Processing garlic before planting in the fall


Garlic is a very useful and rather unpretentious crop. But even with improper planting and care, it gives an unsuccessful crop.

If before planting in the fall it is incorrect to process the planting material, then the next year the slices will turn out to be small, quickly rotting, even after good drying.

Do I need to peel garlic cloves?

Each garlic clove is covered with husk, which is a natural protection against pests and diseases, which mother nature itself provided. Therefore, the removal of this coating can have negative consequences. Also, in this procedure, the root base is injured.

Processing need

Processing planting material, especially in the winter, is due to the need to protect it from various pathogenic bacteria, which are the main cause of rotting of vegetable crops. Especially in the middle zone, a disease such as garlic rot is common. Therefore, the processing of garlic before the autumn planting is a necessary procedure.

But there is a danger of spoiling the material if it is incorrect to take the concentration of the disinfectant solution or overexposure the teeth in it. Therefore, knowledge of the correct step-by-step processing is so important.


The solutions used for disinfecting purposes are as follows:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • copper sulfate;
  • common salt;
  • ash.

And also used drugs that can be purchased at a gardening store:

  • Fitosporin;
  • Maksim.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Manganese is a very powerful antiseptic that has an inhibitory effect on most fungal diseases, affects harmful microflora, and saturates the skin of the teeth with potassium, which the plant needs for full development.

To soak, it is necessary to take a weak solution, thoroughly mixed, there should be no undissolved crystals in it, otherwise a burn of planting material is possible. Directly before planting, garlic is put into the solution. If you are sure that the latter is not infected with garlic rot, just wait an hour. Otherwise, at least 10.

Ash lye

This solution is prepared from wood ash. It disinfects and, penetrating deep into the garlic, has a beneficial effect on their development.

In a liter of hot water, dissolve a glass of ash powder, insist until it cools, delaminates the liquid. Planting stock is placed in settled water for about an hour.

Two-step processing

Saline solution (water - 10 l, salt (food) - 6 tbsp. L.) - A good tool in the fight against pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Important: Do not keep cloves in this solution for more than two minutes.

It is good to process the garlic after the salt bath with the following solution: water - 10 l, copper sulfate powder (vitriol) - 1 tsp.

Fitosporin - M

The drug is used to treat planting material and soil, has a detrimental effect on various fungi and bacteria. Prevents diseases - late blight, root rot, scab, powdery mildew, rust and others, contributes to accelerated growth. Prepare it according to the instructions, keeping the garlic in it for about an hour.

Fungicidal powder - Maxim

This is a special tool to combat various fungal diseases. Sold in liquid form in ampoules. In action, similar to Fitosporin. They also prepare according to the instructions, as a rule, one ampoule is dissolved in a liter of water, placing cloves there for half an hour. This solution is also suitable for soil treatment before planting.


Another good disinfectant for putrefactive bacteria, bacteriosis and other diseases in garlic is the fungicide Phytolavin. It must be used strictly according to the instructions.

The correct use of disinfectants for planting in the winter will allow you to get a rich harvest for the next year.


Watch the video: Growing Garlic from Planting to Harvest (October 2024).