Coleus Black Dragon: Everything About Care and Landing


Coleus is a plant belonging to the large family of Lamiaceae. Found in nature in Africa and the tropical part of Asia, where there are more than 150 species.

General Description of the Black Dragon Coleus Variety

The stalk is tetrahedral ribbed, not pubescent, stiffened at the base.

The surface of the sheet plate is velvet with mesh veins. The size of some reaches 15 cm. The structure of the leaves is very similar to nettle. Their distinctive feature from other varieties is a shape close to an oval with large rounded denticles along the edge. They have a beautiful red-burgundy color. Sometimes the outer part turns into a brown tint. Due to the depth and color saturation, the variety was called Black Dragon.

The bush is formed small, but with a very magnificent crown. Height is 30-36 cm and width is 25-30 cm.

The flowers are small, light blue, collected in inflorescences. Pestle with fused stamens, outwardly similar to the case, the name Coleus is translated exactly in this way. The seed is small.

Home Care for Black Dragon Coleus

Despite its southern origin, it feels great in our climate and is unpretentious in leaving. It is only necessary to closely monitor the plant and create comfortable conditions for it for growth and development.

What to do after purchase

When buying, simple recommendations are followed, here are some of them:

  • A careful examination is mandatory, on the leaves and stems there should not be traces of diseases or pests.
  • It is better to make a purchase in the spring, this will help adaptation.
  • It is not recommended to purchase a flowering coleus. A sharp change in conditions may adversely affect further growth.
  • Take a plant with several shoots, and not with one, with a fluffy crown. These are sure signs of a developed root system.
  • Learn about transportation. If it arrived from abroad, it needs a transplant, as some types of soil are not intended for long cultivation.

The new coleus needs adaptation, this process takes about 2 weeks. At this time, it must be protected from drafts, bright sunlight and, if possible, not rearranged.

When transplanting, the native container is left under the condition that it is suitable in size. It is easy to determine by the roots, they should not be visible in the drainage holes.

House Coleus Growing Conditions

It is not difficult to grow a coleus black dragon at home, the main thing is to adhere to optimal indicators for proper growth and development, shown in the table:




LightingSun-loving, but does not tolerate direct rays, burns appear. On the southern windows - shading. Ideal southwestern, eastern. For uniform coloring of foliage, the pot is rotated.It is necessary to highlight, with a lack of light, it turns pale and stretches in height.
Temperature+ 22 ... +25 ° C.+ 16 ... +18 ° C.
WateringRegular, every other day, in the first half until noon.Two times per week. Avoid waterlogging the soil.
Air humidityOptimum value: 70-90%. It is necessary to spray the leaves 1 time in 4 days, in the evening hours with water at room temperature.Move away from radiators. It is advisable to purchase a humidifier.
PrimingNutritious friable from sheet or sod land, sand and peat. A drainage layer at the bottom of the pot is required.

Take sand, turf and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Mandatory disinfection with manganese.

Top dressingOrganic complex and potash fertilizers once a week. You need to be careful with nitrogen, its excess inhibits the bright color of the leaves.The concentration is halved and applied once a month. You can do without fertilizing.

Landing at home and in the garden of the Black Dragon

At home, coleus can be planted in two ways: seeds or cuttings.

The first is well suited for spring. First you need to prepare the soil: neutral or slightly acidic pH 5.4-7.0, add ash at a high rate. If the soil is not purchased, it must be decontaminated. Warm up in an oven at a temperature of +200 ° C or spill with boiling water.

Land is moistened and laid out planting material. The distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm. Sprinkle with a small layer of sand on top. Next, the container is covered with a film or glass. The optimum temperature is placed in a warm place: + 20 ... +22 ° C.

After the first seedlings appear, after 15-20 days you need to monitor the moisture of the substrate and regularly ventilate the seedlings. First remove the film for 2 minutes, gradually increasing the opening time. When a pair of true leaves appears, pick. Small plants will need to be planted 2-3 more times, acquiring an increasingly large capacity.

