Brovallia - growing and care at home, photo species


Browallia (Browallia) - flowering plant from a large family of nightshade. It got its name in honor of the Swedish botanist J. Browall. The birthplace of browlia is Central and South America. The crop can be grown as an annual, balcony or indoor plant. The average height of the bushes is from 20 to 30 cm.

The flowers are tubular-funnel-shaped, in the form of stars, are formed in the leaf sinuses. Coloring of flowers varies from pure white to saturated violet. Flowering is very plentiful and long, up to the most severe frosts. Leaves are oblong, 5-6 cm long. Leaf plates, depending on the variety of different shades of green.

Be sure to pay attention to such wonderful plants as Achimenes.

Growth rate is medium.
It blooms in summer and autumn.
The plant is easy to grow.
As a rule, an annual plant.

Brovallia: home care. Briefly

Like other cultures, browallia grows well at home and blooms only with appropriate care:

Temperature modeIn the summer, moderate + 25 °. In winter, 15-18 °.
Air humidityMedium, but the plant develops better with constant spraying.
LightingBright, diffused light. Southeast or southwest windows are best suited.
WateringIn summer, frequent and plentiful. In winter, no more than 1 time per week.
Browllia primerFertile, moisture-resistant, with a neutral reaction. Can be used substrate for senpolia.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of intensive growth, fertilizers with a low nitrogen content.
Browaglia transplantAnnual, in early spring.
BreedingSeeds and apical cuttings.
Features of growing browlliaFor better branching requires mandatory pinching.

Browllia care at home. In detail

Caring for browllia at home requires certain skills. The plant is quite demanding on wintering conditions and often suffers from a spider mite.


Browllia blooms in open ground from the beginning of July; at home, the flowering period lasts from March to October. With proper care, the flowers completely cover the bushes.

After flowering, the plant is greatly depleted and often dies. Therefore, among flower growers, it was believed that it can be grown only as a plant bouquet.

Temperature mode

In the summer, brovallia needs moderate temperatures; in the heat, the flowering intensity is significantly reduced. The plant feels good on the balconies of oriental orientation. When browllia is located on the south side, it must be shaded during the hot midday hours. When planting in the garden, it is placed next to tall perennials, which will give the necessary shadow.

In winter, browllia needs a temperature in the range + 12-15 °. In a warmer place, its leaves begin to dry, and the buds and flowers fall off. The plant quickly stretches and loses its decorative effect.


A browllia plant at home is best sprayed periodically. With excessive air dryness, it begins to be attacked by a spider mite. For spraying, boiled or settled water at room temperature is used.


Home browllia develops well in bright ambient light. In summer, it is best placed on the east and west windows. There she will be protected from the scorching midday sun. In winter, the pot with the plant can be moved to the south side.

With a lack of natural light, the temperature should be reduced to + 10 °. This will prevent the shoots from stretching.

Watering Browllia

In the summer, browllia requires frequent and plentiful watering. On average, it is watered every 2-3 days. In winter, the intensity is significantly reduced, it will be enough 1 time per week. In this case, the topsoil should slightly dry.

Soft irrigation water is required for irrigation. Salinization of the soil, which may occur when watering from the tap for a plant is fatal.

Browllia pot

For growing browlia, plastic pots of the appropriate volume are chosen. The main requirement for them is the presence of drainage holes. Even a short-term stagnation of moisture is fatal for her. At home, brovallia often develops long, drooping shoots, so hanging pots and baskets can also be used to grow it.


Browllia needs a loose, nutritious soil. It is made up of equal parts of turf land, humus and sand. In the absence of the possibility for independent manufacture, they acquire a substrate for growing senpolia or any universal soil mixture with a neutral reaction.

Fertilizing and fertilizers

Like all richly flowering crops, brovallia needs to be fertilized. When choosing them, it should be borne in mind that it negatively reacts to a high nitrogen content. Therefore, fertilizers are bred in half of the recommended dose. Plants are fed from March to September with a frequency of once every 2 weeks.

