How I planted cucumbers, squash and pumpkin on seedlings


Planting pumpkin seedlings (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin) for seedlings in a greenhouse according to the Lunar calendar is recommended on April 17. But I'm leaving the country. Therefore, I planted today (04/15/2019).

I took the seeds of cucumbers at random because of the varieties I wanted to plant (pickling, Nezhinsky), and I also took Kustovy to try. My favorite varieties - Zyatek and Mother-in-law's language, have not found. When I find buy and plant apparently already right in the ground. In the meantime, I am planting seeds for seedlings in a greenhouse so that I can transplant them later. Seeds of bush cucumbers. Photo from Mr. Summer resident

I don’t like to grow zucchini, they become stony during long-term storage, although young ones are certainly good. I prefer zucchini, their flesh remains tender for a long time. Took a hybrid grade Tiger cub. I like him and unpretentious. Seeds of Zucchini. Photo from Mr. Summer resident

Pumpkin seeds I prefer my own. But this year I decided to try new ones. I bought a grade Rossiyanka, Big Max, Healing and decorative small. Pumpkin seeds Photo from Mr. Summer resident

As a rule, seeds are advised to soak for disinfection in Zircon or potassium permanganate, but this should only be done with your own. Purchased are trained and do not need to soak them.

A little later I will plant tomato seedlings here in the greenhouse, and therefore I marked the place of their planting (I made holes in advance). Between these holes just planted pumpkin seedlings. She took off a little layer of the earth, spilled it with warm rainwater, arranged the seeds and sprinkled them with earth. Seeds in the ground. Photo from Mr. Summer resident

Then the landing was covered with lutrasil. Although in the greenhouse, but there is some very cold weather and frosts at night. Maybe after the 16th, you don’t have to cover, but now I will not risk it.


Watch the video: Tips on Starting Transplant Cucumbers, Squash & Zucchini in Cups -TRG 2015 (October 2024).