Ixora: description, types, care


Ixora is a genus of evergreen shrubs of the Marenov family. Homeland - tropical forests of Asia, because of its bright colors, was called the fiery Tropicana.

In India, it is used as a medicine.

Description of Ixora

Height - up to 2 m. The foliage is solid, glossy, densely located (7.5-15 cm) from olive to dark green. Red, pink, white flowers, depending on the species, are collected at the top of the plant in whorled inflorescences (8-20 cm in diameter).

Types of ixora for indoor breeding

There are about 400 different xors in nature.

For the house received special hybrids, the most popular:



Bloom period

Bright redHeight - 1.3 m. The most popular view.Roundedly pointed, bronze hue.Small ones can be white, pink, yellow, beige.

All summer (with proper care).

Javanese1.2 m.Oval with sharp endings, glossy.Flaming color.

June August.

Karmazinovaya1m.Elongatedly rounded, green.Large bright red.

April - August.

Chinese1m.Darkish peaked.Bred pink, yellow, white, orange-red.

June - September.

Home Care for the Flaming Tropicana

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
LocationSouthwest, southeast window.
LightingBright, but without direct sun. Shading is possible, but affects flowering.
Temperature+ 22 ... +25 ° C.+ 14 ... +16 ° C.
Humidity60% They put on a pallet with wet expanded clay. Gently sprayed without getting on the inflorescences.
Watering3 in 7 days.1 in 7 days.
Soft, settled, 2 times a month add a drop of lemon.
PrimingSour. Peat, turf, sheet land, sand (1: 1: 1: 1).
Top dressingFertilizer for orchids or blooming - 2 times a month.Do not use.

Propagated by cuttings, after pruning in spring or autumn.

Young plants are transplanted annually, after 6 years they are stopped, only the upper substrate is replaced.


Watch the video: Various types of Ixora flower plants with care, by Garden Gyan (October 2024).