Asparagus: species, home care


Asparagus (lat.Asparagus), it is asparagus - it is a perennial rhizome of grass, vine or shrub. Her homeland is the warmest countries in Africa, Asia, South America.

Some varieties of asparagus are edible, and some varieties have healing properties for health.


The popularity of asparagus cultures is facilitated by its compact size and pleasant appearance. They have a saturated dark or light green color. Variegate specimens are rare, but this is rather the exception.

Flexible shoots have many branches, giving the plant volume, and acting as leaves of cladonia twigs, more similar to thin elegant needles, make it look very elegant. In addition, the culture has developed roots with powerful tubers, which ensures its viability.

Blossoming asparagus culture will be beautiful graceful flowers of white color. Rarely - pinkish, beige or grayish metallic. In this species, flowers are solitary or in inflorescences, often having a pyramidal shape. Adult growth is able to bloom and produce fruits - berries of a reddish or red-orange color with black seeds.

The seed is bright and round. Berries are not edible and, moreover, poisonous. Therefore, at home, the contact of small children and animals with a fruiting plant should be limited.

Otherwise, allergenic reactions and poisoning are possible. If someone in the family has contraindications to contact with such allergens, it is better not to take these varieties.

On Earth, there are more than two hundred subspecies of asparagus grasses and shrubs. However, not everything is worth growing at home. For a home front garden, it is better to choose proven species - the most beautiful or those that have delicate or medicinal properties that are beneficial to health.

Top 10 Asparagus Varieties for Home Growing

Asparagus Cirrus plumosus (plumosus) or Asparagus Setaceus (setaceus)Very branchy specimen. The branches are similar to spruce, and the shoots are eaten, and you can eat them raw and cooked.
Asparagus Sprengeri (sprengeri), Dense flowering densiflorus or densiflorus (densiflorus)Ornamental plant. Stems can grow up to one and a half meters. It tolerates the cutting of excess parts.
Medioloides (medioloides)It does not have root tubers. It is consumed fresh. Also used as a raw material for the release of aspargin.
Sickle-shaped falcatus (falcatus)An elegant-looking decorative liana that can decorate various designs and interiors.
Pistiform (racemosus)The so-called "climbing" shrub, long, "exciting" and decorating large spaces.
Ordinary or pharmacy (officinalis)Has vasodilating, laxative, diuretic properties. Used for the production of appropriate types of drugs.
Asparagus Meyer (meyeri)A gorgeous curly plant, reaches half a meter in height and six meters in width.
Umbelatus (umbellatus), umbellateThis is a very beautiful fluffy greenery, which can decorate a bouquet of flowers. It has a decorative purpose.
Superfine (benuissimus)A very elegant variety with shoots up to one and a half meters. Creates a feeling of coziness and comfort.
Myriocladus (myriocladus)Ideal if there is not enough space, but you want to have unpretentious home greens.

Sometimes individual varieties are confused with ferns - for example, asparagus Meyer and Sprenger. And they are trying to associate with them some signs and superstitions. However, they have no relation to ferns. Also, do not confuse them with succulents - this is a separate species.

There is another interesting variety - Nanus asparagus, such a cute mini-flower, the most dwarf in its group. But he is a little more capricious in leaving, so we do not recommend planting him as a home.

Home care for asparagus

Another factor that increases the popularity of asparagus plants is the ease of care at home. Almost all varieties need approximately the same watering regime, temperature and humidity.

SeasonIlluminationTemperature modeHumidity mode
Spring SummerHe loves sunlight, but is afraid of burns. On the windowsill without curtains can be set when the windows are north (northeast, northwest). If the windows are west or east - curtain the window with tulle. If to the south - it is better to put the plant 1-2 meters from the window.It should be maintained t from +18 to + 24 ° C, including conditioning methods. In this case, do not place flowers under a direct stream of cold air.Natural moisture is usually enough, but with a decrease in its level, you should put pots with plants in trays with wet stones. With an acute lack of water, spraying is allowed, and from time to time - a shower.
Winter autumnWhen the sun is not so long and bright, you can do without tulle curtains in the eastern and western directions. If the window is south - you can rearrange the pot with the plant on the windowsill.Keep t from +14 to + 16 ° C. Exception - Serious
asparagus, it is resistant to deviations from this value.
During the heating season, with a decrease in humidity, regular spraying with warm water is required. If the room temperature is not higher than + 14 ° C, then you can do without spraying.

When choosing a lighting mode, you need to remember the most important thing: direct sunlight is permissible only in the early morning and late evening. At the same time, you can not put asparagus in the shade - this will badly affect the growth rate and their appearance.

