Asplenium Care


Asplenium belongs to perennial ferns from the Bony family. There is a belief that this herb has healing properties, it is especially useful for the spleen, hence the name goes, from Latin asplenium translates as "spleen".

The birthplace of the plant is South America, Asia. Today, the bones, another name for the plant, is also found in the western hemisphere. The second name came from the similarity of fern leaves with small bones. It grows on rocky terrain, rocky soil, does not need fertile soil.


The asplenius family includes about 500 species of ferns; they belong to perennial plants with creeping rhizomes in soft scales. The leaves are smooth, regular and pinnately dissected. Sporangium (the body that produces the spores necessary for reproduction) is located in the lower part of the leaves, on free veins.

There are non-resistant, winter-hardy and deciduous varieties. Tropical species are grown indoors, they are beautiful and do not require careful care.


On the territory of our country, in the open ground, only a few varieties of plants grow.

Asplenium blackRefers to medicinal varieties, in Russia without shelter grows only in the southern side.
Viviparous or bulbous fernHas very beautiful dark green leaves with feathery dissection. Bulbiferum ends have bulbs. The viviparous fern grows well in moist soil, young layering should be regularly planted from the mother stem, otherwise it will clog them. Height to meter. Another name is Parvati.
South Asian AspleniumA very beautiful view of asplenium with dense green leaves. Their edges are wavy, up to 25 cm long. A purple streak runs in the center of the leaf.
Nest Asplenium or NidusThe leaves of the "bird's nest" are bright and shiny, up to 45 cm long with a light green color, the shape is sword-shaped, and the edges are wavy. The socket is shaped like a bucket. Another name is Cobra.
Skolopendrovy AspleniumIndoor view of fern, leaflets of light green color, curly edges. Young plants grow with vertical leaves, after which they take the form of an arc. The people call it the “centipede”, you can’t touch the leaves unnecessarily, since they are extremely sensitive.
Osaka, anticumThe rarest plant of the Asplenidae species, also called treelike. Leaves grow vertically upward, bright, shiny, light green.
Bottle AsplenumQuite demanding to care, can be grown in an aquarium. The leaves are dark green in color, triangular in shape, grows up to 14 cm high.
CrispyIt does not require careful care, leaves with corrugated structure, bright green hue and incredible shine. Another name is Crispy Wave.
LeslieA miniature species of fern, popular among gardeners.
Hairy AspleniumA small bone, up to 25 cm long. The leaves are pinnate, long, light green in color on dark brown petioles. Prefers to grow on rocks, in places where there is little soil. This species can be grown not only at home, but also in the garden.

Fern care

Fern does not need careful care at home.

Lighting / LocationThe most important thing is not to place the flower in direct sunlight. Otherwise, he will get a burn. The light should be gently scattered in the room. A shadow slows flower growth. Put the pot with fern preferably on the east side.
TemperatureIn winter, the temperature should be +19 degrees, in the summer from +21 to +25 degrees.
WateringWater the fern as necessary; drying of the soil must not be allowed. In summer it needs more frequent watering, and vice versa in winter. Water should be soft. If the soil is too wet, the root system will rot.
Air humidityIt is advisable to maintain high humidity in the apartment, you can optionally put a vessel with water next to the pot.
FertilizerAdditional top dressing is necessary in the summer 1 time in 2 weeks, special mineral fertilizers are sold. In autumn, top dressing must be stopped. Before pouring fertilizer, it is advisable to water the plant well.

The choice of capacity, soil, transplant

As soon as the quarantine time has passed, the asplenium immediately needs to be transplanted into a separate container. You should leave a lump of earth with roots, only slightly shaking off excess soil.

Young plants will have to be transplanted every year, preferably in the spring. Matured - rejuvenate every 2 years. The pot for planting should be selected more than the previous one, but not huge, the Kostenets will not like it. Capacity must be selected with holes.

Suitable soil for planting orchids. This mixture is easy to prepare yourself. Soil composition: peat, sand, pine bark, humus and charcoal.

Step Transplant:

  1. Pick up a pot with holes for air, pour drainage at the bottom.
  2. Put a substrate on top, it should remain loose.
  3. Remove the bone from the pot with a lump of earth on the roots and put in another container. Before that, remove the black roots.
  4. Pour on top a portion of the substrate and lightly tamp at the roots.
  5. Then pour lightly with warm water and spray from the spray gun.
  6. Remove the pot for a while in a dark place.


Asplenium refers to plant species that never bloom. Fern propagates by three main methods:

  1. Reproduction by excretory buds occurs in the viviparous fern. The buds are located at the tips of the leaves, they do not grow on the flower for long, and after they acquire their leaves and roots.
  2. By dividing the rhizomes, propagate an already large, mature bush.
  3. It is very difficult to propagate the ossicles by spores. Special equipment and a lot of time will come in handy. Shoots appear at a temperature of +20 to +25 degrees.

Errors and their correction

Fern is susceptible to various diseases.

Leaves are yellow, tips are brown.Dry air.Put an additional vessel with water at the container with the plant.
Brown spots appear on the leaves, they turn yellow and die.- too much overheating;
- insufficient watering;
- wind and drafts.
Water the flower well, remove from the heater.
Leaves die off.Too dry air, dry ground.Follow all rules for the care of asplenium.
Burns on the leaves, they turn pale.Bright sunshine.Put away from the window in a dark place.
Poor growth, pale leaves.Not enough nutrients.Feed fertilizers well.

Pests and the fight against them

Bone greens to taste pests. It is affected by aphids, mealybug, whiteflies, ticks. Washing the leaves with soap and water helps a lot.

Spider miteA white spider web and reddish spots form on the leaves.Spraying with insecticides.
MealybugLeaves are covered with white sticky down.Use a damp cloth to remove pests and spray the leaves with alcohol.
AphidThe leaves are curled into a tube, turn pale.To process with special equipment (Tanrek, Spark, Aktara).
WhiteflyLeaves turn yellow and die.Treat leaves every three days with a solution containing permethrin.
ShieldHard spots are dark brown.Pests should be cleaned with a wet rag and a flower sprayed with a special agent (Bankol, Bitoxibacillin). Repeat manipulations until insects completely disappear.

Mr. Summer resident informs: fern - a home charm

Fern has long been considered a magical and magical plant. They believed that with its help you can find gold, and the seed of asplenium brings good luck.

There are a huge number of signs related to fern:

  1. It is believed that the plant has a beneficial effect on the home environment, discharges air from negative thoughts, returns harmony to the apartment. A flower makes people kinder and more open to communication.
  2. Asplenium builds relationships between the older and younger generations. Promotes understanding between parents and children.
  3. Drives away evil spirits. Fern is considered a strong amulet, if it fades, it means that the evil eye or damage was brought to the house.
  4. It attracts money to the house.
  5. One of the bad signs is that the flower is an energy vampire. To neutralize the negative impact, you need to put it near the TV or computer.
  6. Causes illness. This theory can be justified logically, because the owners may have a banal allergy to the plant. In addition, the fern absorbs a lot of oxygen, especially at night, in the morning, the head may hurt in households. Therefore, plants should not be put in the bedroom.


Watch the video: Asplenium nidus Houseplant Care 171 of 365 (October 2024).