Cleoma: description, landing, care


Cleoma belongs to the Cleom order family Cabbage. People called her a spider plant because of the interesting structure of the buds. It lives in areas with a warm and temperate climate throughout the planet. The genus has more than 200 species. However, when designing landscape design, only some of them are used.

Description and features of Cleoma

This is an annual or perennial herb or shrub up to 1.5 m in height. Rhizomes and stems are powerful. Branched shoots, covered with short glandular nap.

Light malachite leaves are arranged alternately along the stem. They are simple or complex, one-piece, long, linear. On one shoot grows from 5 to 7 pieces. The greens at the top are whole and small. Some varieties have spines on the underside of the foliage.

Flowers of the correct form, collected in cystiform inflorescences on the tops of high peduncles. They have elongated stamens resembling spider paws. Petals of various shades: snow-white, purple, sunny or lilac. Flowering can be observed all summer.

The buds exude a specific aroma. It does not look like a flower and people do not like it. However, in the open air it is almost elusive. But this smell repels pests, but attracts natural pollinators - dwarf bats. After flowering, the formation of a single-nested cod-shaped polysperm, up to 3 mm long.

Types and varieties of Cleoma

Cultivate 2 varieties: Hassler and Prickly. In the natural environment, they grow in the tropical regions of the South. America. Based on them, many hybrids with attractive and long flowering have been bred. They have differences only in the color of the petals. The most beautiful varieties:

VarietyVarietiesBuds coloring
PricklyCherry queenViolet or lilac.
Helen CampbellSnowy
Pink and Rose QueenAll pinkish shades.
Violet queenLilac-ink.
Golden sparklerLemon Golden
Giant Pink CusanDirty pink
Sparkler lavenderFaint purple
HasslerSplashes of champagneLight purple or pearl.
Kelly rosePinkish lilac

Growing Cleoma

Bred only from seeds. They can be sown immediately on the garden plot or pre-grown seedlings. The second method is preferable, because flowering can be observed earlier.

Sowing Cleome

Sowing work for seedlings is carried out at the end of winter:

  • Wrap the seed in a damp cloth and place in the growth accelerator for half a day. For example, in Epin or Heteroauxin (for 300 ml of water a couple of drops of the drug).
  • Fill containers with humus, garden soil and sand (2: 2: 1). Peat containers can also be used.
  • Sprinkle seeds in the soil mixture.
  • Sprinkle on top with the remaining soil (1.5 cm).
  • Cover with glass or polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions.
  • Daily remove the shelter for ventilation and moistening the soil from the spray gun.
  • Sprouts germinate after 14-20 days.

Seedling Care

After biting the seedlings, the shelter must be completely removed and the container moved to the lightest area in the room. After sunset, you need to create additional lighting with phytolamps. Watering is not often, but plentiful. Make sure that the topsoil does not dry out.

When the bushes get stronger, add a small amount of potassium permanganate solution to the soil. Increase the amount of water for irrigation, remove additional lighting.

After the formation of a pair of real leaf plates, transplant into small peat cups, digging into the soil mixture until the first leaves emerge from the seed. After 10-14 days after the dive, introduce complex mineral fertilizer. It can be bought at every flower shop. Use ½ of the dose indicated on the package. Periodically rotate the pot relative to sunlight so that the rays fall on all the seedlings and they grow evenly.

Planting Cleoma in the open ground

Before diving into a permanent place, the shoots need to be hardened: a week before landing, start to take out 30-60 minutes into the street, gradually increasing the time. Thanks to this, the bushes will become stronger immunity, they will be less likely to hurt.

Landing time

Landing in an open area is carried out after complete heating of the soil, when the probability of night frost disappears. In the middle zone of our country, this happens in late spring and early summer.

Landing technology

The place must be chosen sunny, closed from the cold wind. The bushes will grow better on nutrient, moistened soil with an average pH. When the substrate on the infertile site you need to dig it with organic matter (1 bucket per square meter) and fertilizer for garden flowers in granules (2 large spoons per square meter).

