Philodendron: description, types, care and frequent errors in it


Philodendron is an evergreen plant native to South America. This representative of the Aroid family is widely distributed throughout the world. Now philodendrons are used as indoor flowers.

Philodendron Description

It has large green leaves, the shape of which can be oval, heart-shaped, round, or arrow-shaped. The stalk is dense, woody from the base. Depending on the species, underground and aerial roots are found that help epiphytes attach to another plant.

The inflorescence of the philodendron resembles a whitish cob of medium size, on top of which is a pinkish hood (bedspread). Fruits are small poisonous berries containing seeds.

Popular types of home philodendron

The genus of philodendrons includes about 900 species, but only some of them are used as house plants. All representatives have a similar structure and color of inflorescences, but differ in leaf shape, stem size and other characteristics.

Climbing200 cm. Half epiphyte, most of life grows like a climbing vine.20-30 cm long, reddish, velvety. They have a heart-shaped elongated shape.
Blushing150-180 cm. The stem is a non-branching vine, lignified from the base.Elongated, pointed towards the end. 25 cm long, 10-18 cm wide. Long maroon stalks.
AtomSmall, has a shrubby structure.Up to 30 cm long, shiny, waxed. Dark green, slightly curled, with wavy edges.
Guitar-likeLiana 200 cm tall.20-35 cm. Heart-shaped, elongated to the end. Adult leaves resemble a guitar in shape.
WartyMedium sized epiphyte in need of support.Dark green with a bronze tint, heart-shaped. 20-25 cm long. Sinewy. On the petioles are villi.
HastateLong elastic vine up to 500 cm in height.35-45 cm. Glossy, rich green with an acid tint. Over time, the edges become wavy.
SelloTree-like shrub plant, 100-300 cm.Up to 90 cm in length, 60-70 cm in width. Large incisions slightly twisted.
XandouGround, stalk numb. Reaches large sizes.Round, have a lobed structure. Dark green, glossy.
CobraCompact half epiphyte.14-25 cm long. Elongated, decorative color.
BurgundySmall stiff branching stalk.10-15 cm in length, 8-14 cm in width. Dark green with burgundy shimmer. Elongated to the ends, ellipsoidal.
White MarbleMedium, shrubby or epiphytic structure.Oval, slightly elongated with a pointed end. Petioles are maroon. Covered with white stains.
GoldieA compact branching vine with a strong root system, needs support.Light, with a white tint. Elongated, sinewy, matte.
Jungle BoogieA stiff half-epiphyte with a fleshy elastic stalk.Long, with large numerous cuts, dark green, pointed tip.
VarshevichLarge evergreen half-epiphyte with branching shoots.Thin, light green, small in size. Cirrus dissected.
MagnificumMedium in size, dark green stem. The root system is up to 10 cm long.Dense, glossy, with wavy edges, elongated shape.
IvyRising dense stem with long brownish roots.15-40 cm. Wide, heart-shaped, dark green, leathery.
LobedLong epiphytic liana, stiff at the base.40-60 cm, lobed, shiny, covered with a wax coating.
RadiantEpiphytic or semi-epiphytic plant of small sizes.15-20 cm long, 10-15 cm wide. The shape changes with age from ellipsoidal to more elongated.
JellyfishBurgundy stem, compact, unpretentious in care.Light green and olive with an amber tint. Glossy.
MediopiktaCompact half epiphyte.Diverse, emerald, elongated to the end.
ElegantA large branchy plant with a numb stalk.45-50 cm in length. Large, light green, have deep cuts.

Philodendron Care

In order for the philodendron to grow healthy, it must be properly looked after.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
LocationTo place in the eastern or western part of the room, where there is direct access to sunlight.Do not place the pot near heating appliances. Eliminate the possibility of drafts.
WateringLoveable. The soil should not dry out; claydite should be kept moist.If comfortable conditions remain, maintain regular. On cold days do not water.
Humidity60-70%. Spray the flower every 2-3 days, if the room is hot, increase the regularity to 2 times a day. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.To exclude spraying at a low temperature, otherwise the plant will rot. But if the air is too dry, put a humidifier or a container of water near the pot.
Temperature+ 22 ... +28 ° ะก, regular ventilation is necessary, it can also tolerate higher temperatures with appropriate humidity.It should not fall below +15 ° C, otherwise the plant dies.
LightingNeeds bright, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.Add daylight using phytolamps.

Selection of capacity and soil, transplant rules

The capacity must be taken wide and deep, since the horse system of the philodendron is long and has multiple branches, it is also necessary to make drainage holes in it for excess moisture.

