The origin and features of Guzmania


Guzmania (gusmania) is a grassy evergreen, a close relative of pineapple. As an ornamental plant, it began to be grown relatively recently. It is found in nature in the tropical forests of India, South America. Named after the discoverer - Spaniard Anastasio Guzman. Its feature is a long flowering period - up to several months, after which the plant dies, leaving the children.


Plant height - up to 80 cm, long leaves form a rosette with a diameter of 20-25 cm. The inflorescence is in the center, upright, bright.

A feature of flowering is in the bright color of the bracts, which lasts a very long time. The flowers themselves are unremarkable. This plant is an epiphyte, not a parasite.

Important: plant juice can cause skin irritation and allergies, so people with a tendency to allergic reactions should not start guzmania.

Types of Guzmania

Allocate about 200 species, some of them are grown at home. Bred more than 10 hybrids.

Donella Smith
  • leaves: green, up to 60 cm long, with pale scales;
  • inflorescence: pyramid 10 cm high, bright red;
  • flowering time: April-May.
Blood Red (Big)
  • leaves: grow a rosette in shape resembling a glass; during flowering, they become scarlet;
  • no peduncle;
  • flowering time: from April to August.
  • leaves up to 70 cm, with stripes along and across the leaf;
  • peduncle bright pink, bracts red;
  • flowering time: July-August.
  • leaves up to 50 cm long with dark stripes on the outside;
  • peduncle short red or orange.
  • outwardly similar to reed (derived on its basis), but much smaller;
  • flowering time: February-August;
  • popular varieties - Rondo, Amaretto, Madrasah.
  • also a breeding species;
  • differs from the minor in large sizes.
  • small sizes;
  • the leaves on the outside are painted brown;
  • bracts of lemon yellow;
  • flowering is short, but plentiful.
  • peduncle with a bright knob (bump orange-red on the peduncle);
  • found in the natural environment.
  • flower stalk closer to the apex gradually changes color from green to red;
  • named because of the appearance resembling an ear of corn.
  • broad sharp yellow-green leaves with red veins;
  • bracts are yellow.
  • large representative, grows up to 1 meter;
  • planted in open ground.
  • adult plant height up to 65 cm;
  • bracts lemon yellow;
  • flowering lasts 4 months.
  • breeding species;
  • height up to 50 cm;
  • saturated emerald green leaves;
  • flowering lasts more than 6 months.

Guzmania Mix is ​​a placement in one container of different varieties.

Content Features

Home care does not require any special skills.

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingScattered light. While the plant is in bloom, you can completely translate it to artificial.Direct sunlight.
Temperature+ 23 ... + 27 ° С
WateringThe soil should not dry out every day. Pour into a rosette formed by leaves. Only distilled or purified water heated to + 20 ° C is allowed.
FertilizerOnce a month.Once every 2-3 months.
Air humiditySpraying thrice a day.Spray daily in the morning.

After flowering, the peduncle and old dying leaves must be cut off.

Important: Water on the bract reduces the flowering time.


Use only special fertilizer. When buying, be sure to check the absence of boron and copper. The dose is cut in half from the one recommended in the instructions. Top dressing is carried out with watering.

Transplantation and reproduction: selection of a pot, soil

The plant needs replanting only for propagation and in an extremely rare case (disease, replacing the pot).

Transplanting step by step:

  • it is good to shed the earth;
  • leave for a few hours;
  • gently pull the plant out of the pot, trying not to destroy the earthen lump;
  • lay out a drainage layer (expanded clay is preferred);
  • vertically put guzmania, sprinkle with earth;
  • to water.

The right time is the end of the flowering period. It is better to buy ready-mixed soil, especially for bromeliad plants.

Before planting, the soil must be sterilized.

Since the roots of guzmania are small, the pot should also be selected a small size (diameter 10-12 cm), but stable.

Perhaps specifically to make it heavier. The diameter of the pot should be slightly larger than the root system. It is best to take ceramic with good drainage holes. The most popular types of Guzmania


After flowering, "kids" hatch from its base. As they grow, the older plant dies. When a root system is formed in young seedlings (at least 1 cm), they are separated with a sharp knife from the mother plant and planted in a separate pot. Cut points must be treated with var. To create a comfortable level of humidity, cover with polyethylene.

Guzmania is also propagated using seeds. Procedure:

  • seeds to be disinfected, having stood in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • sprinkle on the surface of the soil, gently press;
  • spray with water;
  • cover with a plastic bag to create a "greenhouse";
  • monitor the level of humidity and temperature (not lower than + 25 ° С);
  • after three weeks, when the shoots grow, remove the film;
  • planted after a dive.

Young guzmania grow very quickly, care for them is the same as an adult plant. You can not plant them from the mother plant (it is enough to carefully remove the old one), in this case, flowering will be in a year.

Diseases, pests and mistakes in care

As a rule, all diseases of this flower are the consequences of improper care or the result of pest damage.

External signsCauseRemedy
Sticky discharge, yellowing leaves.Shield.To process soap-alcohol solution. Cut off the damaged part.
Spider web.Mite.Increase humidity, ventilate the room, if severely damaged, treat with an insecticide.
Whitish coating.Mealybug.Remove mechanically; damaged parts can also be trimmed.
Small round blisters on the leaves.Fungal disease.The infected plant must be destroyed (not treated).
Does not bloom.Not enough light and heat, possibly excess moisture.Revise care.
The tips are brown.Not enough water.Increase watering.
Darkening of the leaves.Lack of light.Change the place.
The leaves brightened.Excess light.Change placement or shade the plant.
Withered leaves.Stagnant water.Dry, temporarily stop watering.
Not growing.Poor soil or lack of light.Feed, change place.
The leaves are dry.Dry air.Increase spraying.

Signs and superstitions

There are several signs and superstitions about this plant. Among the indigenous people of South America, it is considered a symbol of male power. This has a scientific justification, since guzmania produces a natural aphrodisiac. Locals believe that this flower brings peace and harmony to the house and family. It is also a symbol of wealth and prosperity.


Watch the video: Bromeliads (October 2024).