Syngonium flower - types and varieties, how it blooms


Syngonium flower belongs to the Aroid family. He is an evergreen vine. Syngonium is found in South and Central America. The plant is popular among gardeners for dense and green foliage. The flower helps purify the air and can bring part of the tropics to the house.

Botanical Description

The Aroid family, to which the syngonium belongs, has 3300 species and approximately 117 genera. Representatives of this family are monocotyledonous. This means that the embryo consists of one lobe. Since this plant grows on other specimens of flora, it belongs to the class of epiphytes.

Syngonium belongs to the Aroid family

For your information! The tree trunks the tree trunks for support, to be closer to the sun. In the forest thicket there is not enough light for the flower.

Wild and house plants have only one trunk. Syngonium has a flexible stem, which is painted in bright green. The plant is spread on the ground and wraps around the support with aerial roots. Shoots can reach a length of 1.5-2 m. Under natural conditions, some lianas grow up to 10-20 m in length and 6 cm in thickness. In indoor plants, the stem in thickness is usually 1-2 cm in thickness. Petioles grow in convex nodes leaves. Aerial roots are below the nodes. These roots are necessary to cling to the support.

Leaves have a bright green color. The heart-shaped part of the leaf is divided into 3-5 segments. Streaks are available in the center and along the edge, which distinguishes the syngonium from other types of Aroid. The lateral veins are connected to the central one, resulting in a grid pattern.

For your information! The surface of the sheet plate can be plain or mottled, as well as leathery or velvety.

Keeping syngonium at home is easy enough. To avoid questions about why the liana does not grow, it is worth following a few simple requirements:

  • water abundantly with clean, settled warm water. However, it is worth waiting for time between waterings, so that the top layer dries out a little. In winter, the plant is watered in smaller volumes;
  • observe high humidity. To do this, the leaves are sprayed with standing warm water. In winter, the pot where the liana grows can be put in a container with wet pebbles;
  • Before pinching a plant, you need to think in advance what shape you want to get a flower. You can choose a bush option or make a support and get a vine. In the spring, it is necessary to remove bad growth so that there are more branches. To do this, pinch over the sixth sheet;
  • the liana is transplanted in the spring. Young plants are replanted every year, and those that are older, after two years, when the roots become visible from the drain holes;
  • the soil should be loose and neutral in acidity. In the same parts, sand, leaf and turf land, as well as peat are mixed;
  • From April to September, the flower is fertilized with mineral fertilizers, which contain a small amount of calcium. Feeding is carried out once every 20 days. You can not fertilize the plant within two weeks after transplantation;
  • propagation is done by cuttings. To do this, cut off the top with two nodes and an escape with a kidney. Seedlings are kept in a warm place under glass. After rooting, it can be transplanted.

How syngonium blooms

Flowering syngonium is possible only in natural conditions. The plant begins to bloom from the end of spring and occurs in the form of ears of corn. In total, the plant 6-10 pcs. colors. All varieties of inflorescences are located vertically. The flowers are dense cream color. Half of them hide the pinkish or bright red petals. Flowers have no smell. Pollination occurs in a cross way.

Flower Description - Houseplant Types and Varieties

First, female-type flowers begin to blossom. Their pollination occurs from neighboring inflorescences. When the ripening of male type flowers occurs, the female is no longer susceptible to pollination. Petals close tightly and those insects that get out, collect pollen on themselves. Then they spread it in colors that are in the neighborhood. The liana opens buds only for three days. Then the coverlet covers the ears, making it look like an ear of corn.

As a result of such a complex pollination system, the fruits ripen. They are berries in the form of a cylindrical or ovoid shape. Their edge is rounded. The length of the fruits is 0.5-1 cm, and the width is 3-6 mm. The berries are fragrant and juicy. They are eaten by monkeys, which spread them over long distances.

Important! If the leaf is damaged, then milk juice is released. If contact occurs with damaged areas of the skin or with the mucous membranes, it can cause burning and irritation. For this reason, work with the plant must be carried out with gloves. Syngonium is a poisonous plant, so animals and children should not be allowed to come into contact with it.

Types and varieties for indoor breeding

Syngonium is classified based on sectional division, which is based on the form of a sheet plate. In a plant, adult leaves are divided into equal leaves. There may be three or more. There are 35 species of syngonium in total. A complete listing is available at the Kew Royal Botanic Gardens database. Also there are names in Latin.

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Different varieties have plain and variegated leaves. They can be of different shades: pink, red, yellow, silver. Over time, the color of the leaves becomes dull, in young leaves the color is more saturated.

For your information! Species also vary in plate shape. In young plants, they are usually in the form of an arrow. Over the years, segments appear on the leaves. Some species have five, while others have seven.