You can use the substrate for orchids with the addition of peat, or prepare it yourself: charcoal, needles, sand, peat, perlite and soddy soil mixed in equal proportions. For greater nutrition, sprinkle with bone meal or horn chips.

If the philodendron is young, it should be replanted once a year, for adult plants, once every 3-4 years is enough. As soon as the roots begin to appear from the drainage holes, it is necessary to start preparing a new container of appropriate size.

  1. Place drainage (polystyrene foam, expanded clay) on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Top up the soil mixture.
  3. Remove the plant from the old container so as not to damage the roots.
  4. Place the philodendron in the center without removing the support, if any.
  5. Add the remainder of the substrate and carefully water so that the soil settles and is saturated with moisture.
  6. The root neck does not need to be deepened.

You can also use the transshipment method:

  1. With a knife, separate the soil from the edges of the pot.
  2. Lift the philodendron out of the container with the earthen lump.
  3. Move the plant to a new prepared pot.
  4. Add soil and water carefully.

Formation, support

To form a beautiful crown, you need to regularly cut dried leaves and branches. Do this in spring and summer without damaging healthy parts of the plant.

Support is needed for epiphytic species that need to provide vertical growth. To do this, use a moss trunk, various stakes, trellises or a wet vertical wall.

Watering, top dressing

In the wild, philodendron grows in a seasonal change in precipitation: rain and drought. Room conditions do not have for such humidification, however, watering should be carried out in accordance with the season.

In spring and summer, the plant can not be watered too often, it is enough to prevent the soil from drying out.

The substrate must always remain wet. Autumn-winter should be reduced and carried out only after drying half of the soil.

It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out, otherwise the philodendron will die.

Feed with nitrogen-containing, phosphorus or potash fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks in the spring-summer, 1 time per month in the fall-winter. Reduce the concentration of the solution by 20% from the one indicated in the instructions. You can also use organics: needles, tree bark, sawdust, moss.

Philodendron Reproduction

Philodendron propagates in two ways: by seed and vegetatively. But seed reproduction at home is practically not practiced, since the plant blooms rarely and is not self-pollinated.

The second method is carried out in the spring-summer season.

  1. Cut the shoot with 2-3 internodes with a sanitized knife.
  2. The place of cut is treated with charcoal.
  3. Prepare a container with a mineral substrate.
  4. Make small holes in the soil and place the cuttings there. The green part should remain on the surface.
  5. Create greenhouse conditions: regularly spray the soil, cover the container with film, maintain bright lighting, room temperature and ventilate once a day.
  6. After 20-25 days, transplant the plant into a standard container with ready-made soil and drainage holes.

Mistakes in Philodendron Care


Manifestations on the leaves

CauseRepair methods
Turn yellow and dry.Lack of minerals, direct sunlight, dry air.Increase the amount of watering and darken the philodendron.
Transparent spots appear.Burn.Put the plant in partial shade and cover. Spray regularly.
The roots are rotting.Increased soil hardness, excess moisture, fungal infection.In the first case, soften the soil with bark. In the second, normalize the watering regime. Physan will help against fungus.
Fade.The air is too cold or humid.Adjust the humidity to about 70%. Keep track of temperature.
Philodendron is not growing.

Turn pale.

Depletion of the substrate.Increase top dressing or transplant philodendron into a new nutrient ground.
Yellow spots on the surface.The light is too bright.Shade or move the plant to the western part of the room.

Diseases, pests of philodendron

SymptomCauseRepair methods
The roots rot, a black coating appears on them. The shoot and all the leaves dry out.Bacterial rot.Cut off all affected parts of the plant, treat the cut points with Fitosporin. After changing the soil and disinfect the pot. It is possible to use tetracycline (1 g per liter).
Black dots appear on the outside of the leaves. The stem is often covered with brown stripes.Viral damage.The infection is not treated. You need to get rid of the plant so that it does not pass to other flowers.
Sprouts die off, the leaves become stained.Shield.Use Permethrin, Bi 58, Phosphamide, Methyl mercaptophos or a soap solution.
Green little insects on the surface of the leaves, stem. Philodendron dies.Aphid.Tincture of lemon juice, Intavir, Actofit.
The stem and leaves are covered with a thin thick white web.Spider mite.Water regularly, apply Neoron, Omayt, Fitoverm according to the instructions.
Wax deposits and white spots on the leaves.Mealybug.Remove the affected parts of the flower, remove insects, treat with Actara, Mospilan, Actellik or Calypso.

Mr. Dachnik explains: the benefits and harms of philodendron

Philodendron juice is toxic and, on skin, causes irritation. Therefore, with the plant should always work with gloves. But the flower also has useful properties: thanks to its wide leaves, it purifies the air of toxins and helps to reduce the number of harmful bacteria.


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