allow the body to breathe.
  • Cords for a wicker hammock. When choosing ropes, it is better to give preference to cotton threads, rather than synthetic. It is more convenient to work with cords from natural threads in the manufacture of products for weaving and tightening knots, as well as in contact during rest.
  • Reliability of fastening of supports. You can place a hammock between special supports or poles, or between two adjacent trees in the garden. If supports are specially installed to equip a hammock, then they must be deepened by no less than a meter. Among garden trees, the choice should be stopped for those whose trunk diameter is at least 20 cm.
  • Hanging height. The height of the hammock hanging above the ground is 1.5-1.6 meters. The distance between the supports is calculated as follows: 30 cm is added to the length of the product, on average it is 2.75-3 meters. In the absence of the ability to change the distance between the supports, the length of the hammock can be varied by changing the height of the garter belt, creating a stronger deflection or changing the tension.

It will be convenient to carry the mobile design around the site and place it in any corner of the garden, thereby changing the scenery.

In order not to become attached to the arrangement of trees in the garden or existing supporting structures when arranging a place for rest, you can make such a frame for any hammock

Sample metal frame under a hammock:

The most popular hammock designs

To better and more clearly show how to make a hammock with your own hands, we suggest considering several design options for this product. This will allow you to make the most successful choice that will suit your preferences and capabilities. There are many options, below are some of them.

And you can also build a hanging chair, read about it: //

Option 1 - Mexican fabric cocoon

Such a hammock, resembling a cocoon, is one of the easiest to manufacture and quite convenient to use.

Despite the simplicity of the product design, rest in such a hammock allows you to perfectly relax all muscles

It is impossible to fall out of the cocoon. But in order to get out of it or change the position of the body, you also need to make certain efforts. When folded, the product takes up quite a bit of space and weighs no more than 1 kg, making it convenient to take with you on nature or on a hike.

This version of the hammock is quite simple to manufacture. In order to sew a Mexican hammock, it is necessary to prepare two pieces of dense matter measuring 1.5-3 meters and a cord 20 meters long, which can withstand a weight of 150-200 kg, for tightening and suspending the product. Both fabric sections are folded together.

Pattern for sewing a standard single Mexican hammock.

The cuts are sewn on both sides along the length of the pattern towards each other. The length of the lower seam is 2 meters (indicated in green in the figure). As a result, a tunnel with incomplete edges is formed. The sections of the pattern marked in yellow in the drawing are not stitched. This will make it possible to lay a water-repellent film or a padding pad in the inner layer of the product, which will significantly increase the comfort of rest. The narrow side of the product, marked in red, must be tucked 2-3 cm and stitched. The product is ready. It remains only to extend the cord into the resulting tunnel.

The stretched cord must be crossed and tightened at the ends, picking up the fabric. The tightening point is wrapped a couple of times with the same cord and tied with a knot

To attach a structure to a tree without damaging its bark, it is necessary to put a pipe on a rope or hang a cloth under it.

To relax young children and the elderly, you can improve the product by attaching the narrow side of a rectangular cut made in the same pattern to wooden sticks

Option 2 - Macrame Braided Hammock

The hammocks of the Soviet era, known to most of our compatriots, look like a volleyball net.

Such a "bed", leaving a chess pattern on the back of a vacationer, has been replaced by more convenient and aesthetic handicrafts

In order to knit a comfortable and beautiful hammock, you need to learn how to weave several knots of macrame technique. For work, you need a strong rope or linen cord d = 8mm, as well as two wooden slats of the same size, about 1.5 meters long. To fasten the rope, d = 20 mm holes are drilled in the bars at an equidistant distance of 4-5 cm. The ratio of the diameter of the hole to the diameter of the rope should be 1/3, which will allow the rope to be folded three times more tightly.

The length of the cord depends on the selected pattern. The calculation is as follows: the distance from the rail to the rail must be increased three times, and then multiplied by the number of holes. So in order to weave an openwork hammock with your own hands measuring 2.5x0.9m, you will need 150 meters of cord per pattern and 20 meters for attaching the product to the support.

Learning to tie such a flat knot, you can make a pretty nice openwork product, the pattern of which will not lose its shape during operation

The technology of weaving from hammock cords is quite simple. Each knot is tied from 4 ropes, the mesh size is not more than 7 cm.

The finished mesh is drawn through the holes on the rails and connected into nodes. Structural strength can be imparted with metal rings

Video master class “how to weave a hammock”

As you can see, if you want, you can just make a beautiful hammock with your own hands.


Watch the video: 7 Essential Knots You Need To Know (October 2024).