Nerter or coral moss: features of cultivation


Nerter - a flower from the Marenov family, ranked as groundcover. Homeland - tropical and subtropical zone of New Zealand, South America, Australia.


The plant has thin stems, reaching a height of about 2 cm, spread along the ground, forming a "carpet". The leaves are small and rounded, sometimes elongated, located opposite. Small flowers of green-white or light yellow color. The fruits resemble peas, have red, brown and orange colors.

Indoor Views

There are several popular types of room netter:

PressedDistribution area - South America. It has round orange fruits. It spreads lushly and forms a cushion-like lawn.
Nertera BalfourA low plant with rounded green foliage. The stalk is long, reaches 20-25 cm in height. Small flowers in the shape of stars. Orange fruits in the form of drops.
Nertera Grandensis MixLow-growing perennial plant with a grass stem. The leaves are small, have a rounded shape, up to 7 mm long. The flowers are yellow-green, the berries are orange.
RestorativeOn the flowers and foliage there are small cilia. The foliage is green, has a lanceolate shape. The flowers are small, white-green. The fruits are round, the color is orange.
Nerter CunninghamThe stem is green and grassy. The round shape of the fruit is red.

Proper Home Care

When caring for a nerter at home, take into account the season of the year:

SeasonLocation and lightingTemperatureHumidity
Spring SummerRequires diffused lighting, negatively affects direct sunlight. It should be placed in partial shade.+ 20 ... + 22 ° C.High 70-80%. Wet pebbles and expanded clay are placed under the pot.
Autumn winterAutumn-winter + 10 ... + 12 ° C.Average - 55-60%. Once a week spraying is carried out.


In summer and spring, the plant needs abundant watering, you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. In the autumn-winter season, before moistening the soil, you need to wait for its full drying.

Capacity, soil, transplant

During transplantation of an adult flower, you can use the same container in which nerter previously grew.

In order not to injure, it must be carefully removed from the pot with a lump of earth. It is better to draw a blade between the walls of the tank and a lump of soil.

Then, holding the flower, you need to turn the pot over and gently tap on the bottom. Its contents will separate from the walls. Carefully remove the plant from the pot, after which:

  • place a drainage layer on the bottom of the tank (a mixture of expanded clay and pieces of foam);
  • pour out the substrate (a mixture of leaf and sod land, peat, sand and humus);
  • plant a plant;
  • moderate to water.

Top dressing

For feeding, strict requirements for the selection of fertilizers are distinguished. The plant negatively refers to the excess of nitrogen elements, therefore it is allowed to use only mineral and complex nutrients. Feeding is carried out strictly from March to September.


Reproduction is carried out in three ways.


Seeds are sown at the end of winter. To do this, take a wide pot and prepare soil from sand, sheet soil and peat (one part of each component). At the bottom of the tank fill the drainage. Seeds are laid out far from each other, tamped, sprayed with water and then covered with glass. The pot is stored at + 22 ° C. All together, the seeds will not sprout, some will germinate in a month, and others only in three. When this happens, the pot is placed on a well-lit window sill, without direct sunlight, the light should be diffused. With its lack, it is better to use special lamps. When the soil dries, the seedlings are watered.


Nerter is also rooted in a green stem. It is placed in a glass of water, immersed there by 2/3 of the length. For better rooting, special preparations are used, for example, Kornevin. Roots will appear on the stem after about 2 weeks. When they grow to 1 cm, the plant needs to be transplanted into a separate pot.

Rhizome division

In this way, Nerter is propagated after the berries fall. A substrate is prepared from turf, leaf and peat land and coarse sand (one part each). Then a new pot is covered with a ready-made soil mixture, not forgetting to make a drainage (expanded clay and broken bricks) and a part of the flower is transplanted there.

Mistakes in leaving

When caring for a nerter, novice gardeners make mistakes.

Lack of flowers or their falling.High temperature, excessive amounts of nitrogen in the soil.
Rotting stalk.Waterlogging the soil.
Drying foliage tips.Moisture deficiency, exposure to direct sunlight.
Change the color of the leaves to brown.High temperature and excess light.
Puckering fruits.Too high temperature in winter.

Diseases, pests

During the cultivation of nerter, it can be affected by various diseases and suffer from exposure to harmful insects:

Disease / PestCauseMethods of struggle
Gray rot.Frequent spraying of foliage.Reducing the frequency of spraying, removing all affected branches.
Root rot.Waterlogging the soil.Regulation of watering plants.
Spider mite.Insufficient humidity.Processing the flower with any insecticide.

Mr. Summer resident warns: poisonous nerter

Nerter berries do not have a toxic effect and after their use it is impossible to die, but they provoke a deterioration in the functioning of the digestive tract.

If there are small children in the home, it is recommended to place the plant at a height where the child will not reach him.

The plant can be used to decorate the patio and patio. It is advised to place the flower in a room or part of the yard where there is good lighting and in winter the temperature does not drop below + 10 ° C.


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