Corydalis - primrose: characteristics and rules of care


Corydalis is a perennial plant that belongs to the Makov family. Mostly it is distributed in the northern latitudes. The theoretical name (from the Greek. Cons - helmet) received due to the shape of the flower. But the official name Corydalis is given for the crested yule, as the form still resembled a crest of a bird.

The species has more than 200 varieties. Huge diversity is noted in China, the Himalayas, Tibet, Siberia and Upper Asia. Gardeners prefer it because of frost resistance, decorativeness, simple care and a bouquet of useful properties.

The main features of the Corydalis

Chinese Corydalis are annuals and perennials. They have an active and massive root system. The height of the shoots ranges from 0.20 to 0.45 m.

At the base of the stem are up to 4 fern-shaped green leaves with a silver layer of plaque. They can be triangular or round with their petiole.

The formation of cylinder-shaped inflorescences on the tops of the stems is observed in the second half of spring. They have 5-35 oblong flowers of various shades: red, purple, snow-white, lilac, golden. The total corolla length of the plant is from 1 to 3 cm, the sharp sepals are small and large apical leaves. Nectar is located among the long outgrowth, which is extracted by insects with a long nose.

The fruit is an elongated box with small shiny black seeds. They have a growth that ants like. As a result, they can pick up seeds over a long distance.

In a decorative design, flowers are grown with crocuses, hyacinths, snowdrops and early tulips.

Types and varieties of Corydalis

There are a large number of varieties that have covered various parts of the world.

Yellow (lutea)Winter hardiness.

Propagation by sowing.

Watering required.



Thrice complex.



Bright yellow.


Haller (solida)


Southern origin.

Trunk 7-21 cm.

The size of the root crop is 9-14 mm.

May flourish.

Twice and thrice complex.

Pale bluish color.

Dense inflorescences.

Snow white.





Marshall (marschalliana)Eastern Europe.


Sprouts 10-25 cm.



Pale yellow.

Growth - 20 mm.

China, Japan and Korea.

Height 50-60 m.

Root weakness.

Propagation by self-seeding.

Abundant flowering - May, September.

Places of flowering - forests, rivers, mountains.


Double or triple pinnately dissected.



Size - 1.5 cm.

Intermediate (intermedia)Flowering - April - May.

Erect shoots.

Height - 10-75 cm.


Pale gray color.

Purple bezel.

Elongated box.

Dark seed.

Early spring.

Height is up to 15 cm.

The size of the tubers is 2 mm.

Blooming May - June.


Bright green.

Lilac pink.

The size is 2-3 cm.

Doubtful (ambigua)Perennial.

The height of the stems is 10-25 cm.


Ash gray layer.

Baby blue.
Shangina (schanginii)Deserts of Kazakhstan.

The height of the stems is 30 cm.

The diameter of the tuber is 3 cm.

Blue hue.Length - up to 5 cm.

Pale violet color.

Kashmir (cashemeriana)Himalayas.

The heyday of the end of spring.

Propagation by daughter tubers or seeds

Secondary appearance.The stalk height is 15 cm.

Inflorescence - up to 5 cm.

Bunge (bungeana)Two-year spherical.

Height - 50 cm.

Thin rod up to 10 cm.

Color is the beginning of summer.

The color is blue.

Twice cirrus dissected.

Crushed into narrow halves.

Separated by 1.5 cm.

Pinkish purple color.

Seed pipettes are flat, oval, 2.5 cm.

Ussuriysk (ussuriensis)Korea.

Elongated stem about 25 cm.

The diameter of the tuber is not less than 2 cm.

The heyday of late spring.

Valley cedar-deciduous forests.

Diamond or oval shape.Blue.

Pinkish purple.

Features of growing Corydalis

The flower begins to sprout in early spring, before the snow melts. Flowering occurs when the soil warms up to + 3 ... +5 ° C. Flowering time - about 30 days. The beginning of summer is the ripening of seeds, after which a part above the ground gradually dies.

