Krinum: types, care in the open ground, at home, in an aquarium


Krinum is a South African plant of the amaryllis family. Its homeland is the subtropics, the tropics of both hemispheres. In nature, grows on the banks of water bodies. Krinum is grown on sites, in rooms, aquariums. Cultivate the plant in cold or warm greenhouses.

From the Latin name means “hair”, as the appearance of the flower resembles them. Bulbs are small up to 5 cm, medium 10-15 cm, large 20-25 cm. The leaves are thin, ribbon-like, with a rough surface, reach a length of up to 1.5 m.

A distinctive feature is that its fresh leaves curl into a tubule, taking a curved shape with a horizontal pharynx, their size is up to 15 cm. The flower stalk is sometimes up to 1 m long. The flowers are located on the inflorescence, white, pink, with a light aroma. Inside the fruit are seeds with water for the maturation of the children. For the love of moisture, it was called the swamp lily.

Types of Krinum

In the world there are more than 150 types of krinum. The table below shows examples of flower varieties.

GradeDistribution Range / Description
Types of room krinum
AsianAsia. The bulb is poisonous. The inflorescence consists of 30 white flowers with red stamens. The flowering period is spring-autumn.
PleasantSumatra island. On the inflorescence there are 30 white, pink, purple flowers. Blossom in early spring. Possible repeat flowering.
MuraNatal, South Africa. The most popular species among gardeners is called the pink lily. Inflorescence holds 6-10 flowers. It blooms in summer.
Onion seed (Cape)Places with gravelly soil, South Africa. The peduncle holds 8 flowers on a peduncle 3-5 cm. The color of the flowers is white, sometimes with an admixture of purple. Fragrant. Blossom in the summer, July-August.
PowellNatal, South Africa. Hybrid of crossing of Moore and Cape species of krinum. On the inflorescence is 8-12 white or bright pink flowers, similar to bells.
Ethiopian (Abyssinian)Mountains of ethiopia. The flower stalk holds an inflorescence with 5-6 sessile white flowers.
BigStanding ponds in the west of tropical Africa. Peduncle tall, holds 3-12, often up to 6 flowers on an umbrella. Flowers are sessile, color and stamens are white, short. The pharynx resembles a bell. It blooms in summer.
Types of garden krinum
MakovaNatal, South Africa. Neighboring Mura. Peduncle holds 10-15 flowers of a pale pink color. Late autumn is suitable for flowering.
FloriferousThe view is close to Asian. Australia, east. Peduncle holds 20-30 flowers on legs with a pleasant aroma. The color is white-green. It blooms in summer.
MajesticSeychelles, Fr. Mauritius. Peduncle flat, dark scarlet color, holds 20 flowers on pedicels. Petals straight, raspberry color. Stamens are red. Exudes a delicate aroma.
Bell-shapedBodies of the Cape region, South Africa. The flower is small, 30 cm high. The peduncle is narrow, green in color. Holds an umbrella with 4-8 flowers with a pedicel 2 cm. Petals are painted in a white-red shade with an admixture of green, pink. Flowering in the summer.
ReddishAmerican tropics. The peduncle has 4-6 flowers, sessile, with a pleasant aroma. The color inside is white, the outside is pale scarlet. Bloom in the summer.
BroadleafEast India. The inflorescence holds 10-20 flowers, on a small peduncle, the color is pale scarlet. Flowering August-September.
LugovoiEast India. On an umbrella there are 6-12 flowers on short legs, white color. Stamens are large, scarlet color. It blooms in summer.
PurpleGuinea ponds. The onion is small, forms children. Peduncle short, holds 5-9 flowers of purple color. Stamens are wide, red. It can bloom year-round, mainly in the summer.
RoughTropics of Africa. An inflorescence umbrella holds 4-8 fragrant flowers on short pedicels. The petals are narrow, 3 cm wide. The color is white with a bright scarlet stripe in the middle. It blooms in May and June.
Virginian (girlish)Southern Brazil An umbrella holds 6 flowers on short pedicels. The color is white. Blooms in late autumn.
CeylonTropical Asia. Peduncle long, dense, bright red. Holds 10-20 flowers on an umbrella. Petals expand to the top, white with a pronounced red stripe. It blooms in spring.
BeautifulNeighboring pleasant krinum on the island of Sumatra. The inflorescence holds 30 bright scarlet with white, purple shimmer flowers on the legs. It blooms more often in winter, in early spring. Possible repeat flowering.
Types of Aquarium Krinum
ThaiSoutheast Asia. The stem is shortened. Leaves longer than 2 m, collected in a socket.
FloatingWest Africa, the tropics. Bulb is small, 7 cm. Leaves are 1.5 m long, in aquariums no more than 40 cm, 3 cm wide. Light green color, the edges are wavy. The flowers are white.
Curly (Calamistratum)West Africa It is considered the smallest representative of the class of underwater. Despite this, the length can reach 1.7 m. The bulb is large, 10 cm thick, elongated. The roots are powerful. The leaves are strong, fleshy, the thickness reaches 0.7 cm. A core passes through the center of the sheet. The sides are wavy. For this, the flower was called wavy. Krinum represents a rosette of leaves twisting in water. When leaving blooms in white fragrant flowers.