Browaglia transplant

Browaglia transplant is carried out in the spring. The plant is carefully knocked out of the old pot and transferred to a more spacious one, adding fresh ground.

You can also do without transshipment.. In the pot, the topsoil is simply carefully removed and replaced with a new one.

How to cut browllia?

Pruning is carried out in early spring. During it, old and overgrown shoots are removed. In order to strengthen the branching, the growing branches pinch the tops several times.

Brovallia in winter and autumn

Browlls growing on a balcony or in a garden are brought home with the onset of frost. They are placed in a well-lit place with a temperature not exceeding + 15 °. House plants are also lowered. If this is not done, the plants will soon die.

Growing browllia from seeds

Browllia seeds are sown in early February. To do this, prepare a plastic container of a suitable size and loose, moisture-resistant soil. At the bottom of the tank, drainage is mandatory. Seeds in browllia are small, so they are not covered with soil. To accelerate germination before sowing, they can be soaked in warm water for 2 days. In this case, it is worth changing every 8 hours.

When sowing, the seeds are neatly distributed over the surface of the soil and sprayed from the spray gun. After sowing, the container is closed with a piece of glass or film. When creating greenhouse conditions, the seeds emerge in more amicable ways. The first sprouts appear in 10-15 days.

After emergence, the film is immediately removed, and the container is placed as close as possible to the light source.

After the development of two true leaves, seedlings dive into separate pots.

It is very convenient to use peat pills for sowing brovallia seeds. This avoids damage to the roots during a dive. Before use, they are soaked in warm water until they completely swell. Three seeds are sown on each tablet. After sowing, they are placed in a greenhouse.

As soon as the seedlings grow and develop the root system, they are planted together with the tablet in glasses. Before landing on the mesh sheath, several cuts are necessarily made and it is completely removed.

Propagation of brovale by cuttings

Brovallia is easily propagated by apical cuttings. They are harvested from healthy plants. Cuttings can be carried out year-round, but the greatest survival rate is observed in the spring-summer period. The cuttings should not have buds and flowers, in which case they take root very quickly.

For planting, prepare a common hotbed or individual cups. When planting, cuttings are buried no more than 1-2 cm. A mixture of peat with perlite is used as a substrate for rooting. After the plants start growing, pinch them 2-3 times. This will help form dense, well-developed bushes.

Diseases and Pests

If agricultural technology is not observed, browllium can suffer from a number of diseases:

  • There is a whitish bloom on the leaves of brovallia. Most likely the plant suffers from powdery mildew - a dangerous fungal disease. First, plaque appears on young shoots, then spreads to the entire plant. If untreated, browllium will gradually die. The highest spread of powdery mildew is observed in the absence of ventilation and a constant temperature drop. To combat the disease, special fungicides are used.
  • Brovallia leaves fall. This problem occurs when the temperature is too high during wintering. The plant must be rearranged as soon as possible in a cooler place with a temperature not exceeding + 15 °.
  • Brovallia leaves turn yellow. The plant suffers from summer heat or improper use of fertilizers. Browllia must be shadowed or rearranged in a cooler place. If the problem is fertilizers, they are not used for a month.

Browllia, growing indoors, very often suffers from a spider mite, mealybug, aphids and scale insects.

Types of homemade brovallia with photos and names

In room culture, only one type of browlia is grown:

Beautiful brovallia (Browallia speciosa)

Small branched plants that well retain a neat, spherical shape. The height of the bushes does not exceed 35-50 cm. It is characterized by short, bare shoots and small leaves with pointed tips. Along the veins on the leaf blades, weak pubescence is clearly visible.

Flowers are single, large enough, up to 5 cm in diameter. They are located in the leaf sinuses. Consist of 5 petals. The color, depending on the variety, can be from pure white to deep purple. Beautiful browll flowers sit on elegant, long legs, which gives the plant a special appeal and charm.

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