You need to water every two days carefully, being careful not to get liquid on the leaves. When the bushes grow to a height of 15-20 cm, they are transplanted into permanent pots.

It is better to plant seedlings in open ground in the middle of spring, when the earth warms up, and the plants get stronger and will tolerate temperature fluctuations well. The main thing is to protect seedlings from drafts and direct sunlight.

Another way is to grow using cuttings. The best time is the end of winter, in February. The root processes without flowers and buds, leaflets should be at least two pairs, and the length of the cut part is at least 15 cm.

After cutting, put the stalk in water. You can add a drug to it to form the root system, for example, Kornevin or Gumisol, following the instructions. The fluid needs to be changed every 2-3 days.

After 1.5 months, with the advent of roots, they are transplanted into the ground. Deepen in the ground to the first pair of leaves.

Coleus transplant and pruning

Coleus is transplanted in the spring, once every 2 years, some plants growing at home are enough.

Here are a few landing rules:

  • Choosing a container, they are guided by the fact that the old pot should fit in a new one.
  • You need to transfer the plant with a small earthen lump, this will not injure the roots.
  • The new substrate must contain peat and humus. At the bottom, a layer of broken tiles or expanded clay is required.
  • After transplanting, the coleus should be abundantly watered and fertilizer applied.

In the spring, the bush needs to be formed, for this, pruning is carried out. For adult plants, this procedure will be anti-aging. Dried and non-viable branches are removed, this activates the growth of young shoots from the root.

If you need a tall plant, then remove the side shoots. To give the bush a spherical shape, pinch the tops, remove the inflorescences for splendor.

Without strong pruning, the flowerbed can grow to a lush carpet.

Particularly tall and thick specimens growing at home or in the garden are best tied to supports. In this case, the slope and direction of the bush can be adjusted.

Possible mistakes when growing Coleus

Coleus is susceptible to certain diseases and pest attacks. Identify the cause of the disease and find a solution to the problem will help the information in the table:

Disease / pestSigns


Basal and stem rot.Rotting of the roots, softening of the stem, it becomes watery.Transplant the plant into new soil, increase the drainage layer, reduce watering. Some are best saved by cuttings.
Lack of light.Loss of foliage grows strongly up.Transfer to a more illuminated window, illuminate with a lamp in the cold season.
Lack of humidity and high air temperature.Sluggish drooping foliage with brown spots.Get a humidifier, spray. Install a container with moistened expanded clay or sand near the pot.
Lack of nutrients in the soil.The color is pale, the lower tiers of the crown fall off. The appearance of many colors.Add organic fertilizer. Regular pruning of overgrown bushes.
Spider mite.Loss of leaf shine. Painful appearance of the plant.Diluted Soap. Solution with ammonia - 30 ml per 10 liters of water. A decoction of garlic in boiling water: 50 g per 10 liters.
Mealybug.Leaf blades yellowed and wrinkled.Treatment with insecticides, for example, Bison, Actofit. Spraying tincture of peel of lemon or orange (50 g per 1 liter of boiling water). Wipe pests with alcohol.
WhiteflyProcessing with a solution of tar or laundry soap in a ratio of 1: 6.
Aphid.Decreased growth, general depression.Soap solution 300 gr per 10 l of water. Sprinkle the affected leaves and earth with ash.

Mr. Summer Resident recommends: Coleus Black Dragon - a natural healer

Coleus, in addition to its decorative function, also benefits as a natural natural medicine. This is due to the chemical composition of the plant and its forskolin.

At home, the root part of the coleus is used, which is thoroughly washed, dried and ground into powder. After cooking, pour into a container and add to food. As a dietary supplement, it positively affects all body systems:

  • It affects the thyroid gland and is involved in the burning of fat cells.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Helps the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Helps improve digestion.
  • It has a general strengthening effect.

An amazing variety of coleus Black dragon has an unusual coloring of leaves that will look original both on a garden flower bed and as a decoration for a window sill. In addition, substances useful to the body will not leave indifferent any lover of traditional medicine.


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