Garden Krinum

The plant does not require complex, specialized care. Suitable for growing in garden areas.


Landing in open ground takes place in May. The following conditions must be observed:

  • good lighting;
  • hydration;
  • heat;
  • lack of gusty wind;
  • temperature conditions should not fall below +10 ºC at night.

A good option would be to plant the bulb of a house in a bowl at the end of March for germination and planting in the garden.

To prepare the soil, you need sapropel mixed with sand and garden soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.


Does not require special care, you need:

  • periodically loosen the earth;
  • water daily with drought, with cloudy rainy weather as needed;
  • plant flowers at a distance of 30 cm.

When flowering, krinum needs additional top dressing.

As a fertilizer suitable:

  • mulching the soil with humus;
  • chicken droppings 1:20;
  • cow dung 1:10;
  • a mixture of superphosphate and potassium salt 5 g / 2l of water;


The plant takes root well. It needs to be transplanted every 3 years. During this period, children appear on the bulb.

For planting, the bush is taken out of the ground, small bulbs are separated, planted separately. The donor flower is returned to its original place. For this, a rest period is chosen.

Winter season

When planting, you should decide how the flower will winter. If the winter is mild, the onion is buried 6 cm into the ground.

In autumn, when the flowering season ends and krinum prepares for a dormant period, it is necessary to cover the bulbs with a half-meter layer of peat and straw. In the spring, at the first warming, the layer is removed. This prevents decay and stimulates the onset of growth.

If the winter is cold, when planting the bulb is buried by two-thirds, one third is left above the ground. At the end of the season, dig, dry and clean in a dark room with an air temperature of +5 ºC.

If there is a risk of lowering the temperature to 0 ºC, cover the bulb with warm material.

Home Krinum

Krinum is grown not only in the garden. Indoor plant feels comfortable. For maintenance in the house does not require special conditions.


The flower itself is hardy, unpretentious, drought tolerant. But do not forget that beauty preserves only in the summer season. In winter, a period of rest begins, and the plant looks messy.


Krinum loves bright sunlight, is not afraid of direct rays. Indoors, the southern window sills will be a good place.

After winter, the amount of light output should be gradually increased so that the plant does not receive burns.

Temperature mode

Refers to heat-loving plants. The minimum air temperature is +14 ºC. When flowering - +25 ºC, during the rest period - +15 ºC. Climate change, sudden changes, drafts is not afraid. Regular ventilation is required.

Humidity and watering

Moisture-loving plant. Watered with warm water as necessary, if the top layer of the earth has dried up. The flower is resistant to moisture. In preparation for the dormant period, watering is reduced.