On the basis of the syngonium of the auricular and peduncular syngonium, some varieties were bred. The most popular among them:

  • syngonium pixie. The species is small, refers to the dwarf type. The color of the leaves is saturated and bright. Dark colors are found. The leaves are small in size and heart-shaped;
  • Syngonium Pink Splash. The plant has green leaves. On them in a disordered form are cream-pink spots;
  • syngonium macrophillum. This plant is unique. It appeared in Ecuador and Mexico. Uniqueness lies in its appearance, which stands out from other varieties. The plant is large in size. The leaves are rounded to the apex pointed. Their color is dull green;
  • Syngonium Red Spot: leaves are dark green in color with pinkish spots that are arranged in a chaotic manner. Leaves grow up to 15 cm in length. Their shape can be very diverse: in the form of arrows, hearts or spears. The plant is small;
  • Tiffany syngonium is a type of pink syngonium. Unusual pink spots are located on green leaves;
  • Syngonium Neon Pink. The variety is distinguished by pink-colored leaf plates with a fringing of light green color. The leaves are heart shaped. In young species, they are bright. As time passes, the pink streaks become more pronounced;
  • syngonium christmas. The leaves are matte, which have different colors: from light green to pink. The variety is bushy and compact. The cut is shortened;
  • syngonium Butterfly (Butterfly) - one of the most common varieties. The leaves are large, resembling a spear. They have a web of streaks in bright colors. The variety is easy to care for. You can propagate at any time of the year. It is fast-growing and reaches 1.5 m in height;
  • Mingo syngonium is distinguished by a characteristic net on the leaves.

Legion-leaved Syngonium

Legion-leaved syngonium, or foot-legged, will fit into any interior and will grow to large sizes in a short period of time. Caring for him is easy.

Note! The name of this species is due to the fact that its leaves resemble a human foot in shape. In width they grow up to 10 cm and in length up to 30 cm.

For a year, a liana adds up to 60 cm in length, which means that it belongs to fast-growing plants. This makes it possible to hide possible defects in the apartment.

Young leaflets are much brighter than mature ones. The shape of the leaves is solid and in the form of an arrow. Over time, the sheet plate becomes dissected into several parts. The color of the leaves can be variegated, with strokes, plain or with stains. The trunk of the creeper is thin. The stems are flexible and long. They can grow up to 180 cm in length. When the liana blooms, small flowers of greenish color are formed, collected in cobs. A pale green veil covers them.

This species is the progenitor of many varieties of syngonium.

Legion-leaved Syngonium

Syngonium Imperial White

The most famous variety. Syngonium Imperial White is medium in size. It is also called variegate syngonium. Growing slowly. Leaf plates reach 20 cm in length. They are beautifully painted: large white spots are located on a green sheet. This color is achieved due to the concentration of nitrogen in the soil. The leaves are arrow shaped.

Important! In some species, the leaves are completely white. However, in this case, they quickly disappear. So that such leaves do not appear, it is worth paying attention to top dressing. You can not fertilize plants with preparations in which there is a high nitrogen content.

The species is unpretentious in care, however, there may be problems with its reproduction. Despite the simplicity of care, compliance with certain rules is required, due to which the plant will delight you with beautiful flowering. Liana is quite leafy, so it is worth regularly forming a crown.

Imperial White

Syngonium Neon

Syngonium Neon is very elegant: it has beautiful pink leaves. Rounded leaf plates. Only young leaves have a hue of bright pink. As the plant grows, the color of the green becomes burned out: the leaves become light green with pink veins. The back side is always green. The variety is very compact with short internodes.

Syngonium ear

Syngonium auricle, or Syngonium auricular, has shoots up to 1.8 m in length and 2-2.5 cm in thickness. The internodes are located close. Aerial roots and large petiolate leaves grow on them. The sheet plate is shiny. greens are attached to the petiole up to 40 cm long. At the base of each leaf grows a pair of processes. They resemble ears. Leaves reach a length of 6-20 cm. As they grow, the leaf plates change their shape. They become dissected three or five times. The surface of the leaves is smooth and green. Petiole has a length of 40 cm.

For your information! The inflorescence is a cob that is covered with a light green veil. Inside it is red.

Syngonium Wendland

Vendland's Syngonium is a climbing type of creeper that can grow to a height of 1.8 m. Costa Rica is considered its homeland. Leaves are divided into three parts. They have a dark green hue and a velvety surface. In the center is a silver streak. The cobs are covered with a fawn-green blanket, and inside they are red. The ear itself bends a little.

Leaf length up to 10 cm. They grow on petioles, the size of which is 20-30 cm.

Syngonium liana

Syngonium liana has a thin stalk. Arrow-shaped leaves. In older plants, leaf plates are dissected to the base. They grow on long stems. Over time, the color of the leaves changes from bright green to silver with dark veins. It is grown as a hanging plant from a hanging vase.

Syngonium Panda

Syngonium Panda is growing very fast. The variety is clotting. It has not yet gained much popularity. Its name is due to the fact that on the matte sheet plates there are spots of a yellowish tint.



Syngonium pink

Sinognium pink has leafy pale pink shades. They are shaded by a light green color. There are several varieties of pink syngonium: Tetra, Robusta, etc. The young plant has especially bright pink leaves. Over time, they become pale, and veins pink.

Syngonium Confetti

Syngonium Confetti has leaves with pink splashes. Leaf blades creamy green. The spots themselves are located very often and have different sizes. The spots look like confetti, from this comes its name.

Syngonium is a popular plant among flower growers. It has beautiful leaves of various colors. There are several types of vines, so each one will pick up a copy of his own.


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