

The rose-rose kerrievidny gardeners of our country are undeservedly forgotten. This is a small shrub, similar to the recently beloved kerriya. It has white flowers, periodically bloom all summer. The leaves are light green, white flowers and shiny black berries combine very effectively and give the plant a winning look.

Planting a rose-curved rose should be in a semi-shaded place, the soil should be humus garden, not waterlogged. The beauty and unusual appearance of this plant is noted by all gardeners in Russia. It is not frost-resistant, fresh shoots can freeze, but they are very easily restored growing from the root. It should be propagated by cuttings and layering.

In 1841, the pink rose was isolated in a separate genus. It grows naturally in the countries of Southeast Asia (Japan, China, Korea). In the XIX century it was brought to North America and Australia, nowadays it is grown by gardeners, often it becomes a weed. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively.

The fruits of the pink rose are poisonous. The cyanide content in the fruit can cause a person to stop breathing and convulsions.