The roots of the plant function year-round, so rare soil moisture is necessary.

With the help of watering, you can shift the seasons of activity and rest. To do this, the soil is dried without wilting leaves. As soon as the peduncle appears, water abundantly. Then stop for 7-10 days, so that the flower blooms.


To plant krinum in a decorative bowl, you should take care of the soil. The components are mixed in the following proportions:

  • clay 2;
  • sheet land 1;
  • peat 1;
  • humus 1;
  • sand 1.

Charcoal is optionally added.


Fertilizers are suitable for home flowering plants in the dosage indicated on the label. In order for the plant to bloom annually, it is not recommended to skip rest periods.

Transplantation and reproduction

Planting at home is not much different from gardening. The plant is transplanted once every 3 years, during the rest period. The decorative bowl is taken voluminous to comfortably place the roots. Dead, broken clean. Drainage is poured into the bottom. The bulb is left visible to one third. The distance to the edge of the pot is 3 cm.

More often krinum is propagated by children. Small bulbs are separated from the donor bush during the rest period and planted separately in small bowls with a diameter of 10 cm. For good growth, they are regularly watered and fertilized. Every year, children are transplanted into larger bowls. For 3-4 years, choose into a spacious bowl with a diameter of 30 cm. This promotes the formation of new children, lush flowering.


A flower is rarely attacked by pests. More often at room conditions, you can encounter pseudoscutis or stragonosporosis. A fungicide will help to cope.

In the garden - a spider mite and mealybug. To destroy the tick, you need to choose potent acaricidal or insectoacaricidal agents: Fitoverm, Actellik, Karbofos. There are many methods for fighting a worm. There are folk and professional means. The first include various infusions: garlic, citrus, alcohol, tincture of horsetail and others. The second group includes insecticides and insecticaricides of intestinal contact action: Intavir, Actellik, Bankol and others. Everyone chooses what they consider effective.

Krinum Aquarium Care

Plants have long become a decorative decoration for aquariums. In addition to beauty, they perform the function of purifying water and oxygenation. One of these is krinum. It will give the aquarium an unusual appearance and does not require complicated maintenance.

Underwater crinums are distinguished by hard roots, ribbon-like sheets and multilayer bulb scales.

Krinum conditions:

  • medium hard water, slightly salted;
  • temperature + 20º ... +28 ºC;
  • lighting is average.

When placed in an aquarium, it should be noted that the plant has the shape of a rosette, due to which it becomes voluminous and feels comfortable at a depth of at least 1 m.

When planting in the ground, only the beginning of the bulb is buried, the remaining parts in the water. The roots can rot, periodically need to check, fertilize.

Krinum propagates in two ways: by children or by seeds. Mostly use the method of budding, when small onions can produce 2-3 leaves or spine. At the same time, up to 20 children can be on the mother's bulb.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: Krinum - Sagittarius flower

Astrologers believe that each zodiac sign has its own flower. For Sagittarius, this is Powell krinum. The plant purifies the energy around, pacifies, adjusts to the desired mood. On bad days, it forms a protective field so that the negative passes by the owner. Together with flowers reaching for the sun, Sagittarius reaches for new travels, discoveries, and knowledge. After all, people born under this sign, philosophers and tourists.

In addition to the fact that krinum is a flower of Sagittarius, it is used in folk recipes. It contains alkaloids, which are valued in oriental medicine.

A decoction is made from the leaves of the plant to treat various diseases: sciatica, colds, migraines. A decoction of the bulbs treat hemorrhoids, psoriasis.

For lovers of traditional medicine - you should not try such decoctions on your own, first consult a doctor. Krinum contains a poisonous substance - krinin. For the same reason, all work with the plant should be carried out with gloves. At the end, wash hands with soap.

When buying a krinum planted in a pot, you should carefully examine the foliage. It is in it that pests hide.

Krinum is an unpretentious plant that, with proper care, will delight the owner for many years.


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