There are species blooming in the summer - dubious, Kashmir, Ussuri. Yellow pleases throughout the warm period.

Planting, transplanting and methods of reproduction

For breeding apply:

  • seeds;
  • tubers roots;
  • division method.


The seed method is used after collection. Shoots can be observed on the 6-7th day. Care must be taken to prevent drying out.


After fruiting, the flowers turn yellow and dry, and the roots remain in the soil at a considerable depth. This period is the most suitable for transplantation. Planting is carried out at the stage of calm, but also during the period of active flowering. Do this carefully, the slightest damage to the tuber leads to disease and death of the plant.

In this case, a breakdown of the ground part will not affect the health of the flower. By dividing tubers, the following species breed: Kashmir and Bush. They are planted in the ground from June to the end of September. Large ones are buried 8-14 cm deep, and small ones are 5-8 cm deep.

Bush division

In the spring, they resort to the division method. It should be borne in mind that each half should have a kidney and a rhizome. Separated shrubs are moved to a new meadow along with the ground. Dug seedlings should have a large lump of soil. The distance between them is 10-15 cm.

Corydalis care in the garden

Cultivate Chinese Corydalis follows some recommendations. You need to perform regular watering, weed removal, top dressing, loosen the soil and protect against pests.

  • Chinese Corydalis prefers fertile, loose (therefore, if necessary, it is mixed with gravel), light, sandy loam or loamy soil.
  • By its nature, it is not whimsical and perfectly takes root in sunny space or in a shaded area. Experienced gardeners select a place for planting with diffused light without stagnation of moisture.
  • It is advised to take care of the drain for water, as the flower will rot. She has enough natural rainfall and melt water.
  • The stems are cut off after complete drying.
  • It does not require shelter for the winter.


It is worth noting that during distillation only one variety is used - dense crested. You need to take large tubers and put in a pot. It is necessary to store in a dark room at a temperature of + 5 ... +10 ° C. Regularly check the container, prevent drying out and observe the temperature regime. Plants watered to yellow leaves. Then placed in a black bag and stored in the refrigerator until March.

Diseases and pests

Tufted crest, although it is resistant, can attack parasites and infections.

  • The foci of the virus are determined by the presence of spots and growths on the leaves, which can tighten the edges. Having noticed such symptoms, you must immediately remove the Corydalis, so as not to infect the flower bed.
  • The defeat of the fungus manifests itself in the form of red and dark spots. The leaves are cut and burned with further preventive treatment of plants. Effectively spray the flowerbed with a fungicide solution.

  • Rodents are also dangerous. To destroy them, poison baits are prepared and burrows are poured. Tubers are treated with ash and dried.
  • Egg shells or lime will help remove slugs.

Useful properties of Corydalis

Fans of home medicine use folk remedies, and Corydalis is one of them. Little is known that flower tubers have effective healing properties. Decoctions, tinctures and ointments have anti-inflammatory, soothing, antiseptic and hypnotic effects. They are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive and nervous systems, arthritis and arthrosis, liver pathologies, and insomnia. Also, the broth is useful in the treatment of dermatological and dental diseases, wounds and burns.

After fruiting, the tubers are cut, dried and stored in a glass container. The rest of the flower contains harmful substances!

  • With rheumatism and diarthrosis is an effective recipe: 5 g of tubers pour 100 ml of boiling water and insist 40 minutes. Then they drink 3 times a day. The course of admission is 7 days.
  • If sleep is disturbed, then 1 teaspoon of the powder is taken before bedtime.

The plant is not recommended for patients with obesity, diabetes and intestinal disorders.

Thus, the crest becomes a popular ornamental plant and is valued for frost resistance, early flowering, pleasant smell, ease of care and beautiful flowering every spring.

In our region there are 3 species: yellow, dense and Marshall. It is perfect for the design of natural squares, parks and forest corners. It is often used in projects of various landscapes or for edging garden alleys. This beauty at the same time pleases the eye and strengthens health with its healing properties.


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