Fertilizing and fertilizing is simple: each grade has its own recommendations, which should be followed. General - only periodicity. In the warm season, top dressing is needed twice a month, in the cold season - once a month.

They do not need pruning. Moreover, the trimmed part may stop growing. Therefore, it is used mainly for medicinal purposes, or if the crown has grown so that it “overloads” the stems with its weight.

The choice of capacity, soil, transplant

The principles of transplantation are about the same as for most domestic flowers and herbs. The new pot should be larger than the previous one, drainage and soil from a proven source are mandatory - otherwise there is a danger of infecting the roots with an infection contained in unverified land, especially from an open area.

Optimum soil mixtures:

  • humus soil, sheet soil, coarse sand (1: 1: 0.5);
  • turf, humus, leafy soil and sand (2: 2: 2: 1).

It is desirable that the pH level is in the range of 5.5-7.0.

It is necessary to transplant asparagus after watering with a lump of earth and a "native" root system. Previously, it is possible (and necessary!) To cut off sick and rotten tubers, tangled root processes, if any. The cut points should be treated with crushed coal.

Transplants are preferably in the spring. Immediately after planting in a new vase or pot, refrain from fertilizers and top dressing, avoid drafts, excess sun or, conversely, blackout.

When planting for vertical gardening - for example, in a cache-pot - you can use a trifern.

Periods of flowering and dormancy

Here the patterns are about the same as for most herbs and shrubs in our climate zone. Spring-summer is a time of activity, ripening and flowering, autumn-winter is relative calm. Relative because asparagus continues to grow even in winter, so only reduce the intensity of fertilizing and fertilizer to once a month.

Pests, diseases

Like other cultures, asparagus ones have their “enemies” - pests, insects, infections. However, home is often the “enemy” is improper care. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with a list of symptoms that should alert the grower.

SignsCausesPrevention and treatment
Turns yellow, begins to crumble.Too hot, dry. In winter, this is possible due to a lack of light or vitamins.Water in time, do not “flood”, the soil should be moist, take care of vitamins and the presence of light.
The stem stretches and turns pale.Little light or excess nitrogen fertilizer.Improve lighting, temporarily stop the use of nitrogen fertilizers.
On the edges of the shoots are brownish spots.Burn.Remove from the sun - move away from the window, hang the window with tulle.
It grows slowly or does not grow at all.Lack of nutrition, nutrients.Consult with specialists, fertilize and feed on time.
The plants on the street drop cladodia.The temperature outside is too low (possibly sharply decreased).Bring to the room (it is better if it will be up to + 15 ° C) and cut off the top of the plant.
The growth has wilted and dries.Rot rot due to excess water.Pull out the rotten tubers from the pot, cut the soil and roots with the antifungal agent Gamair or Diskorm.
Pronounced yellowness.Insect pest scab.Spray with Actellic (2 ml / 1l of water), rinse off the guards in the shower.
The plant will turn yellow and wither.A spider mite that feeds on the juice of the stem, cladonia, etc.Treatment of the initial stage - treatment with a solution of household soap, prevention - normal humidity in the room.
Discolored shoots, growth retardation.Thrips - due to overdried air and waterlogged soil.Spray with the insecticide Actellik or Decis. Bring temperature and humidity back to normal.


Three main methods of reproduction are practiced:

  • seeds
  • cuttings
  • division of the root.

The best way to propagate is usually decided by the grower himself.

Propagation by seed:

  • buy them in a store or get them by artificial pollination;
  • soak for two days;
  • Dig into the soil shallow and cover with polyethylene or backlim;
  • keep the month at t + 20 / + 22 ° C;
  • at emergence of shoots - to move to sunlight;
  • upon reaching 10 cm in height - put in separate containers, round or square.

Propagation by cuttings:

  • in spring to prepare shoots with a length of 15 cm;
  • plant layering in wet sand, cover with polyethylene;
  • let breathe for a month, nourish with water;
  • after the appearance of the roots - transplanted into a separate flowerpot, you can plastic.

Propagation by division of the root:

  • when transplanting, divide the root so that on each piece there is a young shoot;
  • plant each separated portion of the rhizome in a separate container;
  • look after any other asparagus.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: asparagus - a useful plant

All of the above is enough to make an unambiguous conclusion about the benefits of asparagus. In addition to the beauty, nutritional and medicinal properties of certain species, this plant purifies the air, collects dust from the air, preventing it from penetrating the human lungs. This is a real mix of benefits, beauty and health.


Watch the video: Asparagus retrofractus Asparagus fern Houseplant Care 3 of 365 (October 2024).