Landing step by step:

  • Spray seedlings with Epin-Extra and Cytovit according to the instructions.
  • Place the shoots in the planting pits along with peat pots.
  • Leave a distance of 0.5-0.7 m between the bushes. This is necessary so that they do not form too thick thickets, they are not affected by diseases and pests, flowering was colorful.
  • Pour humate under the base.

Cleome care

Planting and flower care are simple, you just need to follow some rules and tips for growing:

WateringWith excess moisture, the bushes may die. Therefore, you need to water with a large volume of water, but not often, only in extreme heat. The flower can be mulched, then the humidity will always be at the required level.
Top dressing
  • Once a couple of weeks, apply complex fertilizers for flowers (for example, Fertika-combi or luxury). Dosage: 10 ml per 10 l of water.
  • When weakening plants, use a lower concentration: 1 small spoon per 3 liters.
  • To stimulate flowering, irrigate with Zircon (1 ml per 1 liter of water).
Other careWeed regularly, loosen if the bushes were not mulled during planting.

Water 1-2 times a month with a solution of potassium permanganate for the prevention of gray (root) rot.

Cleoma after flowering

Because reproduction occurs only by seed method, after withering inflorescences it is necessary to collect seeds for spring sowing. You need to do this in the fall, when they mature.

Determining seed preparedness is easy. They turn yellow or brown, acquire a rounded shape, reach 15 mm.

After ripening, the seed pods burst and the contents crumble. In order not to miss this important point, it is recommended to tie polysyedia with gauze. Then the seeds will not be on the ground, but in the bag, they will not need to be collected.

Sowing material can be buried in December in the soil mixture by 15 mm and covered with spruce branches until spring. Thanks to this, the seeds will undergo a natural stratification by cold. In the future, the bushes will be stronger immunity.

In our country, glue is usually grown as an annual. Therefore, after the end of the vegetative period, the bush is disposed of.

Diseases and pests

Due to its special aroma, the flower is not attacked by harmful insects. Cleoma is very rare. More often this happens due to errors in care: close landing to water bodies, excessive moisture, treatment with non-sterile instruments, etc. If everything is done correctly when growing, the bush will be invulnerable to various lesions.

Very rarely, on the bushes, aphids can begin to live. It is quite simple to detect it by the following signs:

  • greenish or dark moving dots;
  • punctures on the foliage;
  • sticky coating;
  • twisting, yellowing of leaves;
  • lack of flowering or early wilting of buds.

In the fight against insect pests will help:

  • Laundry soap solution: grate a bar of 150-300 g and pour 10 l of hot water. Stir everything well and make sure that there are no solid particles in the liquid, they can cause greens to burn.
  • Garlic tincture: mince the plant. Mix with water in equal amounts. Put in a warm place for several weeks. Dilute with water (10 ml per 50 ml) and treat the aerial part.
  • Natural enemies: their larvae can be purchased in specialized stores (for example, ladybugs, lacewings, some species of wasps).
  • Poisonous drugs: Entobacterin, Fitoverm, Biotlin and others.

With excess moisture, the bush can affect root rot. With this disease, the rhizome and cuttings begin to blacken, and after a while they rot. It is also characterized by the following:

  • lodging of stems;
  • drying of greenery, the appearance of constrictions on it;
  • withering leaves, the appearance of brown spots on them, eventually becoming black and solid;
  • slowdown.

With a severe defeat, the bush can not be saved, it must be destroyed in order to avoid infection of other plants. If the disease has just begun its development, then the affected areas must be cut and burned. After that, treat the bush with Trichovitis, Fundazole, Topaz or other poisonous agents.

Mr. Summer resident informs: cleoma in the landscape

The flower looks great both in individual planting, and in a variety of floral arrangements. Cleoma can be combined with:

  • fragrant tobacco;
  • Lavater;
  • lilies;
  • marigolds and other annuals.

Tall bushes are used to create hedges or design the background of a flower garden. With proper care, cleome will decorate the garden with its flowering from June to September.


Watch the video: Cleoma Breaux and Joe Falcon - Ils ont volé mon traîneau vintage cajun (October 2024).