Sitnik or junkus: lover of swamps and shocking handsome


Most often, indoor plants are valued for bright, unusual flowering, however, in every rule there is always an exception. Such an exception is Sitnik (dzhunkus or yuntsus). This beauty can not be overlooked in the interior of the room, or in a flower shop. Unusually shaped stems twisted into spirals, at first glance, seem artificial. Sitnik has absolutely no need for bright colors to attract admiring glances.

As an ornamental plant, the chythorn began to be bred relatively recently, although references to it are still in the texts of Ancient Rome, China. In those days, this plant had a purely practical application: baskets, mats, and much more were woven from it. This is where the name of the plant came from: in Latin, “ungere” means “to bind, weave.”

In general, a chintik is a representative of a fairly large family. Today, experts count about 400 species belonging to this genus. The distribution zone of the species is quite wide, from Siberia to America and Australia. One thing is invariable: the love of this plant for ponds.

Botanical Description

Representatives of the genus are both perennial and annual, rhizome. A common feature is open, open leaf sheaths, often without ears. Propagated by both seeds and rhizomes, however, a species bred under room conditions can be propagated only through division of the rhizome.

Types and varieties for home growing

For decorative purposes, several species are grown:

CreepingUsed for decoration of aquariums, ponds. It can grow completely submerged in water, when grown under water, the leaves twist into rings. It is unpretentious in care, does not need additional top dressing. Looks impressive against the background of large-leaved plants.
FiliformAlso bred for decorating ponds. Perennial, prone to self-sowing, therefore, requires careful control of germination. It tolerates winter well.
FlattenedPerennial, also used in decorating the coastal zone. It tolerates winter well.
MealyOriginally from America, was recently transported to the territory of Russia. Winter-hardy sprawling perennial about 40 cm high.
AnuranRelate to weed species, but it is also possible to use low and humid areas for decoration.
SpreadingA distinctive feature is the stems, twisted in a spiral, completely devoid of leaves. Perhaps the most beloved by designers and gardeners is the representative of the family. Perennial, stems about 5 mm in diameter. Four decorative forms of this species are common:
  1. The already mentioned Spiralis. Plant up to 25 cm tall, with twisted stems.
  2. Blonde Ambition. Spiral leaves of golden yellow color.
  3. Vittatus, Aureo-striatus. Tall, with greenish-yellow stems.
  4. Gold Strike. Its feature is tall, straight stems in a yellow-green strip.

Home care difficulties

Despite the extravagance of the print, it is quite unpretentious. Although attention, of course, will require. The most important thing in breeding chythorn in the apartment is not to forget that after all this family comes from the shores and marshes, and accordingly, loves marshy soil and humidity.

Location, lighting

Lighting is of great importance, but direct sunlight is harmful, usually poorly tolerated, so when choosing a location for the pot, it is advisable to choose the western and northern sides. Since the plant does not tolerate any hint of wind, the window sill is also an inappropriate place for its life.

Many specialists in the cultivation of spiralis (the so-called russet is often called) initially accustom the plant to partial shade, in which case it will comfortably grow in the center of the room. This is what decorators often use for spectacular zoning of space. This information can be clarified previously at the stage of purchase in a flower shop.

Temperature mode

Despite the fact that most members of the genus tolerate frosts well, in indoor conditions the spiral junkus needs to maintain a constant air temperature from +16 to +24 degrees. When the temperature drops below +15 degrees, the plant hibernates, its growth stops, and the stems begin to dry. In some cases, especially if the plant is no longer young, experts advise giving the plant such periods of rest. But young junkus do not need rest. Types of leafy chinton

Watering, humidity

The main difficulty in caring for the junkus is the creation of optimal humidity of air and soil. Such a plant develops well in hydroponics, and automatic watering is also acceptable.

It does not tolerate drainage of the soil, the water level in the pan should always be constant.

When watering, it is best to use well-settled water at room temperature. Very often, experienced flower growers are advised on the forums to create a personal “swamp”, although in this case there are a number of domestic disadvantages. In addition to the humidity level of the substrate, air humidity is no less important. When the humidity in the room is less than 50%, it is necessary to irrigate the chintel, but not directly to the plant, but slightly to the side, creating fog.


Top dressing is required only during the period of active growth (spring, early summer). Dzhunkus likes universal and organic fertilizers, not too often, a couple of times a month is enough.

During the rest period, the citron supplements are not needed, it is also worth limiting the watering.


As a rule, this plant does not need a pruning procedure. The exception is only the stems that grew straight at the spiralis and monochromatic at the gold strike. In this case, with untimely pruning, there is a risk of losing the decorative zest of the plant, since it is highly likely that subsequent new stems will be the same.

Transplant: pot selection, soil

About once a year, before the stage of active growth, the russet needs a transplant. To make sure that this is really required, it is worth evaluating the drainage holes of the pot: if the rhizome has sprouted with a thick branchy brush, then it's time to pick up a bigger pot and transplant.

Since this is a marshy plant, both paludariums, and the most ordinary pots with volumetric containers for liquid, or double ones, are perfect for him.

The diameter of the new pot should be about 5 cm larger than the previous one. Before the procedure itself, it is worthwhile to carefully evaluate the condition of the chythorn: as with any other plant, the transplant is canceled if flowering is in progress.

When removing the chintel from an old pot, it is worthwhile to carefully examine its root system, if rot is suspected, the damaged area is removed. Hydroponics is great for plants, but can be replaced with any light, acidic substrate.


It is the moment of transplantation that is most successful for reproduction. Since this species reproduces only in a vegetative way, it is enough to divide the root system, provided there is a sufficient volume of the rhizome and the ground part.

Usually, the chythorn very easily tolerates this process and after 7-10 days it is again in active growth.

Negative Consequences with Improper Care

The stems look pale.Lack of lighting.
The shoots are dry.Insufficient humidity or low temperature in the room (in this case, the plant is preparing for the hibernation period).
The shoots will dry (at normal humidity and temperature).Rotting of the root system is possible. As a rule, it arises due to untimely transplantation. In this case, it is necessary to carefully review the rhizome, remove damaged ones and transplant with a complete replacement of the soil.
Whitening leaves.Junkus does not have enough air and nutrition, this usually happens if the substrate is caked and the root system cannot fully nourish the plant.

Diseases, pests

Sitnik is not affected by most diseases. Of the pests can be affected by ticks, scale insects and aphids. Detecting infection is easy enough.

  1. In case of infection with a spider mite, the stems are covered with a light sticky web.
  2. Scabies can be identified by the appearance of dark plaques and plaque on the plant.
  3. Aphids breed very quickly, so it is very noticeable on the shoots: these are small green bugs.

For treatment, both folk remedies like a soap solution, and professional insecticides are suitable. As a rule, one treatment is enough.

Mr. Summer resident informs: Sitnik on Feng Shui, signs and superstitions, benefits and harms

In ancient China, it was believed that the branches of the chinton, given to the newlyweds in a new home, guarantee a lasting marriage for life, make family ties stronger. And from the point of view of science, the window is very beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room.

This plant not only loves moisture very much, but also well moisturizes and purifies the air in the room in which it is located.

But the most obvious is that one cannot help but admire looking at this handsome man! So, positive emotions for the owners of the junkus are provided.


Watch the video: Ситник обыкновенный sitnik-razvesistyy обыкновенный ситник обзор: как сажать, саженцы ситника (October 2024).